
The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

author:Shallots taste
The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

China's 5,000-year-old civilization has a long history, and the same is true of its food culture. Behind each delicacy, there must be a story of the popular population, or there are nostalgic remembrance, in order to commemorate Qu Yuan's creation of rice dumplings; or organic coincidence, Zhu Yuanzhang's creation of stinky tofu; or the treatment of diseases to save people, Zhang Zhongjing's creation of dumplings, etc., too on.

Tofu is a very common ingredient in people's daily diet, and its taste is needless to say. Now our story will start with tofu, which is a home-cooked dish in Guizhou Province, "Golden Hook Hanging Jade Brand". At first hearing the name, it feels fascinating, but it is not the case.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

More than three hundred years ago, when Guizhou Caizi Pan Fuge Provincial Examination High School, the chief examiner had to inquire about his family situation as usual when he received him. With a quick mind, he exited into a chapter and immediately replied: "Father, shoulder the golden hook and jade plate along the street; mother, at home, the sleeves of the breeze, turn qiankun to offer Qiong Pulp." Since then, people have called this city snack "golden hook hanging jade card".

The golden hook in the story refers to the soybean sprouts, and as for the so-called jade card, it is naturally sliced tender tofu. Yes, this "golden hook hanging jade card" is actually boiled soybean sprouts with sliced white tofu. This dish is extremely simple to make, first put the bean sprouts and then put the tofu, boiled in pure water, except for using some salt to keep the tofu tender, no more ingredients. When eaten in the hot summer, it shows its fresh and fragrant flavor. Let's talk about its specific approach!

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

【Preparation method】

【Preparation materials】

1 handful of bean sprouts, 1 piece of tofu, 1 chives, 1 spoonful of paprika, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, white pepper, salt to taste.

In the first step, the tofu is cut into large, thin and even slices; the bean sprouts are washed; and the chives are cut into green onions. If the tofu is afraid of being fragile, it can be slightly soaked in light salt water.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

In the second step, put the paprika into a bowl, then burn the appropriate amount of oil, the oil temperature is about 60% hot, pour directly on the paprika, then add salt, soy sauce and white pepper, and stir well with chopsticks. The seasonings here can be added or subtracted according to personal taste.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

In the third step, boil water in a pot, boil the water and add bean sprouts to cook for about 3 minutes.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

In the fourth step, after the bean sprouts are about to cook, add the tofu and cook for another 2 minutes.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

In the fifth step, after cooking, bring the soup and serve it together, then add the prepared sauce and sprinkle with chives to eat. If you want the original flavor of the soup, you can eat it directly without pouring in the sauce, and the taste is also good.

The name of the dish seems to be elegant: "golden hook hanging jade card", but in fact it is very common, and it is evocative to eat

The name of "golden hook hanging jade card" is dignified, not only the end of the cold qi, but also the rich want to reveal, only "light sweep moth eyebrow super supreme", is enough to match it, and then show the Chinese side of the art of life.

What other dishes do you know that are elegant in name but surprising in practice? Let's share it with everyone!

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