
Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

author:Rabbits are more scientific than scientific miscellaneous

This article contains inferences such as space and matter, so please be patient and read it

The horizon says origin

The idea that the earth is flat is an ancient worldview that holds that the earth is a huge plane, not a sphere, which was thought by pre-Socratics in the 5th century BC, and it was not until the 4th century BC that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote the theory of the circle of the earth into his writings, and his student Aristotle (330 BC) empirically provided empirical evidence that the earth is round, at which point the theory of the circle of the earth was slowly accepted.

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

A map of the world as recognized in Alexander's time

Whether it is the earth circle theory or the horizon theory, both of these statements may be correct, after all, nothing in the world is absolute! Is evolution right? Not necessarily! Is the Moon a natural satellite of the Earth? Not necessarily! Right! When science and technology are not so developed, human beings always have to pursue a higher realm! So the technology is developed! A scientist who wants to prove that his claim is correct, when he wants to overturn a certain conclusion, he will try to find his answer.

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

Horizons says that proponents draw a map of the world

If you want to know whether the earth is round or flat, you must first start with space, what is space? What is space made of?

Feel that the earth is flat, in fact, it is not unreasonable, we are all living in a large space, we see, touch, observe, all depend on this huge space! If this space is flat, then what we observe is flat, and if this space is folded, what we observe is three-dimensional! And the space we exist in, and everything in space, is made of matter!

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

Q: What is matter?

A: It's like water and a boat! They are not the same substance, but they are co-existent! All exist in this world at the same time! This is matter, and it is the substance that we know well and can see with our eyes.

Q: So what is the substance that you can't see?

A: Bacteria, viruses, air, microparticles, etc.

Q: Can you see these things?

A: No!

Q: Do they exist?

A: Yes!

Q: Why is it so certain that these substances exist?

A: Because our technology has reached this level, we can observe the existence and form of these things with various instruments.

Therefore, what we can't see and haven't been observed to confirm doesn't mean that the theory is wrong! Everything in the world is interlocked, a piece of paper is a flat, folded is three-dimensional! So if human beings live on this folded paper, is the paper that humans see and technology detect is a three-dimensional? If you unfold this piece of paper, is this piece of paper a flat sheet again? If humans have been living on this unfolded paper, are they living on a flat surface?

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

Maybe our space is a folded space! If this space is fully expanded the universe is a plane! So there is no problem with the idea that the Earth is now observing a circle! Saying that the earth is flat is not a problem, but everyone's cognition is different, and the position of looking at things is different! Maybe everyone is right, maybe everyone is wrong! What you see is not necessarily true, so don't comment on it without getting the final conclusion!

Who can guarantee that the world we live in is not controlled by the Creator? Who can guarantee that the movement of all things growing and celestial bodies is naturally formed? There are rules in this world, the weak and the strong are the rules, and the spring planting and autumn harvest are the rules! How do celestial bodies behave without rules? Just because it hasn't been proven and hasn't been discovered doesn't mean it doesn't!

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

Therefore, whether the earth is flat or the earth is round, these two statements can only be known after more developed technology!

Ancient social technology is not developed, or even no technology! Human beings are so small that they cannot go to heaven without transportation! It's so hard to measure the Earth, to cross mountains and rivers and seas! Perhaps in ancient times, when humans saw an endless river, they would have thought it was the end of the world.

Space folds to form a three-dimensional space, so is the space unfolding correct?

To sum up, if our space is folded space! Then parallel universes, wormholes, and four-dimensional spaces can also be justified! Later, we will talk about parallel universes and wormholes and four-dimensional space!

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