
Registration for the 21st Henan Youth Robot Competition Pingdingshan Regional Competition is under way

author:Henan Science and Technology News

The 21st Henan Youth Robot Competition Pingdingshan Regional Competition has begun to register. The competition will be held on November 28, 2021 at Pingdingshan Experimental High School, and the registration deadline will be November 18, 2021.

The event was hosted by the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, the Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and hosted by the Municipal Youth Science and Technology Center, the Municipal Experimental High School and The Pingdingshan Youdong Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. In view of the relevant requirements of the current normalization of epidemic prevention and control, this competition adopts the method of "online registration, offline competition, and on-site guidance". All middle and primary school students and kindergarten students who are enrolled in school in 2021 can participate in this competition, and robot tutors can participate. The competition projects include robot comprehensive skills series, robot creativity series, WEO robot regular season, VEX robot engineering challenge series, MakeX robot challenge, and drone engineering challenge. According to the rules of the competition, the organizing committee will recommend some of the outstanding results of the competition to participate in the evaluation of the province's youth robot awards.

Registration for the 21st Henan Youth Robot Competition Pingdingshan Regional Competition is under way
Registration for the 21st Henan Youth Robot Competition Pingdingshan Regional Competition is under way

Robots are a scientific popularization activity that integrates manual brain, skill training, and inquiry-based learning. The purpose of holding this robot competition in our city is to better stimulate the strong scientific interest of young people, cultivate the innovative spirit, engineering thinking and practical ability of young people in our city, encourage more young robot enthusiasts to study, explore, research and practice in the fields of engineering technology, electronic information, automatic control and robot high-tech, and continuously improve the scientific quality and spirit of the majority of teenagers in our city. (Li Huizi)

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