
The signing ceremony between CR Shuanghe and NOVITA Class I anti-cancer drugs and the signing ceremony between Haikou National High-tech Zone and CR Shuanghe was held

author:Nine factions view the world

On November 11, the signing ceremony between CR Shuanghe and NOVITA class I anti-cancer drugs and the signing ceremony between Haikou National High-tech Zone and CR Shuanghe was held in Haikou Municipal Government.

The signing ceremony between CR Shuanghe and NOVITA Class I anti-cancer drugs and the signing ceremony between Haikou National High-tech Zone and CR Shuanghe was held

Ju Lei, vice mayor of Haikou Municipal Government, said in his speech that Haikou will actively coordinate relevant provincial and municipal departments to fully support the development of CrUs Shuanghe in Hainan and provide enterprises with an excellent business, government and cultural environment throughout the life cycle.

Feng Yi, chairman of Crs Shuanghe, said that as a red central enterprise with a glorious tradition, CR Shuanghe will further accelerate innovation and transformation, actively implement the strategic agreement signed by CHINA RESOURCES Group and the Hainan Provincial Government, and practice the responsibility and responsibility of red central enterprises.

Professor Shenjian Li, Director of Novita and School of Life Sciences of Peking University, delivered a speech via video. He said that this cooperation is a win-win situation for Novita, China Resources Shuanghe and Hainan, and hopes that we will work together in future cooperation to make medicine cross national borders and help patients around the world relieve cancer pain.

"This signing is an important measure for China Resources Group to firmly implement the strategic cooperation agreement with the Hainan Provincial Government in the field of medicine and health." Han Yuewei, deputy general manager of China Resources Group, said that China Resources Group will speed up the strategic layout of various business sectors in Hainan, seize opportunities and take advantage of the momentum.

According to reports, the "landing" of Hainan's new target of anti-cancer drugs, Fascin protein inhibitor, is the world's first small molecule inhibitor acting on Fascin protein, which can effectively inhibit the function of Fascin protein and reduce the proportion of tumor invasion and tumor metastasis, and is expected to fill the gap in the field of tumor metastasis treatment as an oral drug that potentially controls tumor metastasis.

【Source: Haikou National High-tech Zone】

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