
This "internet celebrity" made her angry

author:Beiqing Net

Your impression of the food anchor

What does it look like?

It's a meal facing the whole table



Feast in front of the camera

The one I'm going to introduce below

Food anchor

But it brings different netizens

The "best taste" of the world

The one with 300,000 followers

The "net red" mother's name is Lu Aimei

Before becoming a streamer

Mother Lu left home with her two sons

Go to the big city to make a living

In the streets and alleys

They have sold rice wine and sung minor tunes


This "internet celebrity" made her angry

30 years ago

Mother Lu's two sons

One after another, he suffered from frostbite

Life cannot take care of itself

The tribulations of life did not crush this strong mother

She took her child around for medical treatment

There is no hope at all times


In 2017

Bad news once again befell this unfortunate family

The eldest son, Zhu Xiaoqiang, suddenly fell ill

Tracheostomy was performed

Since then, only ventilators have been able to maintain their lives

The condition of the second son, Zhu Xiaomeng, has also become more serious

Eating requires the mother to feed it bite by bite

This "internet celebrity" made her angry

"Hello children, everyone, I am Mother Lu..."

As the children's condition gradually deteriorated

Street singing is no longer possible

To earn living expenses

Lu Aimei, who is nearly sixty years old, was under the advice of her son

Started as a food anchor

This "internet celebrity" made her angry

If you can't do it once, shoot it twice, three times...

Mama Lu is a photographer and chef

The eldest son, Zhu Xiaoqiang, is the director

The second son, Zhu Xiaomeng, is an editor

All over the body

Only the index and middle fingers can move him

A video is cut out

The hands are always grinding and bleeding

Relying on the strength and hard work of the three people

Between the small pots and pans between the stoves

They propped up the whole home with short videos of food

This "internet celebrity" made her angry


Among the numerous videos they have posted

They were all filled with Mother Lu's hearty laughter of "hahaha"

Mother Lu made a variety of delicacies by herself

There are traditional delicacies such as fried sesame leaves and Henan braised noodles

There are also creative desserts frosted peanuts and watermelon cakes

This "internet celebrity" made her angry

Even for now

They still face many difficulties in shooting short videos

But they still want to take a good video

Actively work and live with your own hands

Face the camera

Mother Lu never complained

Nor does it show the plight of the family

Hearty laughter

Strong and optimistic attitude towards life

Touched countless netizens

This "internet celebrity" made her angry
This "internet celebrity" made her angry
This "internet celebrity" made her angry

In the face of praise from netizens

Mother Lu said

"I'm just an ordinary mother

The two sons could not move

But also be positive in the face of life

Thanks for this good times

I'll continue to make good videos

Pass on this optimism."

This "internet celebrity" made her angry

Although there is suffering in the world

To be a mother is to be strong

Turn around the street corner of suffering

Happiness will come unexpectedly

Best wishes to Mama Lu and her family

Every day from now on

All happy and happy!

Source: Xinhuanet Comprehensive Beijing Youth Daily, CCTV Network, People's Network, Netizen Messages, etc