
Yan Junling may face a penalty! Breaking the rules multiple times? Go to the referee and complain: it's not a penalty

author:Brother Jian said sports

On June 30, Beijing time, in the course of the game between Shanghai Port VS Zhejiang team, there was once again a controversial scene that Chinese Super League fans did not want to see, when the referee Guan Xing sentenced Shanghai Port player He Xi to foul in the penalty area, and initially determined that this was a penalty.

Yan Junling may face a penalty! Breaking the rules multiple times? Go to the referee and complain: it's not a penalty
Yan Junling may face a penalty! Breaking the rules multiple times? Go to the referee and complain: it's not a penalty

According to the rules of the Chinese Super League, when the referee makes a penalty on the field that dissatisfaction with the players of one side of the game, only the captain on the field is qualified to find the referee and the referee close to the theory, according to the situation that the captain of the field is Oscar in this harbor VS Zhejiang team game, Yan Junling, who is not the captain, makes a close theoretical behavior with the referee, in accordance with the punishment rules of the Super LeagueAlthough the referee on the field did not give a card to Yan Junling, who complained to the referee, he felt that Yan Junling, who was a repeat offender, may not escape the punishment of the Football Association.

Yan Junling may face a penalty! Breaking the rules multiple times? Go to the referee and complain: it's not a penalty
Yan Junling may face a penalty! Breaking the rules multiple times? Go to the referee and complain: it's not a penalty

In front of the evidence of the truth and the picture, Yan Junling found the referee theory and complained that it was not a penalty, which has been recorded by the broadcast camera, his practice of ignoring the rules of the Chinese Super League not only affects the image of the Chinese Super League, but also gives other players a chance to follow suit, Yan Junling, who is not the captain on the field, can find the referee theory is nothing, and other players can also go to the referee theory when they encounter unrecognized penalties.

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