
The story unfolds and the cycle of life and death unfolds

author:Nandu Weekly
The story unfolds and the cycle of life and death unfolds

Stills from Blood Lonely

His "justice" is pure sophistry, and his enthusiasm is replaced by wretchedness... Lack of love and loneliness made him a time bomb in the crowd.


If you feel more and more tired of mainstream comedies that flood the three vulgar sections of and, Blood Lonely Words will definitely give you a ding. Its appearance is like dropping a cannonball on the Hollywood comedy market, blowing up the increasingly dry laughs, and then raising a pink mushroom cloud. The coolness that keeps you cold and distant even if it amuses you is the unique evil glow of black humor.

The screenplay of the film has been on the "Hollywood blacklist" (although it has been selected by major companies after a big wave of sand, but due to various problems, it is not in the list of scripts made that year), it was taken by Iranian director Marga Shatabi at a glance, and the directing tube waved, which is simply the possession of the literary witch Angela Carter in the film industry, the bad witch wearing Disney's puffy skirt, pink and bloody blend, the story of the god unfolding and the dead cycle of life coexist, enough to make the audience play a series of comfortable cold gags.

The story itself is mediocre like a single episode of "Criminal Minds", the father is not in pain, the mother does not love, and the colleague secretly makes the bad psychological patient Jerry, in the case of abandoning treatment, kill three female colleagues in a row, kidnaps the psychologist, and goes to heaven with the relief of begging for death. It is strange to open the brain hole of the neurological patient in a gorgeous and beautiful way. Reality is cut into two perspectives, when there is no medicine, Jerry's cabin is a fairy tale country flowing with candy color, death is not death, it is a long-term companionship, there are proud cats, cute dogs, and heads in the refrigerator to communicate with him happily. The drug becomes an organ, once taken, the dream withers, the room is filled with dirt and putrefaction, his hands are stained with blood, his "justice" is pure sophistry, his enthusiasm is replaced by a mess... Lack of love and loneliness made him a time bomb in the crowd.

In the "He Abandoning Therapy" section, the director's characteristics as a novelist and illustrator are very obvious, the imagination is unique, and the picture is shot like overturning the palette. In addition to the color splashing ink, it also secretly ambushes personal bad tastes and strange tastes. For example, the smooth and exquisite head, the cat with the Scottish accent, the angel and the demon transform into cats and wangs, and the poisonous tongue in the protagonist's ear is pulled. Especially when the first killing was completed in the woods, the visual rape caused by the plasma footage did not lose any Cult films. All kinds of water and fire elements are in control, and the waves of impact, dense like cream, wrapped in hot throat spirits, will seduce the characters little by little to the abyss of more and more depravity and happiness.

Those classic fairy tales that we see from childhood, Cinderella's pumpkin carriage, and little girl's matches, basically this routine - fantasy, is just a blindfold we give to the tribulation. This film is not overwhelmed by its above-all sense of form, in the face of a life of many holes, not to mention fragile patients, even ordinary people with normal minds, I am afraid that they will drink and quench their thirst. The puppet life-style first-person perspective brings a deep sense of substitution, inspiring empathy and compassion beyond the simple and brutal judgment of sin.

The story unfolds and the cycle of life and death unfolds

The film does not develop into a chilling, pure, perverted evil like the Coen brothers, and the second half is dedicated to the whitewashing of Jerry, which inevitably traces the source to the shadow of childhood. For the first time, he shows his chances of killing and decisively executes a dying deer, out of good intentions, echoing his mother's begging him to end his suffering with a glass sheet before committing suicide. "Loneliness in this world is the root of all suffering" became the finishing line. Man is inherently lonely, and once beyond his control, loneliness becomes a breeding ground for sin and iniquity. Faced with the utter loneliness of "what can breathe, one cannot be placed next to you", the psychiatrist's clichéd enlightenment seems pale. Although your loneliness is defeated, it is chicken soup, and loneliness makes you live and die, which is the code of evil.

The diluent of hilarity and pink cannot dilute the world-weariness and sadness that this film exudes from its bones. The greatest sorrow of the sinful man is that he cannot realize his sin at all, because he is not in the same dimension as the normal world at all, and no one can understand the Dharma in his mental kingdom. The master key to solving problems, communication, is discarded here. The whole film is filled with negative energy, and there is no glimmer of redemptive light. The Bollywood-style imaginary paradise at the end, although in the eyes of many people pulls the film back to the level of spoofing (even playing the rotten tail), but on second thought, the little girl who sells matches, draws a match to burn a dream, and the reason why heaven comes is only that she froze to death in the ice and snow. Do you still think this is a healing film, don't be silly, it is a deep depression film.

The ultimate tragedy is expressed with absurd comedy, like a feather duster dipped in salt water to whip a wound, itchy and painful. "Blood Lonely Words" is not a huge production, and it is doomed to not enter the classic stream. It's just special. The cliché has changed an angle, presented a three-dimensional, leading the audience into a world where 360 ° is full of dead ends, not only hunting for curiosity and sightseeing, but also accompanying the ups and downs, accompanying despair, and at the end of the day, it is cool to say with a smile, you see, look at the comedy from a different perspective, it is a complete tragedy.

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