
Uk return to china transit route Save money list raiders please check

author:New route international ticket Wang Dana

The Spring Festival reunion is imminent, and overseas friends are eager to go home. Dana today teaches you how to save money when you return home from the UK! What are the specific routes to the UK back home!


In fact, in addition to the 8 mainstream routes, it also includes a brief analysis of the new routes of Baku, Azerbaijan, Singapore and Belgium, and everyone can tell Dana at any time according to their own needs!

The most cost-effective route back home from the UK:

1. Transit in Copenhagen, Denmark

SK502 London-Copenhagen

SK997 Copenhagen-Shanghai

At present, there are only 23,000 cash tickets left at the end of December (nucleic acids do not require an appointment)

2. Transit in Zurich, Switzerland

LX345 London-Zurich

LX188 Zurich-Shanghai

3. Transit in Stockholm, Sweden



The advantages of these three transit routes are: mature and stable, less fuse, and lower prices in the 8 mainstream routes.

The UK has a more flexible route back home

1. Transit in Frankfurt, Germany

2. Transit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The advantages of frankfurt and Amsterdam transit are: there are many routes and more choices of landing cities.

A more comfortable route back home from the UK

Transit in Helsinki, Finland

The advantage is that it is very stable, especially at the end of the year, Helsinki has also put up prices and saved money

British home niche route

1. Transit in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku landed in Xi'an, the air ticket saves 1W but the transit time is zui long.

2. Singapore transfer

3. Brussels, Belgium

These two new routes are very cost-effective but not mature, and they need to enter the country, and some eligible partners can choose.

The British return to China also has Austria Vienna, France Paris transit route, irregular good prices to pick up leaks, we can also pay attention to!

Uk return to china transit route Save money list raiders please check