
Translation of the Book of Poetry, The Wind of the Wind, and the Gentleman and the Elder

author:And I filled the horn cup

Solution: Wei Xuanjiang is noble and beautiful, but he is obscene and has no deeds, and when people write poetry, they regret it.

The gentleman and the old man swore to share the white head with the prince,

Vice Zhen Liu Jia Jade Hairpin CuiZhu was inserted all over his head.

The commissioner Tuo Tuo behaved elegantly and artistically,

Like mountains and rivers, looking stable and broad-minded,

Elephant dress is appropriate Dress gorgeous steady body,

The unladylike son of a man is against virtue and loses his measure,

How is the cloud, and this is how people talk about it!

Bright and dazzling,

Its Zhai is also color embroidered Zhai cloth brocade chicken pattern.

Hair like clouds, black hair thick and beautiful like clouds,

Disdainful also why do you need a wig to foil!

Jade Zhiyao also listened to the green beads next to his ears,

The elephant's whiskers are also exquisitely ivory on their heads.

Yang And No Oh also The head of the mantis jade skin means Yan,

Hu Rantian is also amazingly beautiful like a heavenly immortal,

However, Emperor Hu also could not be the emperor's daughter descended to the human world!

White and bright,

Its exhibition is also a white costume exhibition Shuyi.

Montpipe crepe Light crepe as a smock,

It is silky white underwear also soft white underwear transparent.

Zi ZhiQing Yang's eyebrows are like green feathers like lotuses,

Yang Ji's face also resembled a full moon white jade face.

Zhan Ru is born beautiful and beautiful,

Bang Zhiyuan is also invincible in the world!

Translation of the Book of Poetry, The Wind of the Wind, and the Gentleman and the Elder