
"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

author:Baijiang Culture and Art

#Red Star Online# #头条读书院 #

#秘书长读书 #

He was the political commissar of the army and the director of the political department of the corps, and was called "general without title"

Fang Ge said shi 20201217

Among the senior generals of the People's Liberation Army, many of them have made countless contributions and have many legendary stories for the establishment of New China. One of them, who had served as a military political commissar and the director of the political department of the corps, was called a "general without a title", and had never married in his life and had no children. This person's name is Zhang Zhonghan.

"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

Zhang Zhonghan, born in January 1915 in Cuierzhuang, Cangxian County, Hebei Province, enrolled in Beiping Civilian High School in 1931, participated in the Beiping Students Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement, and accepted the influence of the party. In February 1933, Zhang Zhonghan returned to his hometown and was introduced by Cao Youmin to join the Communist Party of China in December.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhang Zhonghan formed a Hebei People's Army of more than a thousand people according to the arrangements of the party organization, and he appointed himself as the commander of the People's Army and openly raised the flag to resist Japan. Later, he handed over this Hebei people's army to Commander Lü Zhengcao, returned to his hometown, and reorganized a Jinnan Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Army, serving as commander.

"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

After Mr. He marched into Jizhong, he merged the Jinnan Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Army and the 719th Regiment of the 359th Brigade, with Zhang Zhonghan as the regimental commander. In December 1948, Zhang Zhonghan was appointed commander of the Sixth Division of the Second Army of the First Corps of the First Field Army. In September 1949, Zhang Zhonghan marched into Xinjiang with the First Corps commanded by General Wang Zhen.

After 1950, Zhang Zhonghan successively served as the political commissar of the Ninth Army of the People's Liberation Army and the director of the political department of the 22nd Corps. He entered Xinjiang as an advance team, was ordered to suppress bandits and counter-rebellion, and then transferred to the "Tunken Shubian" until 1966, realizing "a thousand heavy waves in the sea of ten thousand pouring wheat, and the former desert became a granary.".

"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

As for the special system of the production corps, some people joked, "The corps is an armored (crop) soldier." Zhang Zhonghan, the main leader who created the production corps, said, you call me a "crop soldier", there is nothing wrong with it, we just want to build a garden on the Gobi Desert and contribute to the country.

Although tunken has existed since the Han and Tang dynasties, there are not many successes. Tao Zhiyue and Zhang Zhonghan led the first hundred thousand demobilized soldiers to begin the great practice of idealism in the vast ancient wasteland of Xinjiang. Because, when he was awarded the rank in 1955, General Zhang Zhonghan had already transferred to the local Tunken Shubian, so he was not awarded a military rank, so he was also called "rankless general".

"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

In March 1967, Zhang Zhonghan, like many others, was shocked and criticized, and was imprisoned for more than 8 years. He was reinstated and assigned as an artillery adviser to the People's Liberation Army. In 1978, the organization paid Zhang Zhonghan a salary of 30,000 yuan, and he first paid 20,000 yuan to pay the party fee during his detention, and then gave the remaining 10,000 yuan to the drivers, secretaries, and guards around him before his death. Because the long-suffering illness was irreversible, on March 9, 1980, General Zhang Zhonghan, who had never married and had no children and no daughters, died of illness in Beijing at the age of 65.


#Headline Red Culture ##红星在线 #

Editor: Xinhong, Baijiang Culture and Arts Center

"Red Star Online" He is the political commissar of the military and the director of the political department of the corps, and is called "general without title"

The plaque is a unique folk culture of the Chinese national tradition. It is a sign hanging in the halls, pavilions, courtyards, gardens, hotels, hotels, shops and other units. The plaque is an indispensable part of all kinds of buildings, its meaning is equivalent to the eye of the building, it is to inform the name and purpose of the building, and it is also a business card for publicity. Shusheng Wang Xizhi is China's most famous and accomplished calligrapher, and a general. The brush used today was pioneered by the general Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty who supervised the construction of the Great Wall. The Hundred Generals Center can invite general calligraphers and celebrity calligraphers to jointly inscription poem inscription plaques and PEN exhibitions. Invite military celebrities and professors to give lectures.

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