
He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

author:Mandarin says historical anecdotes

On November 25, 1935, with the support of the Japanese army invading China, Yin Rugeng established the "Jidong Defense Communist Autonomous Government" in Tong County, Hebei Province, and appointed himself as the chief administrative officer, and sent a telegram to the whole country, announcing that he would break away from the Nanjing National Government and implement autonomy.

When the news came out, patriotic people from all walks of life accused Yin Rugeng of "throwing in the favor of the Japanese people and betraying the country and seeking glory."Some high-ranking officials in the Kuomintang also issued statements condemning him; Chiang Kai-shek was also very annoyed and ordered Dai Kasai to quickly send people to Tongzhou to dispose of Yin Rugeng.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

After receiving the task, after repeated consideration, Dai Kasa decided to use the "beauty plan" to get rid of Yin Rugeng, and sent the female agent of the military command to approach Yin Rugeng and wait for the opportunity to get rid of him.

What kind of person is Yin Rugeng? He was born in 1889 in Pingyang (now Cangnan Ingnan Province), Zhejiang Province. His father relied on the wealthy family in business and used the money to donate ichiro's official position. When the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, because of his meritorious service in "driving", he was appointed as the prefect of Anlu Province, Hubei Province, but he died of illness shortly after his arrival.

With the support of his brother, Yin Rugeng went to school, and at the age of 17, he studied in Japan at the official expense and specialized in Japanese at the Japanese Academy. In 1909, he joined the League, married a Japanese woman, and began to participate in revolutionary activities.

After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Yin Rugeng returned to China with a large number of students studying in Japan to support the revolution, and he participated in the battle to defend Hanyang. In September 1913, after the failure of the "Second Revolution", Yin Rugeng went to Japan again, entered the political science department of Waseda University, where his brother had studied, and also served as an interpreter for the Chinese Political School run by Sun Yat-sen.

After returning to China, Yin Rugeng wandered among various warlords, successively serving as secretary of the House of Representatives of the Li Yuanhong government; commissioner of the Protector of the Law Government in Japan; and head of the diplomatic department of the warlord Guo Songlingjun.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

Later, he became Chiang Kai-shek's personal translator and began to enter the official career, successively serving as the director of the Shanghai Office of the General Headquarters in Shanghai, the special commissioner of the Nationalist Government in Japan, the secretary of the Shanghai Special Municipal Government, the director of the Ministry of Communications' Aviation Administration, and the counselor of the Army, Navy and Air Force General Headquarters.

In the spring of 1933, the Japanese attacked the main passes along the Great Wall. The Nationalist troops stationed along the Great Wall put up heroic resistance. The Kuomintang government sent Yin Rugeng and other deputies to sign the traitorous "Tanggu Agreement" with Okamura Ningji, deputy chief of staff of the Japanese Kwantung Army, in Tanggu.

Subsequently, the Kuomintang central forces withdrew from the two provinces of Jicha. Since then, the entire Gateway to North China has opened. In September, the Kuomintang government approved the division of jidong into two districts: in Tongxian and Tangshan, two administrative inspectorates' offices were set up, and Yin Rugeng and Tao Shangming were appointed as commissioners. Tao Shangming did not want to resign as a traitor. The commissioner of the "Luanyu District" was then concurrently appointed by Yin Rugeng, who monopolized the military and political power of the entire eastern Hebei region.

Since April 1935, the Japanese invaders have actively instigated the "North China Autonomy Movement". On November 25, the Japanese instigated Yin Rugeng to establish the "Jidong Defense Communist Autonomous Government" in Jidong, declaring: "From this day onwards, we will break away from the central government and raise the forerunner of the provinces to seek peace in the Eastern Ocean." ”

Yin Rugeng's "Jidong Defense Communist Autonomous Government" was the second traitor puppet regime after the puppet state of Manchukuo. Ruling over the 22 counties of eastern Hebei, Yin Rugeng became a traitorous tyrant who was determined to collapse and endanger one side. There is a saying in the jidong area: "Yin Rugeng, sit in jidong, no rain, net wind." ”

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

The Yin and puppet Jidong regime pursued a pro-Japanese traitorous policy, putting the defense of the Jidong Sea under the responsibility of the Japanese naval fleet; along the Great Wall near the northeast of Hebei, the puppet Manchu regime was responsible for public order; the defense of the border between Jidong and the puppet Mongolia was jointly responsible for both sides; and all sides practiced military joint defense against the Communists. Various departments of the Yin puppet regime hired a large number of Japanese advisers. Many people or delegations were sent to Japan and Puppet Manchuria for activities. The wanton betrayal of north China's economic sovereignty caused the Nationalist government to suffer heavy financial losses.

In August 1936, Yin Rugeng allocated more than 50,000 yuan to build a large-scale "goodwill apartment" in Tongzhou Park for the Japanese invaders. Patriotic people from all walks of life throughout the country were very indignant and unanimously denounced Yin Rugeng's rebellion and demanded that the National Government explicitly order a crusade against traitors. Safeguarding the territorial integrity of the country.

It was under such circumstances that Xiang Yingxin came to Jidong.

With his beauty and ability to speak the Tao, under Dai Kasa's arrangement, Xiang Yingxin approached Yin Rugeng. Yin Rugeng was fascinated by her, and Xiang Yingxin soon became Yin Rugeng's personal secretary. The core secrets of the puppet Jidong Defense Autonomous Government were constantly sent to Dai Kasa

In 1937, the All-Out War of Resistance broke out. The national anti-Japanese resistance and the national wave of hoeing and rape have risen. Dai Kasa instructed Xiang Yingxin to contact her and ask her to find an opportunity to get rid of Yin Rugeng.

