
The eighty-second time, the fast horse ti knife Yanjin Jiewen ugly Yuan Shao retired from the army and ran to Runan

author:A pig in the sea barks

Cao Cao saw that Guan Yu had beheaded Yan Liang, doubly admired him, played the imperial court, and made Guan Yu the Marquis of Hanshouting, casting a seal and sending it to Guan Yu. It was reported that Yuan Shao had also sent the general Wen Qiu to cross the Yellow River, which was already above Yanjin.

Cao Cao first sent people to migrate to Xihe, and then personally led the troops to meet the battle; and passed down the general order: the rear army is the front army, the former army is the rear army; the grain and grass are first, and the army is behind. Lü Qian said, "Grain and grass are first, and soldiers are behind, what does this mean?" Cao Cao said, "The grain and grass are in the rear, and most of them are plundered, so the order is in front." Lü Qian said, "If the enemy forces are robbed, how is it good?" Cao Cao said, "And when the enemy arrives, we will pay attention to it." Lu Qian was hesitant.

Cao Cao ordered the grain to be rebuilt along the river until Yanjin. Not long after, Cao Cao was in the rear army, and when he heard the shouts of the front army, he hurriedly asked people to look at it, and reported: "When the Hebei general Wen Ugly arrived, our army abandoned grain and grass and scattered in all directions. The rear army is far away, what will happen? Cao Cao whipped Fu and said, "This can be avoided for the time being." "The centaurs rushed to Tufu. Cao Cao also ordered the soldiers to undress and rest and release their horses. When the Wen Ugly Army attacked, the generals said, "The enemy has arrived!" You can hurry up and collect the horses and return to the white horses! Xun You hurriedly stopped it, saying, "This is the right way to bait the enemy, so why retreat?" Cao Cao hurriedly looked at Xun You and smiled. Xun You knew what it meant and said no more.

The Wen ugly army has both grain and grass and came to grab horses, and the sergeants are no longer in line with the ranks of the ranks, and they are in disarray. Cao Cao ordered his army to rush down to Tufu to attack, and the Wen ugly army was in chaos. Cao Bing surrounded the future, Wen Ugly stood up to fight alone, and the soldiers trampled on each other. Wen Ugly could not stop the army, so he had to turn his horse back.

Cao Cao pointed out on Tufu: "Wen Ugly is a famous general in Hebei, who can capture him?" Zhang Liao and Xu Huang flew out in unison and shouted, "Wen Ugly Hugh is gone!" Wen Ugly turned back to see that the second general had caught up, so he held down the iron gun, took the bow and arrow, and shot Zhang Liao. Xu Huang shouted, "The thief will have to release the arrow!" Zhang Liao lowered his head and ducked, and an arrow hit the helmet, shooting the hairpin away. Zhang Liao struggled to chase again, sat down on his war horse, and was shot in the cheek by Wen Ugly's arrow. The horse fell to his knees on his front hooves, and Zhang Liao landed on the ground. Wen Ugly rushed back to the horse, and Xu Huang hurriedly grabbed a large axe and intercepted the fight. Seeing that the army and horses behind Wen Ugly had arrived, Xu Huang expected to resist the enemy but pulled back his horse.

The eighty-second time, the fast horse ti knife Yanjin Jiewen ugly Yuan Shao retired from the army and ran to Runan

The knife is ugly

Wen Ugly chased along the river. Suddenly seeing more than ten horses on horseback, the flag flipped over, and a general came with a knife in his head, and it was Guan Yu who shouted: "The thief will leave!" "Fight with the ugly. The war is not three, the ugly heart is timid, and the horse goes around the river. Guan Yu's horse was fast, catching up with Wen Ugly, and with a knife in the back of his head, he cut Wen Ugly off the horse.

