
5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

author:Old letter said food

Stir-fried duck is a dish that Hunan people like to eat very much, a banquet, and one of the must-order dishes at the dinner table. There are many flavors in Guanghunan, the most representative of which are duck, Xiangxi bandit duck, Hongjiang blood duck, blood duck, old duck stew and so on.

Duck – the meat is firm and firm, and the texture is very good and chewy. Duck also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, nourishing yin, and enhancing human immunity.

Today is "520" we are not vulgar, give some "special love" to celebrate. The daughter-in-law is more hard during this time, and the simple fried family version of the taste duck comforts a bit.

Ingredients online:

Whole duck one

5 green peppers

3 large red peppers

5 dried chili peppers

5 shallot knots

Ginger 2 large pieces

10 garlic

One spoonful of watercress sauce


1. First wash the whole duck, over-fine it once, and remove the "worm hair" left on the duck body.

5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

2. Cut the duck head, wings, duck feet, duck stick legs together, knot the duck intestines, cut the duck gizzard flowers, and then cut the duck body into pieces.

5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

3. Pour in the rapeseed oil, the oil is 80% hot, put the duck head, wings, duck stick legs, duck feet, etc. into the frying pan and fry. Until brownish, pour the duck into a pan and sauté over high heat.

5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

4. Fry the duck until golden brown, the duck is fragrant, add a spoonful of watercress sauce, dried chili, sliced ginger, garlic grains and stir-fry together. Sauté until colored, add water just over the duck, add salt, soy sauce, simmer over high heat until the soup is thick, add green pepper, stir-fry for 2 minutes, add MSG to taste, add chives before serving.

5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

A spicy, delicious Hunan flavor duck is finished.

5.20 To the family to make a Hunan flavor duck, different love, what an experience

The daughter-in-law started work left and right, and ate duck the whole time. Ha ha! Little happiness is that simple!

Old letter nagging:

Special love, to special you.

Friends who will not do it, collect + pay attention to it, hurry up and do it for your family.

Friends who can do it must take action!

Wish all couples, prospective couples, single friends.

"520" Happy