
Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

author:An An said gossip

In 2016, a baby's cry broke Zhang Lingxin's peaceful life. The actress, who once insisted on "not marrying and having children" for 18 years, has now become a loving mother.

Recalling that he once vowed to "go to a nursing home when he retires", Zhang Ling couldn't help but sigh. Life is always full of accidents, and the steadfast "Dink" in the past has now become a complete "pet maniac".

What changed the trajectory of her life? What made her give up the lifestyle she once adhered to? Let's step into the story of Zhang Lingxin and uncover the secrets behind this astonishing transformation.

Going back in time, we go back to Zhang Lingxin's college days. With the dream of becoming an excellent actor, she was successfully admitted to the acting major of Beijing Film Academy with her outstanding performance.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

In this temple of art, a stern teacher caught her attention - Hu Qiang. Hu Qiang was known for his strictness among students, and many of his classmates would take a detour when they saw him.

However, Zhang Lingxin took a keen interest in this stern teacher. In every class, she pays full attention and carefully notes every important point. When other students couldn't wait to leave the classroom, she often stayed and asked Teacher Hu questions.

As time went on, Zhang Lingxin found that he had a special affection for this mature and steady teacher. Hu Qiang's serious attitude, profound knowledge and sense of responsibility for students are deeply attracted to her.

Every time she communicates with Teacher Hu, she feels her heart beating faster inexplicably. However, this kind of affection also made the young Zhang Lingxin confused. She knows that there is an invisible boundary between teachers and students.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

Moreover, Hu Qiang is much older than her, and such an age gap may be difficult to accept in the eyes of others. But the throbbing in her heart became stronger and stronger, making it difficult for her to control herself.

Zhang Lingxin began to secretly pay attention to Hu Qiang's every move, and tried to excel in all aspects, hoping to attract his attention. Her efforts were not in vain, and Hu Qiang did notice this unique student and affirmed her learning attitude and progress.

In class, Zhang Lingxin always actively speaks and shows his talents; After class, she often found various reasons to communicate with Hu Qiang, hoping to get to know him better. Although her actions seem ordinary, they imply a youthful admiration.

This study experience not only laid the foundation for Zhang Lingxin's acting career, but also became an important turning point in her life. At that time, she didn't know that the stern teacher in front of her would become a key figure in changing the trajectory of her life in the future, leading her to an unexpected life journey.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

When discussing Zhang Lingxin's study experience in Beiying, we have to go back to her family background, which laid an important foreshadowing for her to pursue her acting dream. Zhang Lingxin was born into a wealthy family in Shanghai, and has been bathed in a strong artistic atmosphere since she was a child.

However, what really affected her was not the family's financial conditions, but her grandfather, an excellent actor who was highly respected in the entertainment industry. In Zhang Lingxin's childhood memories, her grandfather always patiently told her all kinds of interesting things on the stage.

The little Zhang Lingxin often sits next to his grandfather and listens attentively. Grandpa's eyes that have been through vicissitudes but are still shining seem to contain countless wonderful stories.

"Ling Xin, remember, a real actor is not only performing, but also feeling the character with his heart and moving the audience with sincerity." Grandpa's words were like a seed, buried deep in Zhang Lingxin's young heart.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

Under the influence of his grandfather, Zhang Lingxin developed a strong interest in acting. She began to imitate the characters in the TV series at home, turning the living room into her own small stage, directing and acting in various plots.

The parents looked at their daughter's energetic appearance, both relieved and a little worried. They are well aware of the complexities of the entertainment industry and hope that their daughter can choose a more stable career.

However, how could Zhang Lingxin, who is full of love for acting, give up her dream so easily? She secretly made up her mind that she must become a good actor like her grandfather. In order to realize this dream, Zhang Lingxin has made unimaginable efforts.

During the day, he studied cultural classes seriously, and secretly practiced his acting skills at night. Her room is filled with books on performance theory, and the walls are plastered with posters of famous actors, which have become the driving force for her to pursue her dreams.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

This love and dedication to acting, coupled with her innate acting talent, eventually helped her successfully enter the Beijing Film Academy. When she received the admission letter, Zhang Lingxin was so excited that she burst into tears.

She knows that this is not only an affirmation of her efforts, but also the first step to realize her dream. Standing at a new starting point in life, Zhang Lingxin's heart is full of longing and expectation for the future.

She firmly believes that studying at Beiying will bring her one step closer to her dream, and all thanks to the influence of her artistic family and the earnest teaching of her grandfather. Back on the Beiying campus, Zhang Lingxin's feelings for Hu Qiang deepened day by day.

Finally one day, she mustered up the courage to confess her heart to Hu Qiang. However, reality is not a fairy tale. Faced with this sudden confession, Hu Qiang was very embarrassed.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

He looked at the youthful girl in front of him, and his heart was full of contradictions. On the one hand, he had to admit that he also had a good impression of this smart and motivated student; But on the other hand, he is well aware of the taboos of teacher-student love.

"Lingxin, you are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. And I'm just a passerby on your life's path. Hu Qiang gently but firmly rejected Zhang Lingxin. Zhang Lingxin, who was rejected, did not give up easily.

She understood Hu Qiang's concerns, but the fire in her heart was burning more and more. She began to study harder and strive for perfection in all aspects, hoping to impress Hu Qiang with her own growth.

