
The last figure

author:Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

Ouyang Xiaoping left

Fell on the road of flood control and rescue

Fell 9 days before his 60th birthday

Collapsed "one step away" from home


Pull your pant leg up high

Holding a red-checked umbrella, facing the heavy rain


This is Ouyang Xiaoping's last figure left to the world

June 25th

Heavy rainfall that lasted for nearly a week

Let Wanzai County Huangmao Town, Honglu Village, Chachong Shantang

The water level has skyrocketed

Threatens the 3 village groups below

More than 180 households and more than 500 people are safe in life and property

In the afternoon of the same day

In order to be the first to deal with emergencies

Ouyang Xiaoping, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Honglu Village

He was killed while dredging the pond

He was 59 years old


Aftermath and other work are ongoing

The local government plans to declare a martyr for Ouyang Xiaoping

The last figure

The downstream of Chachong Pond is a patchwork of village households/provided by the interviewee

Look for Secretary Yang

At 22:28 on June 25, Ouyang Pingsheng, a village cadre who was looking for Ouyang Xiaoping, received a call from Ouyang Xiaoping's wife again.

"No, still haven't found it, don't worry, people will definitely find it." Ouyang Pingsheng wiped the water from his face, even comforting the person on the other end of the phone, his heart panicked uncontrollably.

There are many inconveniences in finding people at night, and the longer the time drags on, it undoubtedly means that the hope is getting slimmer and slimmer, and Ouyang Pingsheng is more and more anxious.

Heavy rainfall acts as a "catalyst" for these reactions. From June 24th to 25th, the Wanzai County Meteorological Observatory continuously issued an orange warning for heavy rain and a yellow warning signal for heavy rain. The continuous heavy rainfall has caused the water level of Chachong Mountain Pond in Honglu Village, Huangmao Town to rise. In the past few days, Ouyang Xiaoping has led the village cadres to carry out flood prevention inspections and flood drainage and dredging work to ensure the normal production and life of the villagers during the flood season.

At about 19 o'clock on June 25, Ouyang Xiaoping's wife made dinner, but Ouyang Xiaoping, who should have arrived home a long time ago, was nowhere to be seen. The motorbike was parked at home, and the cell phone was also on the table.

In the afternoon, it "fell" a lot of rain, and it began to rain again in the evening, where did my husband go? Maybe I'm still busy outside. At this time, she didn't feel that this rainy night was any different. Until about 21:30.

"Is he eating with you? Why haven't you come back yet? Ouyang Xiaoping's wife, who had been waiting for her husband for a long time and did not return, called Ouyang Pingsheng, a village cadre.

"I haven't seen it, I'll ask the others." Hearing the worry on the other end of the phone, Ouyang Pingsheng couldn't help but shudder, the flood control inspection work had already ended, where would Ouyang Xiaoping go at this time?

Gotta go to the village and find it! While Ouyang Pingsheng was on the phone, he quickly summoned people and looked for Ouyang Xiaoping separately in the village.

"Is Secretary Yang here with you?" On weekdays, the villagers are used to calling Ouyang Xiaoping the secretary of Yang.


"No wow." asked several people one after another, and they all said that they didn't know where Ouyang Xiaoping was.

Ouyang Xiaoping seems to have really "disappeared" in this village.

At 22:40, Ouyang Yunping, a member of the Honglu Village Committee, received a call, "He went out from the village department (village committee) to inspect in the afternoon, and he hasn't seen him since." Ouyang Yunping said. After the incident, according to the public video of the Honglu Village Committee, Ouyang Xiaoping left the village committee at 16:19. At this moment, 6 hours and 11 minutes have passed since Ouyang Xiaoping last appeared.

More and more people came to search, and everyone followed Ouyang Xiaoping's daily patrol route to find separately, in rice fields, riversides, swimming pools, drainage ditches...... Where Ouyang Xiaoping used to be busy, now there is no trace of him. "Secretary Yang! Where are you? ”

Time is like a raindrop on the surface of an umbrella, constantly slipping down. As the sky approached 11 p.m., the sky was dark, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of people, rain, barking dogs, and flashlights in the village cut the night into pieces, and it seemed that everything had nowhere to hide, but one after another came disappointing news.

