
Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

author:It's a whimsical rabbit

Huang Xiaoming recently because of the amazing performance in the Chinese restaurant, let many netizens complain, calling him a domineering president, middle-aged prince disease, but also derived the language of ming yan ming, netizens are in Weibo on the "ming yan" voted, elected the hottest sentence, let's see how much we know about it.

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek
Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

I believe that everyone can at least say one or two of them. As the heat grew higher and higher, Huang Xiaoming's previous black material was also dug out.

The cause is a video of Huang Xiaoming singing, in which the host Li Xiang forgets to turn off the microphone, resulting in the words being heard.

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

Although it is not too clear to hear, but you can still hear a sentence from Li Xiang: "The current male artist is really angry..." Li Xiang said this, it is estimated that everyone can understand that this is mocking Huang Xiaoming for singing ugly, haha, but Xiaobian listened to it, it is really difficult to sing a word! I also admired Huang Xiaoming's self-confidence.

Then, the video of Huang Xiaoming's previous crowd was dug up again, Huang Xiaoming knew that he was going to cry, and it was not easy for this "too much trouble" incident to be forgotten by everyone, and the result was turned over again.

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

Among them, not at all because of Huang Xiaoming's non-standard accent, it sounds very much like "making trouble with him", and Huang Xiaoming's expression coupled with the sharp and brainwashed "noisy too set" is really funny.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaoming's participation in Xiao S's "Kangxi Lai" was also taken out, and Huang Xiaoming even blew himself up like a foreigner when he was a child, especially like Harry Potter.

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

But was spat at by Little S: "Harry Potter is not handsome." Huang Xiaoming was suddenly speechless.

Later, he said that when he was young, he was pulled by his second aunt to see the director, because he was shy and covered his face the whole time, and the director praised him: "This child is really beautiful"! Clever Little S immediately heard the question in his words and said, "You cover your face, how can the director see you?"

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

In addition to inexplicable self-confidence and the unexpected appearance of blowing his own face, Huang Xiaoming also needs to be considered in language. Xiaobian has seen one of his talent shows before, Oriental Satellite TV's "Voice of Chinese Dreams", I don't know if you have seen it? Huang Xiaoming's shape in it is also very hot eyes and greasy.

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek
Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

One of the contestants, called Leng Bowl, sang a song of his own original song "Youth", Coco and Han Hong both praised her for singing well, and Huang Xiaoming also gave affirmation, but he commented:

Huang Xiaoming's "black history", let's take a peek

Isn't it a bit... At that time, the player was also embarrassed to laugh. What does my appearance have to do with my singing skills, it's really funny, you yourself look not small and fresh!

Finally, I would like to say that there is a reason why Huang Xiaoming has been ridiculed by the group on Weibo. Seeing his previous "black history", do you think that he has always been like this, but just has one more opportunity for everyone to see?

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