
Gorky's Petrel

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Gorky's Haiyan the name of the great proletarian writer Gorky is well known in our country. "Haiyan" is a "revolutionary poem of battle" written by Gorky, and it is an excellent literary work that is very familiar and loved by the young people of our country.

Gorky (1868-1936) was born into a carpentry family in Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky City), Russia. He lost his father at an early age and lived in his grandfather's house. Soon after, my grandfather's family went bankrupt, and the young Gorky went to the "human world" - as an apprentice, a brother-in-law, a porter... Hesitating at the bottom of Russian society. Here, he came into contact with the miserable life of the broad masses of the working people under the rule of the Russian Tsar, and personally experienced all the bitterness and suffering in the human world. The hard-working and studious Gorky, despite living in inhuman and extremely difficult conditions, still likes to read and insists on self-study. He saw a new world in books, which increased his confidence in life and began to learn to write. The evil absolutism and the dark, impoverished people's lives of capitalist society made Gorky strongly hate the existing social system and deeply sympathize with the people at the bottom of Russia, who were in dire straits.

Gorky's Petrel

The end of the 19th century and the beginning of this century were a period of vigorous development of the Russian workers' movement. In 1895, the "Russian Association for the Liberation Struggle of the Working Class" led by Lenin was founded in St. Petersburg. In 1900, Lenin's "Mars" newspaper was published. From then on, the Russian proletarian revolution moved from a spontaneous economic struggle to a conscious political struggle. It was precisely under the influence of Lenin and The Mars that Gorky took the path of the Marxist revolutionaries and became "the most outstanding representative of proletarian art." Gorky wrote many great works in his lifetime, in addition to the early "Petrel", "Song of the Eagle" and a series of outstanding short stories, he also created a large number of novellas, novellas and dramas, political theories and other works, and he wrote the first classic novel of socialist realism, "Mother", which was praised and valued by Lenin and revolutionaries all over the world.

Petrel was written in 1901. Russia was on the eve of the first revolution at this time, as the older Russian proletarian revolutionary Kalinin pointed out: "The years 1900 to 1901 were the years when the revolutionary movement was even more upsurge throughout Russia. Society can feel a kind of yearning for the strength of struggle. Gorky's Petrel seems to encapsulate the mood and desire to fight an autocracy and its order. ”

Gorky's Petrel

Gorky's Petrel is an artistic discourse calling on the people to take action and devote themselves to the bloody struggle against autocratic tyranny at a time when the storm of the Russian Revolution is approaching. The work shows a magnificent scene of a life-and-death struggle between revolution and counter-revolution, a contrast between various political forces, and a sharp and complex political struggle in which the "storm is coming". The "proud" petrel symbolizes the brave revolutionary, who is breaking through all the dark heat, not afraid of violence, soaring heroically, predicting the imminent victory of the proletarian revolution, and the dawn is ahead!

In his works, Gorky uses a large number of symbolic artistic techniques, vivid descriptions of allegories and contrasts, huge potential ideological forces and strong artistic appeal, which effectively inspires the revolutionary people, satirizes the cowards who are afraid of the revolution, and strikes down on the absolutists. It is not only a beautiful hymn of revolution, but also a powerful political essay; it not only played an extremely important propaganda and agitation role in the high days of the Russian proletarian movement, but it still has immortal ideological significance for revolutionaries all over the world today.

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