
Half dreaming and half waking is the "original author" of life Li Wei

author:The artistic conception of poetry and literature is grand

Half awake and half dream is the best state of life, half dream can also be compared to half drunk, half dream half drunk reflects a transcendent ideal realm, like drunk non-drunk, like sleeping non-sleeping, like waking up, in a state of half drunk, the ideal is what it means, the state of pursuing dreams is fascinating, let people always surround an impulse, dream is a state of drunkenness and non-drunkenness.

Half dreaming and half waking is the "original author" of life Li Wei

Giving half of life to the dream, in fact, is very interesting, the life with the dream is worth living the life that is like a dream, and to live well, once the atmosphere of the dream is broken, it will break the balance of life, life loses half of the dream, and it loses the magic of life. Once the mystery is revealed, the mystery no longer has its mysteries, and the impulse to live will naturally be reduced by more than half. Life is like a dream, because dreams can be the embodiment of beauty, dreams can be purple and red, can be magnificent, so no matter who has the impulse to dream, life leaves such an impulse, the meaning of life will become tasteless, so there are Buddhists who see through life and become monks, so there are billionaires who commit suicide, see through the red dust, the red dust has no deep meaning to speak of, see through the red dust, the red dust is a piece of boring white paper, empty, all the struggle of life in their view The final result is a futile.

Half dreaming and half waking is the "original author" of life Li Wei

Half of life is spent waking up to do what you want to do, and waking up is originally to round up the guidance of that half of the dream. Half awake is to strive to practice the yearning in the dream, and it is this half dream and half awake that give people a taste and meaning in life. Half dreaming and half waking, supporting each other, the fatigue of waking up is sometimes overwhelmed, then temporarily go back to the dream to take a nap, find the excitement of life, rekindle the torch of life, return to reality, and use half of the waking time to continue the red dust dream that you have already done, so that you can support life, practice is to make the other half of the dream more beautiful, more poetic efforts, so that the beautiful dream can be realized.

Half dreaming and half waking is the "original author" of life Li Wei

Half dreaming and half awake life is a beautiful state of ideal life, only a dreamy life can have the taste of fireworks in the world, only have dazzling colors, and have hope for hope.

Half dreaming and half waking is the "original author" of life Li Wei

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