
Why do you want to have a drink?

author:Du Kang said

The most heard sounds on the wine table,

It's the sound of cups touching each other.

The action of "cupping" has been passed down from generation to generation,

Become a wine table culture that everyone is accustomed to.

However, have you ever thought,

Why do you want to touch a glass when you're drinking?

Du Kangjun collected various legends and allusions for everyone,

Let's find the answer together

Why do you want to have a drink?

01 Qin Kingdom Version - Sacrifice to help rejoice

During the Zhou Tianzi period, wine was known as a theosophical thing and belonged to the "holy liquid". It is mainly used for major events such as sacrifices and celebrations, and private banquets and drinks are strictly prohibited, and at that time, countries had the custom of "helping wine with pleasure". Because the Qin state is located in the northwest, under the influence of nomadic peoples, the "缶" of wine is both a wine vessel and a musical instrument. When encountering a happy event, people beat the wine to help have fun, called "beating the rope". After the Qin unified the world, this simple and casual custom of "striking the silk" became popular in the folk, and people used cups to replace the qin, and the great Qin style was passed on.

02 European Edition - Prevent poisoning

In medieval Europe, the aristocracy was popular for murdering rivals with poisoned wine. Therefore, when people drink at a party, they will bump into each other's glasses and splash their own liquor into each other's glasses to test whether they are poisonous or to show that they are dead with the enemy. The custom of cupping arose.

Why do you want to have a drink?

03 Spring and Autumn Edition - Delivery Friendliness

In the chaotic spring and autumn, countries have envoys to each other, because of the way of drinking in one person and one case, when drinking, people hold the cup with their right hands, stretch out and shoulder together, so that the other party can see that there is no hidden weapon around their waist to show friendship. When drinking, we do not touch the glass, but after toasting the wine, we raise the glass and drink it again, which is called "Yang Zhen", also known as "Du Ju". After the Southern and Northern Dynasties, with the prevalence of the "dining system", "Duju" eventually evolved into the custom of "touching glasses".

04 Ancient Greek Version - Wake Up the Ear

The ancient Greeks believed that when drinking wine, the human nose could smell the aroma of the wine, the eyes could see the color of the wine, the tongue could distinguish the taste of the wine, and only the ears could not enjoy the wine. So they thought: before drinking, touch each other's cups, the crisp sound of the cups comes to the ears, and the five senses enjoy the pleasure of alcohol together.

Why do you want to have a drink?

These legends of divergence,

Which one do you believe more?

Maybe in a time when,

There are various reasons for the cupping.

And on today's wine table,

A crisp collision,

What comes out is more of a table atmosphere and strong affection.

Raise up a glass of clean and luscious Ducan,

Let the ritual sense of cupping,

Bring everyone a sense of engagement.

Pass on blessings, share joy,

Enjoy a moment of indulgence in the fragrant fragrance.