
What kind of person was The Minister of Cao Wei, Guo Yuan? What is his relationship with Liu Bei?

author:Fun History Network

  At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao blackmailed Tianzi to order the princes to eliminate Yuan Shu, Lü Bu, Yuan Shao and other separatist forces and successfully established Cao Wei. For Cao Cao, the reason why he could become the most powerful prince was inseparable from the assistance of many civilian and military generals. In addition to well-known strategists such as Xun Yu and Guo Jia, there were also many first-class courtiers, although their reputation was not obvious, but their personal talents were very outstanding. Although the Guoyuan to be introduced by today's interesting history editor is also Cao Cao's subordinate, it is very easy to be ignored.

  GuoYuan (国元), courtesy name Zini, was a native of Gai County, Le'an County, who studied under Zheng Xuan when he was young. Lu Zhi, Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, Hua Xin and others have a common teacher, which is Taiwei Chen Qiu. As we all know, Lu Zhi is the teacher of Liu Bei and Gongsun Zhan, while Lu Zhi and Zheng Xuan are both students of Chen Qiu. In other words, Guoyuan was actually Liu Bei's brother-in-law. Later, he and Bing Yuan, Guan Ning and others went to Liaodong County to escape the rebellion, and after returning to his hometown, Guoyuan was recruited by Cao Cao to serve as a subordinate of Sikong.

What kind of person was The Minister of Cao Wei, Guo Yuan? What is his relationship with Liu Bei?

  After that, when Cao Gongfu was discussing political affairs, Guoyuan also participated, because he was very capable and had a straight personality, and Cao Cao admired him very much. At first, Kuniyobu was in charge of tun tian affairs, and later Kuniyobuchi inspected the land and resettled the people. After his efforts, the granary was abundant in the five years of service, and the people competed for encouragement, and the difficult problem of Mintun was greatly alleviated, providing Cao Cao's army with sufficient grain and grass. Guoyuan's status also continued to improve, and gradually sat in the position of the Ninth Secretary.

  In 208, Cao Cao was enthroned as a chancellor by Emperor Xian of Han. In 211, Cao Cao conquered Guanzhong and engaged in a fierce contest with Ma Chao and Han Sui, who ordered Guoyuan to be appointed as the governor of Jufu and in charge of staying behind. Later, after Tian Yin and Su Bo failed in their rebellion in Hejian County, Cao Cao wanted to execute them according to law, but Guoyuan interceded for them and did not execute them, and Cao Cao listened to his advice. Not only that, at that time, the army liked to lie about military merit, and in order to ask for credit for themselves, they often exaggerated the number of enemies they had killed. But Guoyuan was ashamed of this, so he didn't care how much he would offend others. Cao Cao was happy to learn of this and promoted him to the position of Taishou of Wei County.

What kind of person was The Minister of Cao Wei, Guo Yuan? What is his relationship with Liu Bei?

  Although Guoyuan held the position of Secretary of State, he still wore cloth and food, and distributed all the rewards to his relatives and friends, but he maintained humility and frugality. However, there is no detailed record in the history books of the time of his death.

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