Yin Rugeng had a habit of eating a late-night snack every night before going to bed. One night, Xiang Yingxin personally made a bowl of noodles for Yin Rugeng, and just when Yin Rugeng was just about to eat, there happened to be a "VIP" to meet him. He put down the bowl of noodles and let Xiang Yingxin accompany him to the living room.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

Yin Rugeng and the guest chatted for two hours, the guest left, he and Xiang Yingxin returned to the restaurant, he was surprised: he found that the bowl of noodles had changed color. He immediately had Xiang Yingxin arrested. Xiang Yingxin's assassination failed.

However, Yin Rugeng did not kill her, but only locked her up, and two months later, Dai Kasa secretly rescued Xiang Yingxin through the inside line.

On July 29, after the outbreak of the "Lugou Bridge Incident", a major incident occurred in Tongzhou, the seat of the puppet Jidong Autonomous Government, which almost cost Yin Rugeng his life.

In the early morning of this day, under the leadership of captain Zhang Qingyu and others, the Jidong Security Brigade announced an uprising and launched a surprise attack on the Japanese invaders.

The rebels closed the city gates, cut off traffic inside the city, occupied the telecommunications bureau, radio stations, and other important institutions, and surrounded the puppet government in eastern Hebei.

Yin Rugeng heard the gunshots and hurriedly called out to the captain of the guard. The captain of the guard had already been taken to the headquarters by the rebel troops. Yin Rugeng saw that he could not escape, so he hid at the top of the cabinet.

The officers and men of the uprising rushed into Yin Rugeng's bedroom, only to see sheets and clothes scattered on the ground, and no one was seen. Toilets, wall kitchens, and cabinets were searched, but no one could be found.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

In the end, he was still a servant of Yin Rugeng, timid and afraid of death, and when the rebellious officers and soldiers pointed their guns at him, he recruited Yin Rugeng.

After dawn, the Japanese sent more than 20 aircraft to bomb Tongzhou City in turn, and the rebel troops suffered heavy casualties. Zhang Qingyu ordered his troops to move in two directions to the west of Pingxi and join the 29th Army, in fact, by this time, Song Zheyuan had already led the Twenty-ninth Army to withdraw from Beiping.

When the rebel troops marched between the Dingmen gate of The Northern Peace and the Desheng Gate, they were suddenly intercepted by the Japanese army, and the soldiers escorting the traitor Yin Rugeng were scattered by the Japanese army, and Yin Rugeng was rescued by the Japanese.

Although Yin Rugeng saved his life, his life was not good. The Japanese Hosogi Shigeru was killed in this uprising, and his wife, in order to avenge her husband, accused the Japanese of "collusion with the rebel army", she said: "If it is not collusion, why yin Rugeng was not killed?" There were also people in the Japanese army who advocated the immediate shooting of Yin Rugeng. Finally, on the grounds of "poor prevention of the incident", he was imprisoned in a detention center by the Japanese gendarmerie.

But Yin Rugeng still had a use value for the Japanese, so the Japanese only locked him up for a few days, and finally announced his "acquittal." He was grateful to Shu Zero and said that he would serve his Japanese master wholeheartedly.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

After the establishment of the Wang puppet regime, Yin Rugeng went to Nanjing at the invitation of Wang Jingwei and successively served as a pseudo-"special member of the National Economic Committee" and director of the Preparatory Office for the Management of the Canal.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Yin Rugeng was arrested. On June 26, 1946, he was airlifted to Nanjing and imprisoned in Nanjing Tiger Bridge Prison. Yin Rugeng knew that he would die, so he copied the Diamond Sutra in prison and left it to his relatives.

On July 31, the Nanjing High Court held a hearing on Yin Rugeng's case. More than 2,000 people attended the trial. Yin Rugeng hollowed out his mind, listed the merits of "assisting in the War of Resistance", wrote tens of thousands of words "Confessions", and tried his best to beautify himself and justify the crimes he committed.

In July 1947, the Nanjing High Court rendered a judgment: "Yin Rugeng continued to conspire against the enemy country and attempt to rebel against his own country, and was sentenced to death and deprived of public power for life." All property is confiscated except for the necessities of subsistence for the family members. ”

Yin Rugeng did not want to die, and several applications for re-judgment were rejected.

He surrendered to the Japanese army, Dai Kasa wanted to execute him, the rebels captured him, and both escaped by him, who he was

On 1 December 1947, Yin was executed by firing squad by the High Court's Inspectorate. The Execution Court is located in the Main Hall of the Chaotian Palace in Nanjing, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and the inner hall of this Heavenly Hall is crowded with spectators. Subsequently, Yin Rugeng was taken to the prison cart and drove to Tiger Bridge Prison, where he walked to the execution site under the custody of the judicial police.

At this moment, he suddenly recited the Diamond Sutra: "Everything that has a way, like a dream bubble, like dew and electricity, should be viewed as such." Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "I am not treasonous, my heart is still toward the country." "But none of this has changed his destiny.

The executor aimed a pistol at the back of Yin's head, the bullet came out of the left forehead, one shot was not out of breath, and then another shot was made up from the bridge of the nose, and Yin Rugeng was killed.


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