
Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

author:Charlie who loves programming
Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

Graphics card, now this term, in front of gamers and AI researchers, this term may be familiar, look at the Douyin video, how many boyfriends are moved by the gift of the graphics card from their girlfriend, you know how hot the graphics card is now.

So, we can't help but wonder, is a graphics card the same as a GPU?

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

First of all, what is a GPU? GPU is a widely mentioned and used concept, GPU is an abbreviation for "Graphics Processing Unit". This conceptual explanation may seem vague.

The correct understanding is: GPU, graphics card, and video card are not the same thing! But they are often used interchangeably or mean the same thing in specific situations.

Let's take a closer look, starting with what a GPU is.

What is a GPU?

GPU is an abbreviation for "Graphics Processing Unit".

It is a flat chip with an electronic circuit, usually around 3x3cm in size.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

GPUs are made up of a variety of circuit logic and programmable so-called cores.

Since the GPU chip itself cannot operate without some sort of memory, power management, and connectivity to a computer, it can be placed in:

  • CPU
  • PCB (Printed Circuit Board).
Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

When a GPU is contained within a processor (CPU), it is called an iGPU - Integrated GPU, which is what we commonly call integrated graphics, an integrated GPU that uses the CPU for power management and connects to the other hardware of the PC. It can also access and use system memory (RAM).

What is iGPU

Take a look at the definition of iGPU to be a little more formal:

An Integrated Graphics Processing Unit (iGPU) is a type of graphics processing unit (GPU) that is integrated directly into a computer's central processing unit (CPU) or system-on-chip (SoC). This integration is fundamentally different from the traditional approach of using a separate dedicated graphics card or a discrete GPU. With iGPUs, graphics processing and rendering functions are handled by the same chip that powers the CPU, enabling more compact, energy-efficient, and cost-effective computing solutions.

Here's an example of an iGPU, a visual representation of the iGPU in the Intel Core i7-2600K processor with other CPU cores:

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

How does iGPU (Integrated Graphics) work?

iGPUs work by sharing system memory (RAM) with the CPU, and they rely on the same heat and power limits for the entire system. This integration helps reduce the complexity and cost of the system, as there is no need for a separate GPU card and dedicated video memory (VRAM).

However, sharing system memory and power limitations can lead to performance limitations compared to discrete GPUs. This makes iGPUs suitable for tasks that don't require the highest level of graphics processing, such as everyday computing tasks and office applications. They are usually not designed for high-end gaming or professional graphic work.

Common iGPUs are:

  • Intel Iris Xe 显卡
  • AMD Radeon Vega 显卡
  • NVIDIA GeForce integrated GPU (available in some laptops)

For example, if I'm using a laptop with integrated graphics, it's the I

ntel UHD Graphics 630

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

Integrated graphics processing units (iGPUs) have become an indispensable part of modern computing, and have a wide range of uses in daily computing, office productivity, multimedia playback, casual games, etc.

They are particularly suitable for ultra-thin and portable devices, providing a balance between performance and portability. While iGPUs have their limitations, they are a cost-effective solution for many users and are an excellent choice for those with basic computing needs.

Dedicated Graphics (dGPU)

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

NVIDIA Ada Lovelace Graphics Architecture

When a GPU is placed on its own PCB, it is called a graphics card. So, what is a graphics card? If you look at the image below, this is the graphics card

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

Because a GPU chip can't function much without the support of hardware like memory or hardware like power management and cooling, it's placed on a printed circuit board (PCB) that has space to hold these elements.

A graphics card is a PCB that includes supporting hardware such as a VRAM module (video memory), power management, or cooling of the GPU and memory.