Cao Cao was above Tufu, and saw that Guan Yu had cut down Wen Ugly and drove people and horses to cover up the killing. Most of the Hebei army fell into the water, and the grain, grass and horses were still retaken by Cao Cao. Guan Yu led the number of horses to rush from east to west. Between the killings, Liu Bei led 30,000 troops and then arrived. The sentry horse in front of him probed and reported to Liu Bei: "This time it is the red-faced and long-haired man who beheaded Wen Ugly again." Liu Bei hurriedly rushed to see the horse, and across the river saw a cluster of people and horses, flying back and forth, and the flag was written with the words "Marquis Guan Yunchang of HanshouTing".

Liu Bei secretly thanked Heaven and Earth and said, "It turns out that my brother is indeed at Cao Cao's place!" "When they wanted to greet each other, the Cao Bing brigade rushed to the army and horses, and had to collect the troops and go back. Yuan Shao received Guandu and set the fence. Guo Tu and Zhen Pei came to see Yuan Shao and said, "This time, Guan Mou killed Wen Ugly again, and Liu Bei pretended not to know." Yuan Shao was furious and scolded, "Big ear thief! Dare to do so! Liu Bei arrived, and Yuan Shao pushed out the beheading.

Liu Bei said, "What is my sin?" Yuan Shao said, "You deliberately instructed your brother to be a great general of mine, how can you be innocent?" Liu Bei said, "Allow me to complain and die again: Cao Cao is jealous of Liu Bei, and now he knows that Liu Bei is now in the Ming Gong Office, lest Liu Bei help the Duke, so he specially asked Yun Chang to kill the second general." Public knowledge will be angry. In this way, he borrowed the hand of the gong to kill Liu Bei. May Ming Gong think twice. Yuan Shao said, "Xuan De's words are very true. You and a few others have put me in the name of the wise men who have been victimized. "Drink back left and right, and ask Liu Bei to sit on the tent."

The eighty-second time, the fast horse ti knife Yanjin Jiewen ugly Yuan Shao retired from the army and ran to Runan

Want to collect Guan Yu

Liu Bei Xie said: "Meng Minggong's leniency, there is no way to repay, I want to make a confidant go to see Yun Chang with a secret letter, so that he can learn liu Bei's news, Yun Chang will definitely come in the starry night, assist Ming Gong, and jointly curse Cao Cao, in order to avenge Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, what does Ming Gong think?" Yuan Shao said happily, "I have to be cloudy, and I am ten times better than Yan Liang and Wen Ugly." "Liu Bei repaired the book, but no one sent it. Yuan Shao ordered the retreat of Wuyang, the company camped for tens of miles, and did not move according to the soldiers.

Cao Cao sent Xiahou Huan to lead troops to guard the Guandu Pass, and his own class returned to Xudu to feast on the officials and congratulate Guan Yu. During the banquet, Cao Cao said to Lü Qian, "In the past, I used to use grain and grass in front of me, but I used bait to lure the enemy. Only Xun Gongda knows my heart. "Everyone was impressed when they knew the reason.

In the middle of the drinking banquet, someone suddenly came to report: "Runan has a yellow turban Liu Pei and Gong Du, and it is very rampant." Cao Hong was tired of fighting unfavorably and begged to send troops to save him. Guan Yu heard the words and entered the preface: "Guan Mou is willing to follow the work of dogs and horses to break the thief Kou of Runan." Cao Cao said, "Yun Chang has made great contributions to the establishment of the great deeds, and he has not been paid heavily, so why should he work hard again?" Guan Yu said, "Guan Mou is idle for a long time, and he will have diseases." May it be another line. Cao Cao praised Zhuang Zhao, ordered 50,000 troops, sent Yu Ban and Le Jin as deputy generals, and the next day they went.

Xun Yumi said to Cao Cao: "Yun Chang often has the heart to return to Liu, and if he knows that Liu Bei's news will go, he must not frequently order him to go on expeditions." Cao Cao said, "After receiving merit this time, I will no longer ask Yun Chang to face the enemy." ”

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