
【Story in the village】Huang Xin, the "first secretary" of Hawei Village in Shiqu County: The poverty alleviation of the "life forbidden area" is adhered to

author:Sichuan News Network

【Village Story】

Huang Xin, "First Secretary" of Hawei Village, Shiqu County: "Life Forbidden Zone" adheres to poverty alleviation

Chengdu, Sichuan News Network, October 20 (Reporter Li Dan) Here, the average annual temperature is minus 2 degrees, and the oxygen content of the air is only 46% of the Chengdu Plain, which is called the "forbidden area of life".

After he came, he built the first toilet and the first garbage pond in the village, revised the village rules and regulations, broke through the resistance of customs, and initially formed a pattern of "prominent main business and multi-industry support" to lead the villagers out of poverty.

On September 6, 2016, Huang Xin took 12 patients with cleft lip and palate from Xugongma Township and Derongma Township of Shiqu County to Ganzi Prefecture People's Hospital for free treatment by experts. The operation was a complete success, and the "stone" that had been pressing on Huang Xin's heart for several months finally landed.

【Story in the village】Huang Xin, the "first secretary" of Hawei Village in Shiqu County: The poverty alleviation of the "life forbidden area" is adhered to

Organizing villagers to exterminate rats (Photo provided by the Working Committee of provincial government departments)

Walk into the "forbidden area of life" and go door to door to understand the people's feelings

According to the organizational arrangement, in December 2015, Huang Xin was appointed as the "First Secretary" from Sichuan Cable Radio and Television Network Co., Ltd. to Hawei Village, Xugongma Township, Shiqu County.

Shiqu County is located at the junction of Sichuan, Qingdao and Tibet provinces and regions, with an average altitude of 4526 meters, nearly 1200 kilometers away from Chengdu, with an average annual temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius and an air oxygen content of only 46% of the Chengdu Plain, which is called "life forbidden area". Hawei Village is only one river away from Guoluo Prefecture in Qinghai Province, and is a remote poor village in Shiqu County and one of the areas with a high incidence of echinococcosis. There are 159 households and 692 people in the village, of which 49 households and 196 people are poor households, and the incidence of echinococcosis is 13.5%.

The first thing Huang Xin did after arriving in the village was to go door to door to understand the situation. When he saw more than 20 degrees below zero, the children sitting in the classroom with their noses frozen on their faces, and the villagers still living in alpine tents; When the girl with echinococcosis lay on the ground, so weak that she could not catch the candy he handed him; Children with cleft lip and palate are particularly uncomfortable when they see strangers rushing to cover their mouths and dodge helpless eyes.

"Ensuring the safety of the masses overwintering is the first priority at present", Huang Xin reported to the company and put forward suggestions for help. At the same time, a safe wintering work meeting was held in the village, and the herdsmen were contacted everywhere to distribute livestock and grass storage, and the Spring Festival help and condolence activities were organized.

From January 18 to 26, with the assistance of township and village cadres, Huang Xin and Luo Jianqiang, the "first secretary" of Adu Village in Shiqu County, The Governor of Chengdu County, Shiqu County, and Luo Jianqiang, overcame many difficulties such as high cold and lack of oxygen, heavy snow to seal the mountains, and communication interruptions, crossed the vast uninhabited area, and delivered 57,000 yuan worth of rice, noodles, oil and other daily necessities donated by the Provincial Radio and Television Network Company to more than 120 households in the two villages.

【Story in the village】Huang Xin, the "first secretary" of Hawei Village in Shiqu County: The poverty alleviation of the "life forbidden area" is adhered to

Organize spring rat extermination and wear masks for villagers (Photo provided by the Working Committee of provincial government departments)

Build the first toilet in the village Invest 4 million to build a warm house for herders

Huang Xin took advantage of the local winter vacation and the Spring Festival holiday to understand the customs of Tibetan areas, studied documents and policies, repeatedly sorted out ideas, drew up plans for stationing villages, and gradually unfolded a set of "combined fists" that not only grasped "hardware" such as infrastructure, but also "software" such as ideological and cultural poverty alleviation.

