
Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

author:Post-wave science popularization
The cost of creating rumors is low and spreads quickly, while the rebuttal is the opposite – I said

Today we talk about a well-known rumor, I don't know if this matter is once an unsolved mystery, but I vaguely remember seeing this incident in the book of unsolved mysteries when I was a child, although I never believed in this matter, I also believe that most people do not believe it, but as an ordinary melon eater, it is actually difficult to figure out this matter.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

I first help you to cover the origin of the loch Ness monster legend, first of all, let's understand where the location of this lake is, it is in the Scottish Highlands in the United Kingdom, the northernmost part of the British Isles, is the second largest lake in the United Kingdom, the water depth is said to be 270 meters, the visibility is very low, the water temperature is also very low, the place underwater is basically only 5 ° C, the water monster of Loch Ness, the photo we have seen is generally taken in 1934, very classic, very similar to the plesiosaur so a photo, But in fact, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster has actually existed since ancient times, but that photo is a tipping point, which has suddenly spread all over the world, so what happened at that time?

In 1933, a naval lieutenant named Gould had nothing to do, so he compiled a total of 42 oral records of the Loch Ness Monster from 1923 to 1933 about the eyewitnesses of the Loch Ness Monster in the decade from 1923 to 1933 and published it.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

Then among these people there is a circus owner called Burent Mills, this person is very smart, it takes the circus to the Loch Ness performance, and the reward of 20,000 pounds to catch this Loch Ness monster, so this matter was quarreled, many people went to Loch Ness, there are in order to join in the fun, there are in order to earn bounty, this circus owner is not stupid, it is performing every day in this Loch Ness, after all, it is not easy to come to the lake, when the monster is tired, do you have to have a place to rest, by the way to see the circus? Do you still have to order snacks and drinks when you rest? So this Mills it made a lot of money, originally the circus was going to tour the country to make money, so everyone came to visit, you can make money in situ, you see how much effort you save? And don't say that you can't catch the monster, it is really caught, and twenty thousand pounds is also earned, and then it can take the monster to the national tour, how much does it have to make? So this circus owner is very good, how this thing is earned.

And things developed to this point, in fact, it was only a small fire in the United Kingdom, and the next year, that is, 1934, finally talked about our very classic photo, about April, a local surgeon named Robert Wilson suddenly published this world-famous picture of the Loch Ness Monster, and then the Daily Mail even sent a reporter from London to interview the doctor, and the Loch Ness Monster instantly detonated the world through this photo, that is, from this moment on Since then, there have been a large influx of tourists every year, and everyone hopes to be the lucky one who has the privilege of seeing the Loch Ness Monster with their own eyes.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

It was not until March 14, 1994, that the first wave of reversals was ushered in, and the dying confession of a 90-year-old man once again pushed the matter of the Loch Ness Monster to the cusp of the storm, this person was called Christian Spring, it told the truth of the year, so who was this old man? How can it suddenly pop up to say what the truth is?

The old man's stepfather is called Maduk Vescelell, is a very famous hunter, is the surgeon who published the photo that year Robert Wilson's friend, in fact, as early as 1933, Maduk has gone to Loch Ness to find the monster, it is a very professional hunter, soon it found the footprints of the giant beast on the shores of Lake Ness, and took a photo, claiming that he found evidence of the Loch Ness Monster, but unfortunately, this is also a oolong incident, its footprints were analyzed by the people of the British Museum and found to be fake The footprint was actually printed with a special fixed umbrella base, and the people of the British Museum even found a shop that sold the base, and this oolong incident was also poked out by the Daily Mail, which made Maduk very faceless, and I don't know if he was played, or whether the footprint itself was a fake itself, anyway, this thing is very humiliating.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

Maduk had a grudge against this and wanted to get revenge on the Daily Mail, so he and his son also found a few children to modify a small model of a submarine, and used this model to take this famous photo, this Maduk is not stupid, in order to hide his eyes, he asked his good friend Wilson to publish this photo, but then all of them did not think that this matter actually caused such a big sensation. And these two people, one is a famous hunter and the other is a famous doctor, for their own honor, they swore to take this matter all the way to the grave, of course, they did it in the end, they have always brought this secret to the grave, and have never announced the truth of this matter, but the little friend who helped Maduk to model together, that is, Maduk's stepson, finally could not bear the condemnation of conscience a few months before his death, and he published this truth, but until this time the truth came out?

In 1995, a magazine called Destiny published a report questioning what the old man said, and pointed out that the actual length of the neck of the water monster in the photo was obviously more than the size described by the old man in the photo, and the model of that year had long been found, and there was no evidence to prove what the old man Spring said (this "Fate" was a magazine that specialized in advocating supernatural phenomena at that time).

In the face of the magazine's questioning, Dr. Nichol, a senior researcher at "Atheist", posted a rebuttal that the old man of Spring recalled the events of eighty years ago, and anyone recalling the events of eighty years ago, there will be many details of the error is normal, so for the size of this kind of thing, the old man must not be accurate, and the model is likely to have accidentally sunk to the bottom after the shooting, all of which cannot confirm why an old man who died a few months later should make up such a lie before dying. Of course, whether this photo is true or not, in fact, it is impossible to deny a legend of the Loch Ness Monster, because after all, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster has existed for a long time, so over the years, has there been a professional scientific team to go to Loch Ness to look for evidence of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster?

