
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

author:Focus on Guangxi New Media

Recently, the film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" walked into Sanjian Luocheng, spent three days searching for the beautiful mountains and rivers of Luocheng, the caves and historical monuments of the ingenious craftsmanship, and with the active cooperation of the local cultural department, the crew excavated more colorful film scenes.

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

Sleeping Beauty

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

Jackie Chan Lake Gong National AAAA-level tourist attraction

On November 9th, Luocheng County's Tianmen Scenic Area held a people's song pout, and singers from various villages in the county gathered together, and the songs were loud and sprinkled all over Tianmen.

Tianmen Mountain Scenic Area is located in Yuanmengtun in the west of Huaiqun Town, Luocheng County, about three kilometers away from Huaiqun Town. The Tianmen Cave is more than 100 meters high and 30 meters wide, magnificent and magnificent, and ingenious. The rock walls are smooth as mills, like a heavenly axe. Looking at the Gate of Heaven from a distance, it is like a stage that opens the curtain, and it is like an open door. The gentle Jian River flows through under the Gate of Heaven, the water is crystal clear, and the green bamboo on the shore reflects the river. The inside of Tianmen Cave is clear, breezy and quiet. The rock top is arched and curved, and various stalactites are suspended on the top of the rock, which is strangely shaped, varied, lifelike and amazing. There have been poets who have written inscriptions after swimming through Tianmen Mountain: a cave door with a ghostly workmanship, and there are more charming paintings in the paintings; the light boat first tried the sword and the river, and the riverside was drunk in the spring. Legend has it that in ancient times, the Jianjiang River often soared and flooded, and the people could not live and die. Seeing that the innocent people were suffering from the flood, the mountain god GeLaolei stood up despite the obstruction of the demons, and chiseled the mountain day and night, and finally penetrated the cave and let the river pass through the mountain, so there was the Gate of Heaven.

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

Tianmen Mountain Scenic Area

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

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The smile is like a flower, and the jade tone is gentle. The beautiful Mulam girls in Tianmen Scenic Area welcome visitors with songs and dances.

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City

With the active cooperation of Tianmen Scenic Area, the film crew of "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" successfully recorded stage competitions, welcome songs, singer interviews, dam songs and other links on the same day.

The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City
The film crew of the large-scale documentary "Liu Sanjie's Past and Present Life" entered the Three Sharp Luo City


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