Since March, Huang Xin has repeatedly reported to the county party committee, the county government and relevant departments, won project funds, built 4 anti-echinococcosis drinking wells, 65 kilometers of village roads, 8 sets of livestock warming sheds for Hawei Village and Adu Village, upgraded and renovated the communication base station, built the first toilet and the first garbage pond in the history of Hawei Village, and also revised the village rules and regulations, broke through the resistance of customs, mobilized and organized 8 Tibetan women of childbearing age to take birth control measures, and persuaded minors and school-age children who returned to the temple to enroll in school for 14 people.

In order to develop the collective economy, the bachelor of Chinese language and literature at that time began to immerse himself in the study of geography and economy, whether the alpine land could develop greenhouse vegetables, whether it could grow Chinese medicine villages, how to prevent rampant rat infestation after planting, and other effective paths that were in line with the village conditions and increased income and enriched the people.

In order to guide the masses, he organized village cadres and herdsmen to visit 3 townships and towns to learn from the scriptures, and built an "experimental field" for the planting of ferns and vegetables in the village, and personally cultivated and managed them; It also coordinated and organized the township government to use the township screening room to open the "Changshu Gongma Herdsmen Night School" to carry out policy study, practical technical training and publicity of knowledge such as science popularization and health.

At present, the first collective economic project in Hawei Village, yak breeding and milk product processing with an investment of more than 1.2 million yuan, plans to invest 4 million yuan in 40 sets of herders' sunshine greenhouses to enter the site design, and also set up a synchronous development of Chinese medicinal materials, Tibetan cold sheep, vegetables and ginseng fruit planting projects of agricultural and animal husbandry professional cooperatives, initially forming a "prominent main business, multi-industry support" pattern.

【Story in the village】Huang Xin, the "first secretary" of Hawei Village in Shiqu County: The poverty alleviation of the "life forbidden area" is adhered to

Discussion on the establishment of cooperatives (Photo provided by the Working Committee of provincial government departments)

Nearly 300 days and nights in the village Now villagers everywhere they go to thank you

Due to the long-term lack of oxygen and insomnia from the plain to the plateau, it is difficult to sleep well, resulting in some loss of memory, but as long as it is a matter for the masses, Huang Xin always keeps it firmly in mind. As he wrote in a situation report: "Worry about what you are worried about, anxious about what you are anxious, accumulate small things into big, and live up to the expectations of the villagers." ”

In these days in the village, the poor household Ni Lantern old man broke the reading glasses for many years, and his idea was repaired; Sangi Dorji's family broke the cooking, he sent grain at the first time, and when he learned that the children had not eaten meat for a long time, he did not hesitate to send all the bacon that the family had brought to him; Mobilized relatives and friends to donate clothes and school supplies to 11 ragged children of the Tuoba family; After the fire in The Niya family lost his son, he organized the rural cadres and masses to take the lead in donating money and materials; The old couple was sick and he hurriedly contacted the vehicle overnight to organize a trip to the hospital.

【Story in the village】Huang Xin, the "first secretary" of Hawei Village in Shiqu County: The poverty alleviation of the "life forbidden area" is adhered to

Transporting livestock forwintering forage (Photo courtesy of the Working Committee of the Provincial Government)

What bothered Huang Xin the most was the group of cleft lip and palate patients in the village, which made more than a dozen families unable to lift their heads. For example, Carlo, the adopted daughter of the Wubao family and the Four Virtues family, was originally an orphan, coupled with a severe cleft lip and palate, and she has not yet gone to school at the age of 11 this year. After Huang Xin repeatedly went to the Provincial Charity Federation, the State and County Red Cross Society, medical institutions and the Disabled Persons' Federation and other departments to contact the rescue and treatment matters, there was a scene at the beginning of this article.

Poverty is the helplessness of the poor, and poverty alleviation is the responsibility of the whole society. Huang Xin knows that the power of the individual is very limited, so he launched a love donation activity through mobile phone WeChat and QQ, advocating colleagues, relatives and friends to join in, and has donated more than 1,200 pieces of clothing to poor households in Hawei Village so far.

Although the language is not the same, the emotions are connected, and the deeds speak louder than words. Stationed in the village for nearly 300 days and nights, Huang Xin was concerned about the warmth and cold of the masses and won the trust of the masses. Nowadays, wherever he goes, the villagers he meets will say to him in Tibetan, "Kaa ta (hard work)" and "Ka Zhen Che (thank you)".

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