
Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

author:Jiang Feng's fishing fire is so worried

Peking Opera art has been passed down for two hundred years now, and there have been many famous characters, of course, who holds these famous horns? These famous characters are praised by the audience and opera fans, because Peking Opera is sung to the audience, not to peers.

Today, Xiaobian will talk about these Peking Opera actors who hold their own.

Liu Xiurong is a famous Peking Opera performance artist, GongdanJiao, Zongwang Pai, and a famous Peking Opera master Wang Yaoqing.

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

One sentence that Liu Xiurong often says is "My old mentor Wang Yaoqing", which is said very frequently. This gives people a feeling that Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiaoyun, Cheng Yanqiu, Xun Huisheng, and Zhang Junqiu have all been taught by Wang Yaoqing, so I am also Wang Yaoqing's apprentice, and I am the same generation as these masters.

In fact, there is no need to say so, Mr. Wang Yaoqing's disciples are all over the pear garden, not only Liu Xiurong.

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

Wang Peiyu's famous Peking Opera Kunsheng, Gong Laosheng, Zong Yu Pai, and the famous Peking Opera performance artist Wang Siji.

Wang Peiyu was called "Little Winter Emperor", and Tan Yuanshou and Mei Baojiu had both praised her and praised her very much.

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

And Wang Peiyu also mentioned the praise of these two to herself in many interviews, saying that Mei Baojiu said that she sang well, grew well, and looked like Meng Xiaodong and so on.

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

Tan Zhengyan is a famous Peking Opera actor, Gong Laosheng, Zong Tan Sect, the seventh generation of the Tan family.

The Tan family has begun to decline since Tan Xiaozeng, and Tan Xiaozeng has always considered himself to be a figure like Tan Xiaopei.

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

Ask Tan Xiaopei what kind of character, once the "Tan Wuye" in the Peking Opera circle even Yu Shuyan had to let him score three points, where can Tan Xiaopei be compared with Tan Xiaopei,

There is also Tan Xiao once said in a program on Henan Satellite TV that Tan Zhengyan performs like Tan Yuanshou. Is this statement, Tan Zhengyan's singing is like Tan Yuanshou!

Peking opera actors can't always praise themselves, Liu Xiurong, Wang Peiyu, and Tan Zhengyan are all the same

Therefore, peking opera actors do not need to elevate themselves, and the improvement of art is the best proof!

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