
Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

author:Hot games

The first season of the 2021 QQ Celebrity Game all-star ace game has repeatedly staged wonderful duels since its inception, which has made the audience in the live broadcast room directly addicted. The live broadcast of the sixth issue of this week welcomed two idol star guests, they are Guan Que in the Red Fang camp and Han Peiquan in the Blue Fang camp. After graduating from college, Guan Que who entered the pit of the glory of the king vs junior high school entered the pit, and now Han Peiquan, who has two king accounts, who can laugh to the end!

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

Presumably, the show fans must be familiar with these two star guests ~ what they did not expect was that with an angel smile, the pipe oak who faced everything with a smile was different from birth, and the confident and optimistic treasure boy Han Peiquan was very excited from the beginning of his debut. As soon as it comes to QQ, the Chinese little chef God Guan Que has recently entered the crew and opened the first play in his life. And Han Peiquan revealed his QQ name: Little Man after 00 and claimed to have never been afraid of anyone in the game! Worthy of being the king of the mouth strong - Niu Cobalt Lu Juan!

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

In addition to the star guests, Huya Live also specially invited two well-known anchors to the scene. The red side invincible Yao Qingqing is unusually very introverted today, and the first person demeanor of the blue side tiger tooth Li Bai also beats modesty on the public screen. Seeing two professional players who are so stable and reliable, the two star guests have said: they have been lying down.

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

There are currently only 4 players in the 5v5 camp match, followed by the blind selection of teammates by both camps. 6 professional anchors joined the red and blue lineups to fight for their respective glories. The Qing Qing of the first camp match can be said to be quite outstanding, one person playing five opponents, worthy of the invincible Yao who is the ninth place in the newly promoted peak competition! Alone and deep into the enemy area: "You are surrounded by me", after the rhythm of the beginning, it swept through the wild area wantonly, people blocked killing, Buddha blocked killing Buddha, and controlled the whole field all the way.

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

Qingqing's crushing continued from the beginning to the middle and late stages, and even under the opposing tower, there was no fear at all, crazy output. Sitting on the side of the pipe oak id gazed: look at your carry. The taste of being carried away by the great god is so beautiful. Mei Juan on the other side was not so lucky, and was madly targeted by the other party's Zhang Fei the whole time, and at one point she was so angry that she shouted: "It's you again!" Zhang Fei. Don't chase me! It seems that Zhang Fei has been played with psychological shadows.

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

It was difficult to catch the enemy player who had fallen alone, and was besieged by reinforcements from the other side. Mei Juan's heart is bitter, Mei Juan does not go out, Mei Juan only wants to guard the family: grievances .jpg. The effect of the program was instantly full, this game can be imagined to end with the red camp winning, although the first round of the blue camp defeated miserably, but in the next two games, the blue camp flipped all the way, chasing and hitting the last two rounds of Victory.

Guan Que and Han Peiquan made guest appearances in the 2021 QQ Celebrity Competition, and the program effect was once full

Three 5V5 camp matches, warm-up matches and the help of flowers from online fans and friends, the two sides finally drew and each got a "QQ Ace Star"! Winning or losing is not the key, the reversals during the game and the interaction between teammates and opponents are the fun! Did the audience feel the charm of the glory of the king? Remember to double-click Mo Mo Da!

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