
Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

author:Small Tower Entertainment
Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

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The takeaways were delivered to the door, but the customer canceled the order and was very aggrieved by the rider's kick

Recently, a takeaway delivery dispute has attracted widespread attention on social media.

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According to reports, a delivery boy was asked to cancel the order and an argument broke out when the delivery was delivered to the customer's doorstep, and then the delivery boy kicked the customer away. This incident is not only shocking, but also triggers a deep reflection on the food delivery industry, customer rights and professional ethics.

Cause of the incident

It is understood that on the afternoon of the incident, the takeaway brother Xiao Li (pseudonym) received a takeaway order from a certain community.

He quickly went to the merchant to pick up the food and delivered the takeaway to the customer, Ms. Wang (pseudonym), on time.

Just as Xiao Li was about to complete the delivery task, Ms. Wang suddenly canceled the order and said that she no longer needed this takeaway.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

Xiao Li felt very aggrieved and puzzled because he had delivered the takeaway on time and had not violated any regulations.

He tried to explain to Ms. Wang, but Ms. Wang resolutely said that she would cancel the order.

During the course of the dispute, the two parties gradually became emotional, which eventually led to a physical altercation.

Scene conflict

Witnesses said that Xiao Li and Ms. Wang had a heated argument at the door.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

Suddenly, Xiao Li lost his mind, raised his foot and kicked Ms. Wang to the ground.

Ms. Wang lay on the ground in pain, unable to get up.

Subsequently, residents of the community gathered onlookers, and someone called the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and took both parties to the police station for investigation.

After a preliminary understanding, the police believe that this is a case of physical altercation caused by a dispute over takeaway delivery.

Subsequently, the police mediated the two parties and asked both parties to provide relevant evidence and testimony at the time of the incident.

Statements of the parties

In an interview with the media, Xiao Li said that he was very aggrieved and helpless.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

He said that he had delivered the takeaway on time that day, but Ms. Wang canceled the order without reason.

In the course of the dispute, Ms. Wang also provoked him, causing him to lose control of his emotions and act aggressively.

Xiao Li expressed regret for his actions and was willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

Ms. Wang, on the other hand, insisted that she was justified in canceling the order.

She said she waited too long to order food.

When she found out that the takeaway had been delivered, she immediately canceled the order.

She thought that Xiao Li had a bad attitude during the delivery process, and even threatened and intimidated her.

During the altercation, she felt scared and tried to flee the scene, but unfortunately was kicked to the ground by Xiao Li.

Social repercussions

The takeaway delivery dispute went viral on social media, sparking widespread attention and discussion.

Many netizens have expressed their condemnation of the violence of the takeaway brother, believing that he should be severely punished by the law.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

At the same time, some netizens believe that customers should be more cautious and respect the fruits of others' labor when canceling orders, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts.

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

In addition, this incident has also triggered a deep reflection on the food delivery industry, customer rights and professional ethics.

As one of the emerging industries that has developed rapidly in recent years, the food delivery industry has some problems and challenges while bringing convenience to people.

How to protect the rights and interests of customers and improve the professionalism and service quality of takeaway brothers has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Follow-up development

At present, the police have conducted an in-depth investigation into the incident, and will deal with the relevant responsible persons in accordance with the law according to the results of the investigation.

The takeaway platform has also strengthened the management and training of takeaway boys to improve service quality and protect the rights and interests of customers.

Although this takeaway delivery dispute is only a single case, it has triggered us to think deeply about the takeaway industry, customer rights and professional ethics.

In the future development, we should pay more attention to protecting the rights and interests of customers and improving the professionalism of the takeaway brothers, and the service quality will make the takeaway industry more healthy and orderly development. #头条创作挑战赛#

Very aggrieved? The takeaway was delivered to the door, but the woman canceled the order and was kicked away by the takeaway brother

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