Day after day, Zhang Lingxin proves his determination with practical actions. She no longer confesses directly, but expresses her heart through various details. Whenever she meets Hu Qiang, she always shows a bright smile; In class, her speech is always the most exciting; Even between classes, she will find various reasons to communicate with Hu Qiang.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

Hu Qiang was gradually moved by Zhang Lingxin's persistence. He found himself looking forward to seeing the sunny girl more and more. However, reason tells him that the relationship is fraught with challenges.

Finally, on a breezy evening, Hu Qiang decided to open his heart. "There are many barriers between us. The age gap, the teacher-student relationship, these are not trivial matters.

Are you sure you want to take this difficult road? Zhang Lingxin nodded firmly, with a resolute light in his eyes: "As long as you are here, I am willing to go on no matter how difficult the road is." And just like that, they carefully began the relationship.

However, the test has only just begun. When Zhang Lingxin told his parents the news, he was met with strong opposition. "He's so much older than you, and he's still your teacher, how can that work?" The words of his parents were like a basin of cold water, poured on Zhang Lingxin's heart.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

However, Zhang Lingxin did not back down. She begged her parents to give Hu Qiang a chance to come and meet him at home. On the day they met, Hu Qiang's steadiness and talent left a deep impression on Zhang Lingxin's parents.

Although the age gap is indeed not small, Hu Qiang's personality and knowledge have given them a new understanding of this relationship. In the end, after seeing their daughter's determined eyes, the parents chose to support.

"As long as you are happy, we are relieved." Father patted Zhang Lingxin on the shoulder and said. The beginning of this relationship was full of hardships, but Zhang Lingxin and Hu Qiang proved the power of love with their actions.

They overcame age gaps, identity differences, and external skepticism to come together. This experience not only deepened their relationship, but also gave Zhang Lingxin a new understanding of life, laying the groundwork for her future changes.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

Time flies, and the relationship between Zhang Lingxin and Hu Qiang continues to sublimate in mutual support. They have walked through the peaks and valleys of life hand in hand, and witnessed each other's growth and success.

Zhang Lingxin has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry with her talent and hard work. Her performance in "Never Look Away" attracted widespread attention and successfully opened up the situation of her acting career.

Subsequently, she participated in many popular dramas such as "Dongfang Shuo" and "The Story of the Cooking Class", and gradually became a powerful actor loved by the audience. Each role has given her a new breakthrough and made her go further and further on the road of acting.

At the same time, Hu Qiang's career is also thriving. He has not only directed a number of excellent films, but also participated in many popular TV series. On the road of teaching and creation, he has always maintained his passion and pursuit of art, and constantly explored new realms of film art.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

The two encourage each other in their careers and make progress together. Whenever Zhang Lingxin has doubts about the role, Hu Qiang can always give pertinent advice; And when Hu Qiang encounters a bottleneck in his creation, Zhang Lingxin will also give support and encouragement in his own way.

This mutually supportive relationship has allowed them to achieve remarkable results in their respective fields. However, as he grew older, Hu Qiang began to consider further commitments.

He implicitly expressed his desire to get married to Zhang Lingxin, hoping to give this relationship a happy end. At first, Zhang Lingxin was a little hesitant. She has always adhered to the idea of "no marriage and no child", believing that this will make her career better.

However, in the days of getting along with Hu Qiang, she gradually experienced the warmth of her family. After careful consideration, in 2015, Zhang Lingxin accepted Hu Qiang's marriage proposal. They held a low-key and warm wedding and officially stepped into the palace of marriage.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

This decision marked a major change in Zhang Lingxin's outlook on life, and also laid the groundwork for her to become a mother later. After marriage, the careers of the two developed more smoothly. Zhang Lingxin continues to challenge himself on the road of acting, while Hu Qiang has made great achievements in the field of film and television education.

In March 2024, Hu Qiang was appointed as the dean of Beijing Film Academy, which is undoubtedly the best praise for his hard work over the years. Looking at the partner who accompanied and grew up together all the way, Zhang Ling's heart was full of gratitude and happiness.

She deeply feels that having a partner who understands and supports each other is the greatest happiness in life. Today's Zhang Lingxin is no longer the young girl who insisted on "not marrying and not having children".

In 2016, she and Hu Qiang welcomed their first child, and the arrival of this little life completely changed Zhang Lingxin's view of life. Zhang Lingxin, a first-time mother, experienced an unprecedented sense of happiness.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

Watching her child grow up day by day, she always has a happy smile on her face. She once said that she would "go to a nursing home when she retires", but now she has become a complete "pet maniac".

She found that in the process of taking care of her children, she seemed to rediscover the meaning of life. However, becoming a mother did not affect Zhang Lingxin's love for acting. While taking care of her family, she still maintains her passion for acting.

In 2023, she participated in "Old Guy" and won unanimous praise from the audience after it was broadcast, once again proving her strength as an actor. This work not only shows her superb acting skills, but also reflects her unique charm as a mature woman.

At the same time, Hu Qiang's career is also rising. In March 2024, he was appointed as the dean of the Beijing Film Academy, which is not only an affirmation of his personal ability, but also a recognition of his years of dedication to film education.

Zhang Lingxin: insisted on not marrying and having children for 18 years, retired and went to a nursing home, and now he is "slapped in the face" by himself

This new position gives Hu Qiang a bigger stage to realize his educational philosophy. Today's Zhang Lingxin has a successful career and a happy family, which can be said to have fulfilled his acting dream, and has also gained sweet love and a warm family.

Her story undoubtedly brings inspiration to those who are torn between career and family: there are many forms of happiness, and the key is to be brave enough to pursue and try.

Zhang Lingxin's experience proves that career and family are not an either/or choice, but can coexist harmoniously and promote each other.

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