
Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

author:Henan Mobile News

On November 10, Mr. Chen, a heart transplant patient who had experienced various "difficult and dangerous passes", was transferred out of the intensive care unit.

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

On the way back to the ward, he kept saying "thanks", and the family's eyes were full of happiness and excitement, looking forward to the new life that was coming.

"The heart beats again, the operation is successful!"

October 26, 18:21, Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital.

After nearly 3 hours of surgery, Mr. Chen, 51, successfully re-beat his heart.

However, this rethinked heart is not Mr. Chen's "original" heart, but comes from a donor.

And Mr. Chen's surgery is also extraordinary.

This is a heart transplant. Commonly known as "heart exchange" surgery.

This severe patient with end-stage heart disease who was still in intensive care in the morning and needed a variety of drugs and mechanical circulation support equipment to maintain his life was reborn through heart transplantation in the evening.

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"
Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

Mr. Chen is from Jiaozuo Qinyang and his heart discomfort appeared 5 years ago.

5 years ago, when he was asleep, he suddenly felt that he could not breathe and woke up at night. Slowly, the disease further developed, and he often felt breathlessness in daily life, he became able to only sit and breathe, his physical strength continued to decline, and his appetite became worse and worse. After visiting a local hospital, the doctor diagnosed it with "myocarditis". The main thing is to take medicine every day.

Two years ago, after Mr. Chen had a cold, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other obvious aggravations, the nearby hospital suspected that he had "coronary heart disease", gave him a coronary angiography examination, but found that the coronary arteries were normal, thus excluding coronary heart disease. Because the condition is repeated and gradually worsened, a variety of treatment measures have been used, but there is no obvious improvement effect. After being instructed by a local doctor, Mr. Chen came to Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital.

After the perfect examination, Mr. Chen was diagnosed with "dilated cardiomyopathy (cardiodystemsis) and supraventricular tachycardia", which is a very serious condition. The doctor installed an "implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)" device for Mr. Chen to treat his malignant arrhythmia and prevent sudden cardiac death outside the hospital.

In October 2019, Mr. Chen was in pain due to the frequent discharge of the pacemaker. He came to Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Hospital again for treatment. Since then, he has also been hospitalized intermittently, and the situation has been relatively stable.

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

Last month, Mr. Chen woke up again at night, with chest tightness, bloating, and poor nutrition, and after symptomatic treatment in the hospital, his symptoms improved and he was discharged from the hospital.

But less than a week later, Mr. Chen came to Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital to "report".

Over the past few years, Mr. Chen's condition has been repeated and the frequency of hospitalization has become higher and higher. Since "heart expansion disease" is a progressively aggravated disease, Mr. Chen is also worse than the previous.

Prolonged physical discomfort also makes the patient's temper gradually grumpy. He was still young in his early fifties, but due to physical reasons, he was hospitalized twice in three days. Originally the pillar of the family, now every day to take care of people.

In order to no longer live this "better life than death" life, Mr. Chen decided to give it a go and receive a "heart transplant".

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"
Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

"Heart transplantation" is mainly an organ transplant surgery for advanced heart failure. In recent years, About 600 cases of heart transplant surgery have been completed in China every year, and the survival rate of the three years after surgery is greater than 90%, and the five-year survival rate is about 85%. Although heart transplantation is not a conventional treatment for heart disease, it is an effective means to save the lives of people with end-stage heart disease and improve their quality of life.

On October 13, Mr. Chen's data was entered into the Chinese Computer System for Organ Distribution and Sharing (COTRS), opening the wait for a new life. On October 26, Mr. Chen was lucky enough to wait for the appropriate organs assigned to him by the system. Professor Cheng Zhaoyun, vice president of Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital and a well-known expert in the country, and Hu Junlong, chief surgeon, went to Fuzhou to retrieve the "donor" and start this relay of life.

On October 26, at 3:10 p.m., the return plane landed at Xinzheng Airport. At this time, the experts in the operating room have long been waiting for the next transplant.

Under the shadowless lights, the experts concentrate on each other, perform their duties, and cooperate with skillful tacit understanding. Professor Wang Xianqiang of Fuwai Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Cheng Zhaoyun of Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Chief Physician Ge Zhenwei, and Attending Physician Hu Junlong performed precise operations, first trimming the donor heart, and then carefully transferring the "donor heart" to Mr. Chen's pericardial cavity, and after precise alignment, the work of vascular anastomosis quickly began.

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

Professor Shi Jia of Fuwai Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Zhao Liang, deputy director of the Department of Anesthesiology of Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Attending Physician Qin Pengyu, Deputy Director of the Department of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Li Jianchao, Attending Physician Qian Xiaoliang and other experts cooperated closely to monitor Mr. Chen's respiratory, circulatory and nervous system states at all times, and the surgical process was steadily advancing.

Time ticked, and nearly 3 hours later, Mr. Chen's "new heart" successfully re-beat. With the end of the experts' last stitch, Mr. Chen's "heart transplant" journey officially ended smoothly.

After the operation, Mr. Chen successfully survived one difficulty after another: anti-infection, anti-immune rejection, improve heart function... Step by step, there are professional, meticulous and thoughtful treatment and care of medical staff, and everyone accompanies him to "win".

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

Patients are actively undergoing rehabilitation training in the intensive care unit

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

Severe heart failure is known as "cancer in heart disease," and the best way to treat it is a heart transplant. The successful implementation of another case of "heart transplantation" represents the leading level of the treatment of critically ill heart disease patients in Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital.

Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital is a national tertiary first-class public hospital built in cooperation with the Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the National Cardiovascular Disease Center and the People's Government of Henan Province under the care, support and attention of the National Health Commission, relying on the Henan Provincial People's Hospital and building in accordance with the requirements of the modern hospital management system. It is a demonstration hospital in Henan Province that introduces national high-quality medical resources, medical research integration and integrated development. In 2020, it was successfully selected as the first batch of pilot units for the construction of national regional medical centers in China.

Heart transplantation is the "relay" of life, and the 51-year-old patient is born of the "heart"

☆ On April 28, 2018, it successfully completed the first heart transplant surgery in Henan that was carried out entirely on its own strength; on May 24, the first "artificial heart" implantation in Henan was successfully completed, and the heart surgery technology Everest was reached twice within one month, marking that the hospital was at the forefront of the world and the forefront of the country in the field of cardiovascular treatment technology.

☆ On May 15, 2019, the first "third-generation fully magnetic levitation artificial heart" implantation in central China was successfully implemented.

☆ On October 13, 2019, with Academician Hu Shengshou as the main knife and Professor Cheng Zhaoyun as the assistant, Huazhong Fuwai Hospital once again successfully implemented the "third generation of full magnetic levitation artificial heart" implantation.

☆ On October 8, 2021, the world's first "ultra-small magnetic levitation centrifugal artificial heart implantation" was successfully implemented.