
When a child encounters a helpless thing, how to deal with it? We look for the answer from Yu Shun

author:An education-loving dad

Reading history with children - helpless Yu Shun

Although the child is small, he often looks up like an adult and sighs: helpless, really helpless, can only be like this. In the face of such a Buddhist child and willing to lie flat, I had to use my own unprofessional history to tell my child that there are indeed many helplessness in life, but if you are smart enough, you can completely turn these helplessness into advantages, so as to help solve problems for yourself. Let's see Emperor Shun!

There are many helplessnesses in people's lives, and like Yu Shun, you are as noble as the Son of Heaven, and you understand the meaning of helplessness.

When a child encounters a helpless thing, how to deal with it? We look for the answer from Yu Shun

Yu King's Hall

During the reign of Emperor Yao, Huān dōu recommended Gonggong as his heir, which was vetoed by Yao, but Gonggong still insisted on serving as a craftsman, specializing in the management of engineering construction and handicraft manufacturing, and as a result, Gonggong indulged himself and formed a party for personal gain; Siyue had recommended Gonggong (gǔn) to govern the water, Yao thought it was not possible, but Siyue insisted on letting Gong (gǔn) try, the result was not very effective, and people did not recognize it; the Sanmiao tribe was also careless at that time, and repeatedly rebelled in the Jianghuai River Valley. These circumstances were clearly seen when Shun Tiyao inspected them.

As the successor of Emperor Yao's test, Shun knew very well that in order to govern the country well, these four sinners must be eliminated, but at this time, Yu Shun was in the internship period of Tianzi, and if he took the initiative to punish these four high-ranking and powerful people without authorization, would people have other opinions, which would affect his internship results?

Punishment, it is easy to appear unfavorable to their own situation, do not punish it, sorry benign and the people, helpless Yu Shun thought about it for a night, thinking that the bell must be tied to the bell, Yu Shun Yu Shun resolutely played to Emperor Yao, counting the evil deeds of these four sinners, and then asked Emperor Yao how to deal with it.

Emperor Yao, who was devoted to serving the country, listened to Yu Shun's report and became furious, and then asked Yu Shun if he had any solution, and then Yu Shun proposed: In order to change the customs of Northern Di, the gonggong workers should be exiled to Youling; in order to change the customs of the southern barbarians, the donkeys should be exiled to Chongshan; the carp should be exiled to Yushan in order to change the customs of Dongyi; and the sanmiao should be relocated to the Three Dangers Mountain in order to change the customs of Xirong.

The adjustment of officials is the exclusive power of the Son of Heaven, and Yu Shun's punishment of the "four sins" as the object of the imperial examination is easily suspected by people, but Yu Shun, who is helpless for the sake of the country, has to play a plan to Emperor Yao. The wise Emperor Yao immediately signed yu shun's report, and Yu Shun's idea was realized, and the result proved that the punishment of the "four sins" was very gratifying and the world was satisfied.

Emperor Yao reigned for seventy years before he got the ideal successor Shun, after countless investigations, Emperor Yao decided to recommend Yu Shun to the heavens twenty years later due to age problems, and let Shun dai exercise the power of Tianzi himself, and Yu Shun died eight years after taking the position of Tianzi. Emperor Yao's exploits were indescribable, and the people at that time cried out in grief when they heard that Emperor Yao had died like their own parents. In order to commemorate Emperor Yao, people invariably stopped carrying out any entertainment activities for three years.

When a child encounters a helpless thing, how to deal with it? We look for the answer from Yu Shun

Danju statue, source network

Emperor Yao's eldest son, Dan zhu, was recommended as an heir, but Emperor Yao refused on the grounds that Dan Zhu was not virtuous, so he had the experience of later testing Yu Shun. Emperor Yao understood very well that if he gave way to Yu Shun, who was virtuous, everyone in the world would benefit and only be unfair to Danzhu alone, but if he gave way to the unwise Danzhu, Danzhu would benefit alone but would be unfair to the people of the world. Therefore, Emperor Yao once said, "I can't watch the people of the world suffer and let Dan zhu alone benefit." "Therefore, there is a situation in which Yu Shun dai Emperor Yao Tianzi appeared, and now that Emperor Yao has died and the three-year mourning period is over, in order to avoid civil unrest in the country, Shun, who has not yet officially ascended the throne at this time, decided to cede the throne to Danzhu, and he was happy to hide on the south bank of the South River and live in seclusion.

Yu Shun's approach is also a helpless move, as the saying goes: people's hearts are the most difficult to conquer, if Yu Shun does not take the initiative to give way to Danzhu, those who support Danzhu will definitely slander Yu Shun out of thin air, after all, Danzhu is Emperor Yao's own son. However, if he gave up the position of The Son of Heaven and violated Emperor Yao's last words, this helplessness made it even more difficult for Yu Shun to sleep and eat.

However, a dramatic scene appeared, although Yu Shun sent a telegram to the wilderness and announced that He would succeed to the throne by Dan Zhu, but when the princes came to see Him, they did not go to Dan Zhu at all, but directly went to The place where Yu Shun lived to report their work, and those things that required the decision of the Son of Heaven did not look for Dan Zhu, but sought to go far and far to find Yu Shun's decision, and those who sang praises for the times did not sing dan Zhu, but specially wrote plots to praise Yu Shun. Yu Shun said helplessly, "This is Providence!" Since Providence could not be violated, Yu Shun was forced to return to Kyoto and officially ascend to the position of Heavenly Son, which is the famous Shun Emperor in history.

When a child encounters a helpless thing, how to deal with it? We look for the answer from Yu Shun

Find a way for the child

Think about Yu's experience, family problems, flood problems, national governance problems, aren't they all difficult things? Solving these difficulties certainly cannot be done arbitrarily, and wisdom is needed in the face of these helplessness. The child nodded his head after listening, Emperor Shun is indeed a person with great wisdom, people and things in the world cannot be carried out completely according to his own ideas, the helplessness he faces is a big thing, but in the face of helplessness, he did not choose Buddhism and anxiety, but serious thinking, careful consideration, and comprehensive consideration of the problem, and as a result, all things have a perfect ending.

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