A graphics card is a PCB that includes supporting hardware such as a VRAM module (video memory), power management, or cooling of the GPU and memory. The graphics card also has a high-speed interconnect PCIe connector that connects it to the motherboard to interact with the rest of the computer.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

1.5g PCB ៣ggGPU,dGPU,dGPUʹdedicated GGPU,iGPU,000 ygʹgʹᬻᬻᬻʹᬻᬧʹgᬼʹ

The raison d'être of dedicated graphics cards is size and practicality. Powerful hardware requires plenty of space, especially for cooling solutions. After all, no one wants their hard-earned graphics card to overheat. And unlike iGPUs, we can add multiple graphics cards on one computer if we need to, upgrading them without having to change anything else.

A dedicated graphics card is a specialized piece of hardware that is very good at handling tasks that can be easily parallelized due to the fact that the GPU has multiple cores. While graphics cards were originally developed to handle graphics or visual tasks, today they are used for any workload that can be easily parallelized.

什么是视频卡(Video Card)?

While some salespeople will most likely sell you a graphics card by default when you ask for a video card, the video card is actually used for video-related processing in the first place.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

A graphics card is a type of professional hardware that focuses on handling video processing excellently. Workloads such as video editing, conversion, film projection, streaming, and more must all process video data streams, and the higher the resolution or bit depth, the higher the performance required. Many videos have specific video codecs that the graphics card or CPU can't encode or decode fast enough.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

Video graphics cards are designed to handle the encoding, decoding, capture, and output of video excellently without slowing down the rest of the system.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

What is the difference between a GPU, a graphics card, and a video card?

GPUs, graphics cards, and video cards can be used interchangeably, but exactly, they mean different things.

The GPU is the main chip on the graphics card. A graphics card is a full-featured piece of hardware (including a GPU) with a PCB, VRAM, and other supporting hardware elements. A video card is a specialized piece of hardware that speeds up video-related processes.

Usually, few people can distinguish between these three types of hardware, and the detailed comparison is as follows:

GPU Graphics Video cards
definition Electronic circuits designed for graphics processing. The physical components contain the GPU and other necessary details. It is often used interchangeably with a graphics card and can also emphasize video-related tasks.
function Perform complex calculations to render images, videos, and graphic effects. Acts as an interface between the motherboard and the display, providing hardware acceleration for graphics processing. Handles the processing, rendering, and display of graphics and video. Can have features dedicated to video-related tasks.
subassembly Consists of shader cores or stream processors, video memory (VRAM), and display controllers. Includes GPU, VRAM, interfaces/connectors, power and cooling solutions, and drivers/software. This may refer to the combination of GPU and VRAM and the physical components that house them. Can have dedicated features for video-related tasks.



Refers to the electronic circuitry within the graphics card. It can refer to a physical component or a combination of GPU and VRAM. It can refer to a physical component or a combination of GPU and VRAM. You can focus especially on video-related tasks.
usage 存在于显卡中并集成到某些 CPU(APU)中。 It is used to enhance the graphics processing power of the computer. Used to process, render, and display graphics and video. Can have specialized features for video-related tasks.

Is a GPU the same as a video card?

The answer is: in short, no.

Quick Facts: GPU, Graphics Card, Video Card, Is It the Same Thing?

While GPU is often the go-to term for commercial graphics cards used for gaming and powering the ultimate PC, a video card is more of a display card unit that focuses more on video performance than graphics. Sometimes, the term is also used for content creators and capture cards that are very popular in streaming. These cards provide the system with additional resources to record or stream content without hindering the performance of the CPU or GPU.

Video Card vs. Graphics Card: What's the Difference?

Both video cards and graphics cards are used to display images on the screen. But they are different types of computer hardware with different functions.

The main difference between a graphics card and a video card is the way they process information. The video card processes instructions sequentially, one instruction at a time, while the graphics card processes instructions in parallel, processing multiple instructions at once.

This means that the graphics card is faster than the video card in terms of image processing. The video card is responsible for translating the computer's instructions on how to display the image into instructions that the monitor can understand.

On the other hand, the graphics card converts these instructions into an image on the screen. In addition to these differences, video cards and graphics cards are used differently.

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