
World Preliminary Round China-Australia Battle Starter: Wang Dalei changed his face to Junling, and Arthur Junmin replaced Wu Xi

author:Sardinian Sports

The Chinese men's football team is about to usher in a life-and-death battle with Australia in the World Preliminary Round, if the previous few games can still accept defeat, then the second battle with Australia will determine the success or failure of the national football team in advance, the opponent is extremely strong, but for the national football team, there is no way back, and there should be no reservations in the lineup.

Goalkeeper: Wang Dalei

In the last round against Oman, Yan Junling made a low-level mistake, for his overall performance, a mistake is worth understanding, but from the process point of view, the national football back line needs a person who can shout, can remind his teammates, before the 40 strong match against Syria, Yan Junling can actually remind the defense line to a certain extent, but he is not an active goalkeeper, mainly like to do his job well, on the contrary, Da Lei can still always remind his teammates of their concentration and position, after all, the goalkeeper position has a unique superiority.

And it is difficult for us to see Yan Junling to command his teammates, and more importantly, Yan Junling's choice of attack is actually not good, it is reflected in the game against Syria and Australia, not decisive and not confident, being scored by Oman's corner is the result, Da Lei is a big game goalkeeper, you can try, after all, instead of worrying about Da Lei's low-level mistakes, it is better to worry about Yan Junling's self-confidence.

World Preliminary Round China-Australia Battle Starter: Wang Dalei changed his face to Junling, and Arthur Junmin replaced Wu Xi

Left-back: Wang Shenchao

Center-back: Zhu Chenjie, Jiang Guangtai

Right-back: Zhang Linpeng

The national football team can continue the defensive line with Oman, two central defenders, especially the young player Zhu Chenjie, after making a mistake with Saudi Arabia, played brilliantly against Oman, on the contrary, some veterans, after the mistake can not find the direction, Xiao Zhu is very young, even for future considerations, but also to continue to trust, not to mention Xiao Zhu's current level, in addition to Zhang Linpeng, only Xiao Zhu is suitable for the start, Zhang Linpeng continues to be placed on the side, at least can effectively weaken the opponent's side attack, and Wang Shenchao this point is indeed no better choice, Even if Wang Shenchao couldn't prevent it, the others hit this side as well.

World Preliminary Round China-Australia Battle Starter: Wang Dalei changed his face to Junling, and Arthur Junmin replaced Wu Xi

Back: Xu Xin Arthur Junmin

Wu Xi position is very important, can attack and defend, but the reality is that the national football team currently does not need an all-round midfielder, needs a point that can control the ball organization, but also needs a fierce back that can fight well, Wu Xi is active in defense, but it is not his advantage, the attack is mainly forward insertion and transfer, splitting and taking the ball is not a strength, if there is an excellent organizer like Oscar, then Wu Xi's role will be infinitely magnified, he can also actively insert it, but today's national football team obviously does not have, so it is better to take the core of the organization, Arthur Junmin, to take back the starting, Let the midfield have one more possession point, at least do not lose the ball at will, Xu Xin is doing his best to intercept and defend, against Oman, Xu Xin is still trustworthy, not to mention That Xu Xin also has the ability to move forward, and Arthur Junmin is not without defense.

World Preliminary Round China-Australia Battle Starter: Wang Dalei changed his face to Junling, and Arthur Junmin replaced Wu Xi

Left-wing: Luo Guofu

Right forward: Wu Lei

Front waist: Alain

Forward: Axon

Zhang Yuning as the starting center is no problem, the state is indeed good, but it should be noted that in the Guangzhou team, Axon and Luo Guofu and other naturalized cooperation is quite tacit, if the national football team wants to use fewer people to launch a counterattack, there must be a small group with high degree of cooperation, before playing Saudi Arabia, Alain, Luo Guofu and Axon also played a subtle cooperation, after all, it is a key battle, such a combination is not brainless, you can try.

In fact, the change of team in the national football game can also retain the strongest naturalized lineup, replace Xu Xin or Arthur Junmin with Luo Guofu, he is no stranger to the midfield, and then let Alain return to the winger position he liked that year, Axon and Zhang Yuning to the center, Wu Lei remains unchanged, or Alan and Axon play forward, Wu Lei and Liu Binbin on the side, this is the choice to remain aggressive, the most important point is that players who cannot let go and dare not play must be abandoned.

World Preliminary Round China-Australia Battle Starter: Wang Dalei changed his face to Junling, and Arthur Junmin replaced Wu Xi

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