The time freezes at 17:18

Everyone was searching their minds, the scene of the last time they saw Ouyang Xiaoping, trying to find some clues.

"The meeting was held in the morning, and Secretary Yang arranged the flood control inspection work." Peng Yihui, a village cadre, later recalled that at about 10 o'clock on June 25, a meeting was held in the village, and Ouyang Xiaoping also separately emphasized that due to heavy precipitation, Honglu Village has a Shantang Reservoir, and it is necessary to pay close attention to the water level in the near future.

At about 14 o'clock, Ouyang Yunping came to the village committee to sit on duty and found that Ouyang Xiaoping was already working in his seat.

At 15:34, the Wanzai County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for heavy rain, and it is expected that there will be short-term heavy precipitation, thunder and lightning and other strong convective weather in Huangmao Town and other areas.

It didn't take long for the heavy precipitation to hit, and hearing the sound of rain outside, Ouyang Xiaoping left his seat, went out to take a look, and called again. Ouyang Yunping only vaguely heard what he was going out to see.

At 16:19, Ouyang Xiaoping went out with an umbrella, he pulled his trouser leg high to his knees, and walked towards the lower road of the village. Ouyang Yunping guessed that he should have gone to check the rising water in the rice fields and rivers below. However, the searchers had already searched in the direction Ouyang Xiaoping had left, but they had never found anything.

Could it be that after patrolling below, you went up on another road?

All the way up, you will pass through Chachong Pond and Chachong Villa. During the search, Ouyang Pingsheng found that a house opposite the mountain pond was equipped with a camera, and if Ouyang Xiaoping passed by, he would inevitably be photographed by the camera.

At 23:21, Ouyang Pingsheng urgently woke up the owner of the house and called up all the public videos that afternoon.

The video progress bar moved forward at double speed, and Ouyang Pingsheng stared at the screen, eagerly waiting for Ouyang Xiaoping to appear.

"There it is! Appeared! "It's him! It's him! The video was paused until 17:18, and Ouyang Xiaoping appeared on the screen, and he kept walking up until he turned left and disappeared into the screen.

7 hours and 2 minutes after disappearing, the villagers finally found Ouyang Xiaoping's figure! That's where the Chachong Pond is located. However, this is clearly not a good sign.

Ouyang Pingsheng suddenly remembered that on June 24, Ouyang Xiaoping had found that the water level of Chachong Mountain Pond was too high, and in order to prevent the embankment from overflowing, he went into the water to pull out the first-level wooden plug of the mountain pond drainage culvert. The water level in the pond has risen a lot today, and Secretary Yang must have gone to pull out the wooden plug! Not daring to think about it any more, they immediately ran towards the mountain pond, and when the light of the flashlight hit the direction of the culvert, Ouyang Pingsheng was stunned in place.

The raindrops crackled on the umbrella surface, but at this moment, Ouyang Pingsheng could only hear the heartbeat of his heart that was about to puncture his eardrum.

Near 0:00 on the 26th, Ouyang Xiaoping was found, and he stopped breathing forever......

The last figure

Ouyang Pingsheng pointed out to reporters the location of the culvert whirlpool at that time Photo/Wang Kun

The good secretary of the villagers is gone

Early in the morning of June 26, the news of Ouyang Xiaoping's death spread throughout the village. The villagers were shocked, and they all spontaneously posted in the WeChat contact group of the cadres and masses of Honglu Village, "Secretary Yang goes all the way!" and other content to express condolences.

On the morning of the 27th, the reporter followed Ouyang Pingsheng to the place of the incident - Chachong Shantang. The water level on that day was a little lower than the previous two days, and when I approached the pond, I could clearly hear the siphon sound of "Hehehe" when the culvert pipe was launched.

Ouyang Pingsheng judged that he was very likely to be sucked into the whirlpool by the water pressure in the culvert when he pulled out the wooden plug of the second-level culvert pipe, and finally unfortunately suffocated to death.

