
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

author:Luoyang Dukang Original Cellar
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

Chinese wine culture has a long history, and its shining style can be seen everywhere in the history of China's 5,000-year civilization. The largest place of origin of China's wine culture is in Luoyang, Henan. Jiang Tong's "Wine Curse" has such a record: "The prosperity of wine is from the Emperor, or Yun Yidi, a Du Kang." There is no end to the meal, the remnants of the empty mulberry, the depressed fruit into the taste, the long-term storage of qi, this is out of this, not by the strange side. "Du Kang represents a generation of wine-making gods.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

During the Three Kingdoms period, The Wei Wu Emperor Cao Cao chanted, "What is the life like a song about wine?" For example, the morning dew, going to the day is more bitter. It is unforgettable to be worried. How to relieve worries, only Du Kang", Du Kang has become a synonym for wine.

At the same time, Dukang is also a place, more than 40 kilometers away from Luoyang City, More than 40 kilometers away from Ruyang County, Caidian Township Dukang Village, which is where Du Kang once made wine. Du Kang not only brewed the customs and customs of a pure and thick place, but also brewed the ancient Du Kang culture. Du Kang's innate Genes of Chinese wine culture, judging from the name alone, can remind people of its extraordinary historical journey.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

In the long history of 5,000 years, there are more than 20 classical documents that clearly record Du Kang's winemaking, such as "Wine Curse", "Shiben", "Explanation of Words in The Sayings", "Warring States Policy", "Book of Han", etc.; there are more than 100 poems and songs that explicitly mention Du Kang, Bai Juyi's "Du Kang can scatter boredom, Xuancao relieves forgetting worries", Su Shi's "From the present Dongpo Room, do not stand Du Kang Qi", etc.; Du Kang made wine drunk Liu Ling, Bamboo Forest Seven Sages, Drunken Eight Immortals, etc., which can be seen from ancient times to the present, Du Kang's name is known to the world.

The formation and development of Dukang wine culture has created a complex system with profound connotations. It can be said that it is famous at home and abroad, and the famous people, experts and scholars, and literati at home and abroad have all come to visit.

In 1972, then Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China and praised it at a banquet: "The world's fine wine, only Du Kang." After that, Premier Zhou Enlai personally gave instructions: "Revive Du Kang and win glory for the country", thus opening the road to Du Kang's rejuvenation. In accordance with the instructions of the Prime Minister, the state-owned Dukang Distillery was established, and a gift wine from this first batch of products was brought to Kakuei Tanaka through the Sino-Japanese friendship delegation. In order to thank Du Kang, Tanaka gave back 60 seeds of cherry blossoms, the national flower of Japan, for people to see after planting.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

Today, the cherry blossoms are still blooming in the Dukang Liquor Ruins Park, and the historical mission of the comprehensive revival is still the dukang people to abide by the faith, Dukang wine to take the water of the xuanwu ancient spring, abide by the ancient Du Kang method of brewing liquor, and create a benchmark for high-end liquor quality - partition cellar brewing.

Since the invention of Du Kang Kong Sang Rice, the brewing of Du Kang wine has formed an indissoluble relationship with the thousand-year-old mulberry, and the cellar mud cultivated with mulberry mud is conducive to the cultivation and survival of microorganisms, making Du Kang wine have a unique aroma and become a major feature of Du Kang wine brewing technology. The old cellar pond group that is constantly brought is the treasure of the precipitation of the years, and the baptism of decades of time, the ancient cellar of mulberry mud is more and more revitalized, which is the secret place of Du kang wine.

At the same time, Dukang Wine Industry relies on Dukang Ecological Winemaking Industrial Park, Dukang Winemaking Heritage Park, Dukang Cultural Square, Huaxia First Cellar, Dukang Style Town, etc., and implements the three major development strategies of "Quality Dukang, Cultural Dukang, Responsibility Dukang" to create a unique Chinese wine culture inheritance base integrating industrial tourism, cultural tourism, leisure tourism, and ecological tourism, and has become an indispensable place for Chinese wine culture.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

Here, looking at the yellow river from afar, looking at the undulating hills, layers of green mountains, thousands of peaks competing in the show, close to the green trees, green valleys. Ask the history of world wine, only Du Kang is long, called the originator of wine, for Ruyang Du Kang. It is the cradle of Chinese wine culture and the pioneer of China's winemaking industry.

As the oldest historical wine in China, Dukang wine, the stars have shifted, the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry field, along with the pace of history, Dukang culture is also associated with Chinese civilization as a cultural image, and promoted to all parts of the world. Former Defense Minister Zhang Aiping's cursive "Royal Wind And Yang Shen" is the most vivid style of Du Kang wine culture.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Realms"

In the long river of years, Du Kang wine is like a long memory full of mellow aroma, dripping mellow stirring up the far-reaching inheritance of culture, and repeatedly telling the vicissitudes of history in the aroma of wine, and also achieving an intriguing legend.

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