
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success

author:Shownet Entertainment
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success
YuShan & Na Ren Chaoge "Pop Children's Voice Original Works Concert" Shanghai Station was a complete success

At 12:00 on December 22, 2018, the Yushan & Naren Chaoge Pop Children's Original Works Concert was a complete success in Shanghai! This concert is the first time that the original works of popular children's voices have been held in Shanghai, and the first time in the country.

Yu shan

Famous songwriter, director of chinese children's voice list, founder of China Good Children's Singing Competition, editor-in-chief of popular children's voice series textbooks, pusher of Xinghai music gold medal, visiting professor of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, member of the presidium of Guangdong Pop Music Association, composing more than 2,000 lyrics.

Na Ren Chao Ge

Chinese mainland male pop singer, songwriter, music producer, young guitarist, editor-in-chief of pop children's folk guitar playing, and founder of Shanghai Naren Chaoge Culture and Art. He is committed to the promotion of original music, combining prairie music culture with modern musical elements. Representative works: "The Wind Comes from the South", "I Am Waiting for You in the Grassland", "The Girl in the Dream", "Black Tea Tree", "Tree of Life", "Power", "Are You Gone Like This", etc.

Pop children's voices naturally sound, do not impose, do not strenuous, sing well; do not deliberately, do not make up, sing good songs! Committed to the research of original works of singing by children aged 4-16. The amount of "sound" is customized, because the "sound" is suitable for teaching; there is no child who cannot sing, only works that are not suitable for children! Keep the most beautiful children's voice, keep the most beautiful childhood!

The concert consists of five parts, the first part is: campus chapter; the second part is the journey part; the third part is the launching ceremony of the 2019 China Good Children's Voice Competition; the fourth part is the fairy tale chapter; and the fifth part is the dream chapter. The whole show is perfectly presented in a situational way.

There are 13 works in the concert are the original works of pop children's voices customized by Na Ren Chaoge and Yu Shan, two teachers, the concert scene 4 original singers sing their exclusive pop children's voice works, namely: "Black Tea Tree" original singer Liu Ke'er, "Three Feet Pulpit" original singer Luo Yuxi, "Tree of Life" Zhang Haining, Na Ren Chao Ge song, original singer Li Jingyu, "Power" original singer Shen Juhan...., the scene boiling! Through the children's singing, the natural, beautiful and pure voice of the popular children's voice strikes the heart and evokes people's beautiful yearning for childhood! At the concert site, the famous singer Bartle Deng Yong performed the original work "I am waiting for you in the grassland" by Naren Chaoge and Yu Shan, which was warmly applauded by the audience!

Popular children's original works, lyrics in addition to sunshine, inspirational, positive energy, but also singing family, friendship, nature, dreams, etc.; popular children's voice lyrics are catchy, singing out the children's hearts... Learning to be grateful, learning to share, and loving the motherland is the children's favorite song and belongs to the children's own songs!

It is worth mentioning that the last work of the concert, "The Dream in my Heart", will push the concert to a climax, which is the original work of Na ren Chaoge in 2009, and today it is newly interpreted in the way of children's voices, in the words of Na Ren Chaoge, inheriting dreams, and igniting the most beautiful musical dreams in the hearts of children in this way!

There is also a special grand ceremony of the concert is the "2019 China Good Children's Voice Competition Shanghai Launching Ceremony", which means that the China Good Children's Voice Competition entered the Shanghai Division Audition Registration Stage in January 2019, and entered the national finals in August... Shanghai children who like to sing will have the opportunity to leave the most beautiful children's voices and the most beautiful childhood on the stage of the China Good Children's Voice Competition! You can pay attention to the "NaRen Chaoge Culture and Art" WeChat public account in time and pay attention to the audition information!