
"Faith" and "unbelief", the consummation of a lifetime

author:It's very so-called

I have reached the age of near retirement, I have already passed the "Destiny of Heaven", and I am about to "listen to shun".

A person's friends, mostly people of similar age, "year-old friends" have, but very few. Nowadays, when friends meet again, most of them are people who have retired or are about to retire. When we talk about the day, when we talk about it, we will all have a common feeling: we believe more and more in "fate".

In the years of such an age, in the crowd you are familiar with, walking and walking, someone will suddenly leave your side forever, again and again, one after another, more and more frequently. Every time I went to the funeral home, every time I went to the cemetery, there was no longer much sadness, and the nerves of sadness had long been stimulated to numbness; there were no more tears, the tears in the eyes had long dried up, and the tear glands had long been exhausted. More is the sigh: human life is really fragile, yesterday was very healthy he, today has become the person we sent away, no one can know, accident and tomorrow, which one arrives first? No one can guarantee that the shoes that you take off from bed today will still be able to wear them tomorrow.

Thinking back on the road your life has traveled, and at the same time observing the encounters and encounters of other people around you in a lifetime, you can't believe that a person's own fortunes in a very short life, including their own life process and direction, are uncontrollable. When faced with this situation, you will feel very weak and helpless, and you have to face, accept, and endure silently. You can't help but feel that as we move forward in life, it seems as if there is an invisible hand controlling you, no matter how you struggle, how to break through, you can't get rid of its control over you.

"Impermanence" means "constant"! Man's future is unpredictable, unprepared, and uncontrollable.

This kind of recognition of life is rare before the age of 45. At that time, I firmly believed that fate was in my own hands, and I had the ability to choke the throat of fate and grasp the direction of development of fate. Believe that as long as you work hard enough, what you want will always arrive, never believe in the gift of fate, do not believe that fate can knock people down. This awareness of life, which began around the age of seventeen or eighteen, grew stronger and stronger with age, reaching its peak around the age of 35 to 40. At that time, there was a kind of "the sky is not afraid of not being afraid", and I always felt that there was nothing in the world that I was not going well with, and there was no person who was uneven in my posture, and I was angry.

At the age of 48, my eyes began to age. I've always been proud of my eyes, and when I was younger, the doctor told me that my eyes were pilot-level and too good to be better. At the age of 48, reading a book or looking at a computer, the time is long, the eyes will be sore, ask the doctor, the doctor's conclusion: the eyes are flowered. When the word "flower eye" entered the eardrum, I "clucked" in my heart, and the word "old" that I had never thought of before was now quietly coming.

In the blink of an eye, it is the year of "knowing the destiny of heaven". "Knowing the Mandate of Heaven", "Baidu Encyclopedia" is explained in this way, I think the explanation is really good, very in line with my life experience, so the transcription is as follows, shared with everyone: "Fifty and know the Mandate of Heaven", that is, after the age of fifty, I know the difficulty of realizing the ideal, so I do things no longer pursue results. Fifty years ago, I went all out to hope for achievements, but after fifty, although I was still "angry and forgot to eat" and "happy to forget my worries", I was indifferent to personal honor and disgrace.

Now it is about to be "ear shun", "Baidu Encyclopedia" is explained like this: listening to the words of the ear, the sound of scolding does not matter, there is no violation of the heart. Seeing this, I thought to myself, you have to admire the sage Confucius, his summary of life is always so precise, it is still applicable to this day.

Looking back at the process of growth of one's own life and the process of mental development, it is probably composed of two stages: the rising period of life and the decline period of life, and in the cognition of "fate", the mental path is also composed of "unbelief" and "faith".

The ascending period of life, that is, when you are young, you are full of self-confidence, you have vitality, you are not willing to bow to "fate", and you have to fight for your own piece of the world by your own strength. At the age of 50, life is in decline, and he gradually admits that everything in front of him is the best arrangement of fate, and he begins to listen to the mercy of fate.

"Not believing in fate" in youth and "believing in fate" in old age are all necessary. At a young age, he began to believe in his fate, lie flat, obey the arrangement, how can people still make a career? Every young person obeys the arrangement of fate and does not forge ahead, how can society progress? Whether it is a personal need or a social need, you should not believe in fate when you are young.

In old age, the energy and physical strength are not good, there is no capital to fight, and can only adapt to seek peace of mind. In the conformity, calmly complete the course of life, to draw a satisfactory end to life. At this time, "believing in fate" is the best choice.

From "unbelief" to "faith", come out of the fullness of a life!

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