
In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

author:Yu October

In 1996, 70-year-old Li Hanxiang found Liu Xiaoqing and asked Liu Xiaoqing for help, investing 12 million yuan to shoot "Burning Afang Palace". However, in the 40-episode TV series, Li Hanxiang only filmed 4 episodes before suddenly dying on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", and Liu Xiaoqing lost 7 million yuan.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

So, what is the cause of Li Hanxiang's sudden death? Behind Li Hanxiang's sudden death, what kind of unknown truth is there?

What did Li Hanxiang die for? Sudden death from heart disease. I think that for people with heart disease, many people should know that heart disease should not be angry, should not have excessive emotional fluctuations, as long as the mood is stable and the attention is good, under normal circumstances, there will be no sudden death. But what about Li Hanxiang? Obviously, he is already a 70-year-old man, and he is easy to explode without moving. For a person with heart disease, it is taboo to burst into anger at every turn.

According to Liu Xiaoqing's later autobiography "Life is not afraid to start again", Li Hanxiang was very grumpy, and it was common to "insult" the staff on the spot. His heart was bridged N times, and he had just completed a major surgery a few months before joining the crew.

And Liu Xiaoqing specifically mentioned a detail in his autobiography Zhonghai, when filming the two dramas "Fire" and "Plume", due to Li Hanxiang's harsh words, leaving no half a face, requiring eight changes a day, plus the shooting of the Qing Palace drama was particularly complicated, the whole group of mainland creators (including Liu Xiaoqing) once collectively locked in the hotel room and cried loudly, for more than 20 minutes.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

I wondered, how much of a scolding could make the whole crew hide in the room and cry? This picture is unimaginable anyway. However, this also reflects from the side that Li Hanxiang is too easy to get angry, and once he is angry, it is easy to overreact his emotions and lead to heart attack.

Therefore, this also gives us a wake-up call, we usually no matter what happens, we must try to maintain emotional stability, do not be overjoyed and sad, and do not move to get angry and angry. Sometimes, anger and anger can become invisible weapons of murder.

At the time of filming "Burning Afang Palace", Li Hanxiang was already 70 years old. For people of the age of 70, it is equivalent to having stepped into the coffin on half a leg, this age is already weak and sickly, and life expectancy is approaching, and no one knows on what day death will suddenly come.

In addition, Li Hanxiang had huge financial pressure when filming "Burning Afang Palace". As a famous director in Hong Kong, Li Hanxiang is famous in the circle for spending money when filming. For example, When Li Hanxiang once filmed "Burning the Yuanmingyuan", in order to restore the historical truth as much as possible, he actually built a part of the Yuanmingyuan that was burned out by the British and French coalition forces, the proportion of the construction was almost equal to the real scene, and when filming the scene of "Burning the Yuanmingyuan", he really burned it and recorded the whole process.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

Li Hanxiang's big hand in filming, I don't know if there is no ancient person before, and there is no one after him. When filming "Volcano Afang Palace", there was only a budget of 12 million, originally 40 episodes, and the result was only 4 episodes, which cost 7 million, which was a huge amount of money.

At this rate of spending money, there are still so many episodes left, and the money is definitely far from enough. So how to solve the remaining script money gap? This became a big mountain in the heart of director Li Hanxiang, and he was breathless.

In addition, he has been making movies before, "Burning Afang Palace" is his first time to shoot a TV series, I don't know whether it is because he has no experience in making TV series, or because he is too strict with art, too much pursuit of perfection, he uses the method of filmmaking TV series, working very long hours a day, which also leads to his overwork.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

For a person who is already old and has not long been operating, he needs to recuperate, but Li Hanxiang works late every day in order to shoot a scene, which is simply desperate, and he is filming with his own life. Therefore, in the end, Li Hanxiang also dedicated his life to art.

Li Hanxiang, 70 years old, should have been the age of the elderly, but he continued to shoot drama not long after he had just undergone surgery. When filming "Burning Afang Palace", Li Hanxiang used the method of filming to shoot TV series, and worked for a long time every day. This was a serious overload for his physical state at the time.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

In the end, Li Hanxiang finally left, suddenly died on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", and he used his life to compose what is called art. As an old artist, Li Hanxiang has a love for art in his heart, and soon after the operation, he continued to shoot the scene and dedicated his life to art. His dedication and dedication to art is worthy of our admiration, and it is more worthy of learning from many of today's traffic stars or directors.

After Li Hanxiang's sudden death, Liu Xiaoqing took the initiative to stand up and pick up the girder and clean up the mess. However, at this time, several women who claimed to be Li Hanxiang's "girlfriend" suddenly appeared, holding Li Hanxiang's handwritten IOUs, and ran to Liu Xiaoqing for money. Li Hanxiang's death, only 4 episodes were filmed to spend 7 million, 12 million budget is very difficult, after all, there are still 36 episodes left to shoot, at this time everyone sees Li Hanxiang dead, someone came out to clean up the aftermath, they stood up to ask for money with all kinds of blatant eyes.

Seeing that Li Hanxiang was dead, Liu Xiaoqing came to clean up the aftermath, and the actors also came to find stubble, disgusted that the remuneration given by Li Hanxiang before was too low, and asked Liu Xiaoqing to increase their film remuneration, otherwise they would pick a pick and choose. In addition, Liu Xiaoqing still has to face the protagonist's constant difficulties like a great uncle.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

The ugliness that these people showed after Li Hanxiang's death is really shameful, is this not the wall falling down and everyone pushing it? It's all about bullying hard to see who is good at bullying.

From the faces of these people after Li Hanxiang's death, we see the evil of human nature. After the death of the director, the crew members not only did not work together, but also made it difficult for Liu Xiaoqing everywhere, which made people chill.

When director Li Hanxiang died suddenly, only 4 episodes of the 440-episode TV series were filmed, and liu Xiaoqing's investment of 12 million yuan was only 5 million. And the script was also brought to the ground by director Li Hanxiang forever. But at that time, it had already signed a TV series release time with a number of TV stations, and the arrow was on the string, and it had to be sent, and Liu Xiaoqing had to take over the disc to continue shooting.

But what if you continue shooting without a script? There is no script, just Liu Xiaoqing wrote it himself! But with little money left, what to do?

In the face of the debt collection storm that has emerged from various places from women who claim to be Li Hanxiang's girlfriend, what should Liu Xiaoqing do?

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

In the face of the threat that the crew members will take advantage of the fire and robbery, do not give the film remuneration, and pick the pick and choose, what should Liu Xiaoqing do? In the face of the difficulties of actors and even starring actors, what should Liu Xiaoqing do?

In the face of Li Hanxiang's wife and daughter being lonely and lonely, and the miserable situation of not having a penny, he came to Liu Xiaoqing to ask for money, what should Liu Xiaoqing do? At this point, Liu Xiaoqing did a very generous job, funding Li Hanxiang's wife until her death.

From Li Hanxiang's death, when Liu Xiaoqing faced the difficult situation, the amazing ability to deal with the overall situation, as well as this responsibility and responsibility, made us deeply admire.

In 1996, Li Hanxiang died suddenly on the set of "Burning Afang Palace", what is the truth behind it?

In the end, after the broadcast of "Burning Afang Palace", it was very successful. This is enough to show that Liu Xiaoqing's is not simple, and it is no wonder that Liu Xiaoqing was able to make a comeback after he was released from prison.

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