
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

author:Self-inflicted LH

Born in 2007, a 17-year-old genius boy, while participating in a competition in Indonesia, his body suddenly fell forward and convulsed, and finally the genius boy fell.


Afterwards, my sister, who couldn't accept the reality, questioned: "You said that the first time to treat, the local medical conditions are too poor, how can I accept it!" ”。

A harrowing event

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

According to Zhang Zhijie fainted in Indonesia when he leaned forward to participate in the Asian Youth Championships, and it can be seen in the video that in the process, Zhang Zhijie raised his head and struggled a few times, and then said that he was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

My sister questioned

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

My sister said: My brother is a very well-behaved child, and all the first prize money this year will be used to buy gifts for my mother and grandparents.

My sister also said: "I don't know what to say, and I don't know what I want to do with these words!" ”。

In just a few words, it said the torment and helplessness in my sister's heart at this time!

After the younger brother fell to the ground, there was a convulsion, but in the meantime, the younger brother raised his head, and there was a living phenomenon.

However, after a "long" wait, the paramedics arrived. And at about half past nine, the coach was contacted, and he actually asked to be transferred.

Of course, in just a few seconds, the duel can be considered "long" for relatives, so it is understandable.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

On-site treatment footage

The teenager passed away, netizens were hotly discussed, and various speculations were questioned

1. The rescue speed is slow.

The live video shows that after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the coaches had already arrived at Zhang Zhijie's side, but the referees and medical staff on both sides still did not act.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

2. I didn't bring defibrillators and other equipment

When the medical staff arrived at the scene, they did not bring any medical equipment, such as the most basic defibrillator.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

And until Zhang Zhijie was carried away on a stretcher, the referee staff on both sides did not leave their seats.

3. Serious lack of first aid measures: The Danish star is like this, but he is unharmed

After Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, he raised his head again during the period, which was a vital characteristic, but the most important time for treatment at this time was neglected.

4. The emergency doctor said: or died of malignant arrhythmia

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie passed away, and his sister questioned it, netizens: The Danish star is unharmed

Then, no matter how much speculation or how much questioning, in fact, all this is to express our regret!

The 17-year-old boy in the rainy season has a promising future, which is really sad.

Write at the end

On this day, I kept seeing the news about the teenager Zhang Zhijie:

Suspicion, on-site handling, specific cause of death, etc., I think of this genius boy once I see it, and at this time, Zhang Zhijie also received a college escort certificate.

He still owes his sister: Happy Birthday!

We may not be able to understand the pain of the family, but we still hope that Zhang Zhijie's family will mourn!

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