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

Yes, and many, in 1962, the British officially established the Loch Ness Phenomenon Investigation Bureau, they went to Loch Ness for six years, without any results; a few years later, a small team organized by the University of Birmingham did sonar research on Loch Ness, this survey lasted for two weeks, found nothing, they only found a lot of fish; in 1987, a private scientific research group took 24 ships equipped with the most advanced sonar detectors at that time to conduct a comprehensive search of Loch Ness, and finally found a larger animal. After confirmation, it was found to be a seal swimming from the mouth of the sea; in July 2003, the BBC organized the largest investigation team, they used six hundred sonar waves, basically covering the entire lake, which was also the most thorough search, unfortunately, this time there was not even a seal; the last professional investigation was in 2008, it was a joint study between the American Institute of Applied Union and Mit, the American organization has organized search teams many times since the 1970s. This was the last time in 2008, and they concluded that loch Ness, even if it did exist, is now extinct.

After all, a total of more than two hundred meters deep such a lake, has long been turned upside down, indeed no, people use words very rigorously, after all, is a serious researcher, but even so, there will still be a lot of eyewitness reports, in 2012, there was a photo stirred up the waves, is a person named George Edwards released a photo of the Loch Ness Monster, it is a crazy Loch Ness Monster obsessive, he insisted that he saw the monster, who is he? What does he do?

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

He is actually a yacht business on the shores of Lake Ness for 26 years, it will also take tourists to its boat from time to time to carry out a trip to explore the Loch Ness monster, its photos have attracted attention, under the media's bottom of the question, it finally had to confess, admitting that this photo is actually a specially made fiberglass model, and it does not feel that there is anything wrong with this, claiming that in the past 80 years such things have happened every day, Loch Ness because of the legend of the water monster, How many businesses create so many profits each year, how many people are fed, and it even thinks itself is someone who has made a huge contribution to local tourism.

BBC's team once did an experiment in Loch Ness, they put the fence under the lake in the distance, let the fence rise slowly from the bottom of the water, the guests on the shore after someone saw it, said that they claimed to see something square slowly rising from the bottom of the lake, and some people saw this square thing, it said that they saw the monster, you see how rich our human imagination is, so sometimes what we see does not depend on the facts, but on what we want to see. Coincidentally, people who think that they have not seen the water monster will not go around, and those who insist that they have seen the water monster tend to go around publicizing that they have seen the water monster, so the eyewitness reports of the water monster are often endless, and the book "A Brief History of Mankind" expounds a point of view that "imagination is one of the most significant features of human beings from other animals, and it is also a basis for human beings to have this glorious civilization today." "Sometimes, however, the honey of the other side becomes the arsenic of the moment, and people with high imaginations sometimes miss the opportunity to know the facts."

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

First of all, a giant beast that has been haunting a small lake for more than a hundred years, in order to maintain the continuation of its race, it must have a foundation of more than a hundred heads, and any species below this base will inevitably go extinct, and more than a hundred giant beasts are crowded in such a small lake, even if they eat everything in this lake, it is not enough to feed such a large family, and the more than a hundred giant beasts in their size are actually only maintaining a very fragile ecological balance In the unlikely event that a few of them have a minor illness or something, they may become extinct at any time.

In addition, such a large number of giant beasts, even if no one has ever seen their true appearance for so many years, but we have never even seen their bones, so far more than a hundred years have passed, you say that not a single corpse bone has been seen, is this a little too mysterious? It's as if someone has dealt with it in secret, but to take a step back, there really is someone who deals with this matter in secret, and this profession must also be passed down from generation to generation, right? They can actually ensure that the bones of a beast have not been found for more than a hundred years, and all these complex operations are all handled in secret.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

I personally think that this matter would be more reasonable if it did not exist, because if you want to rationalize it, in fact, a lot of loopholes need to be filled, in order to round this lie to a lot of lies to round it back, or what is the more rigorous statement? Maybe this beast may have existed more than a hundred years ago, but now it's extinct, and the one we witnessed more than a hundred years ago may have been the last, and the photos and eyewitness testimonies over the years were either deliberately falsified or the witnesses had an illusion, and most of the people who maintained the lie had to do with the benefits of the lie, such as destiny magazine that specialized in exploring the supernatural and George, who ran a yacht business.

It is undeniable that the Loch Ness Monster has become a local symbol, feeding a large number of tourism, catering industry employment personnel, and many people go there is not to search for the truth of the monster, mainly to play, listen to the magical monster story, to the scenic spot to visit a commemorative photo of the circle of friends, for most people, the truth is not important, but for local practitioners, the loch Ness monster principle must exist, and for scientific researchers, Spending too much money to prove that loch Ness does not exist without monsters does not bring much benefit, and the stories that prove that it does not exist are boring, the wording is too professional, people do not like to hear these, and the stories that prove its existence are very curious and vivid.

Why doesn't science go out and spread rumors? Take stock of the ins and outs of the Loch Ness Monster incident

Like to listen to stories are written in people's genes, some people obviously use this to do a lot of things you like to see, the authenticity of these things I think most people know in their hearts, but there is no evidence to deny it, understanding this information may not be a loss, but I think it is not helpful, right?

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