
Yan Jianguo: The Childhood of Reading — Talking about How Junior High School Students Should Read Gorky's "Childhood"

【Founding Talk Reading】

When I was in junior high school, I really didn't read Gorky's Childhood. At that time, reading extracurricular books was almost unanimously criticized by teachers and parents, and reading idle books was regarded as not doing the right thing and looking sideways, not to mention that there was no library at all in my junior high school, and teachers and students only had textbooks, exercise books and a few publications such as "Friends of Middle School Students", which was our childhood of reading sleepiness.

In recent years, with the implementation of the new language curriculum standards, the role of reading in increasing knowledge and thinking ability of middle school students has become a consensus. On the negative side, it can make students adapt to the new middle school entrance examination and the new college entrance examination; on the positive side, it can bring middle school students a farther and higher world and future. At present, all far-sighted teachers and materially based parents are more supportive of middle school students, especially junior high school students with relatively spare time, to read some classic works according to national curriculum standards, so as to realize the vision of "Li De Shu Ren".

Yan Jianguo: The Childhood of Reading — Talking about How Junior High School Students Should Read Gorky's "Childhood"

Gorky's Childhood is less than 200,000 words long, and I read it in my spare time for three days outside of work. In fact, because of the different appreciation habits and the lack of an attractive storyline, I read it very reluctantly and coped with it, and I really don't know how much junior high school students who have drifted away from the scene of the life of small Russian citizens in the early 20th century depicted in the work will have liked and interested.

Looking back at the language textbooks related to the reading of "Childhood", it is the fourth unit of the first semester of the sixth grade, the three texts in this unit are novels, and the focus of teaching is to learn to sort out the storyline of the novel, initially perceive the character image, understand the social life reflected in the novel, broaden horizons, increase insight, taste the language of narration and description, and enrich the accumulation of language, so as to taste "a different life".

In the first semester of junior high school, students have just been promoted from primary school to junior high school, their age is generally around 12 years old, just from ignorant teenagers to young people who have just opened their hearts, therefore, their reading is also in the cognitive transition from children's sex to youth sex, for this reason, the narrative of fairy tales to the narrative of novels has become the first choice for the reading structure of thinking improvement.

The reason why "Childhood" has become a must-read for students in the first semester of the first semester of junior high school, I think it is still considered from the goal of "Lide Tree People" and the formation of good reading habits: in terms of content, this book belongs to the scope of red works; in writing, the protagonist around Alyosha's childhood life from three to ten years old, the foil characters are grandfather Kashilin and grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, who have a different God, as well as uncles, mothers, stepfathers, etc. Overall, the characters are relatively simple and the chronological order is clear. It is easier for first-year students to read and understand. However, compared with the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy selected in the same volume, Tolstoy's works are much larger and more beautiful, but these works are not suitable for first-year students, so they are not among the required readings for junior high school students.

I borrowed some of Tolstoy's exemplary works in the Chinese department of university. I remember once a children's writer went to a middle school to give an example to students, telling them that Lev Tolstoy was a world-class first-rate writer and Gorky was a world-class second-rate writer, but in fact, the students must not understand it, because they only had famous writers and did not have the appreciation of first-rate and second-rate writers.

Yan Jianguo: The Childhood of Reading — Talking about How Junior High School Students Should Read Gorky's "Childhood"

It is precisely because "Childhood" is a transitional work for junior high school students to cultivate reading habits, so it is recommended that junior high school students read about five to six hours, using the method of speed, to achieve the basic reading level, at most to the level of examination reading, as long as it is not a professional researcher, analytical reading and thematic reading is not necessary.

Reading "Childhood" in childhood, it brings a different life experience, which can make junior high school students taste the different teenagers who can grow up in the midst of suffering, which is how precious it is for children in their early 10s.

Reading "Childhood", there can be a little bitterness in the eyes, there can be honey collected by bees, and you can know the clouds and the sky of a different landscape.

Yan Jianguo: The Childhood of Reading — Talking about How Junior High School Students Should Read Gorky's "Childhood"

(The author, Yan Jianguo, famous writer, cultural scholar, Song and Yuan cultural research expert, member of the Chinese Essayist Association, member of the Shandong Writers Association, columnist of several newspapers and periodicals, author of "Yuan Dynasty Dongping School", "Su Shi and Dongping Scribe Analysis", "Wenzong Yi Pulse", "Spring Wind Has a Covenant", "Hometown Stone Slope" and other monographs. This article is published with the exclusive authorization of the author, please indicate the author and source when reprinting. )

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