
Seven cognitions of men, see clearly as soon as possible

author:Li Gongzi in the east of the city
Seven cognitions of men, see clearly as soon as possible

Basically, it is not difficult to find that all women who are repeatedly injured and frustrated in their relationships have one thing in common, that is, their cognition is low, and even their cognition of men is almost zero.

Even if you are married and have children, you are still relatively simple and naïve.

You don't know what kind of person you are with, and how can you establish a stable mode of getting along?

It's important to know yourself, but it's even more important for you to recognize and understand men. Let's summarize and take stock of this matter, what are the commonalities of men.

Seven cognitions of men, see them as soon as possible!

Seven cognitions of men, see clearly as soon as possible
  • 1. It's all sex-oriented.

Women are sensual creatures, dominated by love; Men are pragmatic and sexually dominant. So for men, physical attraction is very important, and all your good inner beauty must also be built on this foundation.

As the saying goes, when a man leaves a woman, he often starts from getting tired of the woman's body.

That's what happens between men and women, but the source of intimacy comes from that.

Otherwise, it's like eating vegetables without salt, although eating vegetables is not for the sake of eating salt, but without salt, even the best meals will be tasteless.

  • 2. There is no kind of love as you think.

Any man, he does not have the kind of love that women think. Men's emotions are mainly driven by hormones and instincts, and even to some extent, unfold with their own needs and experiences.

Daphne Dumouriere once said: Women want love to be a novel, while men want it to be a short story.

They will only think of falling in love when they need to, and the rest of the time they don't want to be disturbed, and they will feel bored.

Especially after getting a woman's body, patience and enthusiasm will be greatly reduced.

  • 3. Nanny needs.

Marriage is a very realistic thing in the eyes of men, and at the same time, they can always look at it more practically than women.

So when getting married, men always have one more need than women, and that is the need for nannies.

In addition to satisfying his emotions and psychology, you must also be able to take care of his life and be filial to his parents. He even thinks that this is a woman's "business".

As a result, your practicality will also be listed by him as your "marryable" standard.

Seven cognitions of men, see clearly as soon as possible
  • 4. Tear the skin.

No matter how good your usual relationship is, and no matter how reliable and conscientious he usually behaves and disguises, as long as there is divorce and breakup, he will definitely tear his face.

In a man's life, any emotion is just a seasoning, and only interests are the big thing.

What they value most is interests, and once you have a conflict of interest with him, there is no doubt that his choice must be interests.

In other words, his conscience and cultivation are the key factors that determine the lower limit of his behavior, not your feelings.

  • 5. I like to be a good person the most.

Whether a man likes you or not, they like to be a good person the most.

Just like many women will ask, he obviously doesn't love himself anymore, and would rather have a cold war with himself, not communicate or communicate, and not take the initiative to break up.

This is obviously consuming you, until you can't hold it anymore, take the initiative to break up with him, and then he pushes the boat down the river.

It's the same with hot and cold, it's all forcing you to break up, he doesn't feel anything when he does these things, and the person who feels is you. Until you're willing to be the bad guy.

  • 6. Spend money.

Men know that chasing a woman or falling in love costs money, and when he does this, it means that he is ready to spend money.

But why did you stop spending money, in fact, it was a test to see if you were stupid or not, and if you could empty your gloves and white wolf.

If he finds that you are really stupid, then he will continue to pretend to be stupid with you, and if he finds that you are not stupid, he will continue to test you by giving a little more.

Unless he meets a woman he really likes, emotionally drives him, and wants to spend money on her.

  • 7. The nature of betrayal.

There is no doubt that the essence of betrayal is selfishness. He only cares about his own feelings and experiences, and he doesn't care whose pain the satisfaction of his desires is based on.

But you have to know that betrayal is still an option.

Knowing that it was harm, but still doing it, this can only show that he is not afraid of hurting you, and he is not afraid of losing you.

Because of such a choice, there is no cost and price for him, there is no cost to coax you and cheap, and you can get away with it with your mouth.

Seven cognitions of men, see clearly as soon as possible

Men have always been like this, no matter whether you agree with it or not, and no matter who you meet, it's just that you haven't had the opportunity to fully recognize it.

Only when something really happens can you know what kind of person he really is.

When it's good, there's no reason to perform badly, is it? A man is always focused on practical feelings, when he needs affection, or the relationship must meet his needs.

It's all a feeling, it's a woman's feelings. So you have to be able to understand, get along with each other, and don't wait until your expectations are disappointed to know that all this is your own beautification.


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