
The fourth book is read together: "Kill a Mockingbird" excerpt

author:Qinghe Xiaoyu

The following excerpts are from this book.

The fourth book is read together: "Kill a Mockingbird" excerpt

The fourth book is read together: "Kill a Mockingbird" excerpt

I think lawyers were also children. —Charles Lamb

P43 Scott, if you can learn a simple skill, dealing with all kinds of people will be much smoother. To truly understand a person, you have to think from the other person's point of view... You have to get inside his body and walk with his body.

P60 Even if he wasn't crazy before, he should be crazy now, what others have experienced, how can we know. Who knows what secrets are hidden behind the closed doors of each household...

P64 Unless invited, you are not allowed to go near other people's houses, and you are not allowed to tease anyone on this street or even in this town.

P95 Don't call it, Scott, it's vulgar to say.

At school, everyone called it that.

From now on, one less from all...

P97 can't win.

But why?

We can't give up on victory just because we've been defeated in the last hundred years.

This time is different, we are not fighting the Yankees, but with friends, but you have to remember that no matter how much hatred they cause, they are still our friends, and this is still our home.

P108 Robins only sing to people, they do not waste the garden, they do not nest in the corn depot, they do not do anything bad, they just sing to us to the fullest. So killing a mockingbird is a crime.

P129 I want you to understand what true bravery is, not that holding a gun in your hand is being brave. It's that you know you're going to fail, or you're going to do it, and whatever happens, you're going to stick with it. You rarely win, but there will always be a time to win, and though Mrs. Dubos is only ninety-eight pounds, she wins, and in her words, she dies without relying on anything or indebting to anyone. I've never met anyone as brave as she was. (Quit morphine)

P219 is actually quite simple, some people don't like my lifestyle. I'm going to give them a reason. They have a reason, it's much easier, understand?

Why tell us the secret? Because you are children, you can understand.

You still have a pure heart that doesn't know enough about the world. You haven't even seen the town.

P224 In this country, in a sense, all men are created equal, there is a human institution that makes the poor equal with Rockefeller, the stupid man equal to Einstein, and the ignorant equal to the president of the university. Gentlemen, this body is the tribunal.

P224 I am not an idealist, so I am not convinced that our courtroom and jury system is flawless, which is not an ideal for me, but a living reality, is work. The health of the court depends on the jury; if the jury is not healthy, it depends on the jury members.

P234 I don't know, but that's what they did. They've done it before and will do it later, and when they do, it seems like only children cry their noses.

P234 This is where they live, and we let them live in an environment where they might as well learn to face it.

P237 I just want to tell you that there are people in this world who are born to do some unpleasant work for us. Your father is one of them.

P238 As you get older, you'll find white people cheating on black people every day. But I'm telling you one thing, you have to remember. If a white man does this to a black man, it doesn't matter who he is, how rich he is, how good his family comes from... That white man, it was all personal scum.

P242 Don't fool yourself – then one day we'll pay for it.

P249 Atticus used every means a free man could to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret court of the people's hearts, Atticus had no room for victory.

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