
After Musk sold the stock, the United Nations shouted again: the plan to solve global hunger is ready, can it be donated?

author:Jimu News

Jimu News trainee reporter Hu Li

On Monday, David Beasley, director of the United Nations Food Programme, announced on his personal social platform that the United Nations had previously said that $6 billion could solve global hunger, and now the United Nations has made detailed plans, CNN reported on November 18. Because Tesla founder Musk said before: "If the United Nations Food Programme can explain how $6 billion can solve global hunger, I will sell Tesla stock now!" ”

After Musk sold the stock, the United Nations shouted again: the plan to solve global hunger is ready, can it be donated?

Musk. Image source: BBC

The UN Food Programme's plan is to help more than 40 million people who are "on the brink of famine". In the document released by Beasley, the United Nations World Food Programme calculates that the exact funding to tackle global hunger is $6.6 billion, with a specific plan: they will use $3.5 billion to buy and deliver food directly, $2 billion to provide cash assistance and food stamps, and another $700 million to implement new food programs to ensure that funds can reach the most vulnerable. Another $400 million will be spent on operational management, accountability and supply chain coordination.

Beasley wrote: "The world hunger problem is on fire, and I have been warning that this hunger crisis caused by the pandemic, climate change and now supply chain problems is urgent and unprecedented." ”

Musk previously topped the world's richest man with a net worth of about $288 billion. Musk had previously said that if the United Nations could clearly and unambiguously announce how the $6 billion would save global hunger, he would not hesitate to sell a 2% stake in Tesla to help the world solve hunger. Beasley had previously replied to Musk's tweets, assuring him that transparency in the allocation of funds would be achieved, but as of Wednesday afternoon, Musk had not responded.

Beasley said in an interview earlier this month: "We are happy to answer any questions Musk may have. I look forward to a discussion with him, because the lives threatened by hunger are at stake. ”

It's unclear if Musk or Bezos saw WFP's plans and decided to provide support. A spokesman for Musk's companies also did not respond to the matter.

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