How much suction power does an underwater culvert have? The reporter learned through searching for relevant news that on June 22, in Fuyang, Anhui Province, a child was sucked by a culvert after falling into the water, and after the joint efforts of four adult men, the child was finally pulled out of the water. When Ouyang Xiaoping was sucked by the culvert, he was not discovered by the villagers, and he could not be forced during the struggle, and it was difficult to escape with his own strength.

"In the past, when the water level of the pond was too high, we would release water by dredging the culvert to prevent the embankment from bursting." Ouyang Pingsheng explained.

With a volume of 50,000 cubic meters and an irrigation area of 150 acres, Chachong Mountain Pond has been put into use since 1973. Ouyang Pingsheng said that once the embankment of Chachong Mountain Pond bursts, it will directly threaten the safety of the lives and property of more than 500 people in more than 180 households in the three village groups of Honglu Village located downstream.

"If the pond bursts, my old house will definitely be washed away, and my son's newly built house a few years ago will not be saved." Ouyang Jinxiu, who is nearly 80 years old, said. Ouyang Jinxiu's home is the closest household to the mountain pond in the downstream village, and the heavy rainfall for several days has made her worry about it every day.

Also worried is Liu Baolin, the owner of the fireworks paper tube processing factory downstream of Shantang. According to him, his factory covers an area of 1,700 square meters and specializes in the production of paper tubes for filling pyrotechnic agents, and the production workshop needs to be kept dry at all times. "There are 700,000 yuan of goods stored in the factory, and it has rained so hard in the past few days, I really dare not close my eyes, if the water in the mountain pond is full, my factory will suffer."

Later, Liu Baolin learned the news of Ouyang Xiaoping's death, "He is a good secretary, but it's a pity that ......"

Unfulfilled wishes eventually become regrets

During the 27 years that Ouyang Xiaoping has worked in the village, many people have praised him for his conscientious and responsible work and for being a good cadre. Honglu Village has carried out drowning prevention work since April 1 this year. The reporter looked through the inspection record sheet and found that on June 17, Ouyang Xiaoping led a team to inspect the vicinity of the mountain pond of Dongjia Group in Honglu Village, and did not find the situation of the child entering the water. ”

Ouyang Yunping and Ouyang Xiaoping have worked together for many years. According to her, Honglu Village is the first village in the town to complete the full coverage of the villager group of the new rural construction site and realize the cement road for every house. Under the leadership of Ouyang Xiaoping, Honglu Village has successively ushered in the town's first Hope Primary School, the town's first batch of rural revitalization micro-factories, 100 kilowatt photovoltaic power station projects, etc., which have given Honglu Village a new look.

On the day Ouyang Xiaoping's body was found, there were only nine days left before his 60th birthday. He once regarded the age of 60 as a node in his working life. Recently, Ouyang Xiaoping has always been concerned about one thing, in recent years, some roads in Honglu Village have appeared aging and cracking, Ouyang Xiaoping observed the situation, from March this year on the plan to apply to the Wanzai County Transportation Bureau for the road "white to black", the day before the accident, Ouyang Xiaoping once again went to the Wanzai County Transportation Bureau, this time, the project has made more substantial progress.

On the morning of June 26, Ouyang Xiaoping originally planned to go to the Wanzai County Transportation Bureau to submit an application report for the road to be "changed from white to black". "He attaches great importance to this matter and wants to implement the project as soon as possible." Peng Yihui said. At the meeting on the 25th, Secretary Yang specifically mentioned the matter of paving the road, and he was very happy, and after the meeting, he asked several village cadres to measure the length and width of the paved road, which was used as the data in the report. I just didn't expect ......," Peng Yihui sighed.

Now that the asphalt road has been paved, the person who was once most awaited is gone forever.

According to Ouyang Pingsheng, in fact, Ouyang Xiaoping's home is less than 80 meters away from Chachong Shantang. On the same day, villager Ouyang Niuya and Ouyang Xiaoping had a brief encounter, and after separation, he thought Ouyang Xiaoping had gone home. At about 16:30 on the 25th, Ouyang Niuya's home was close to the roadside and the terrain was low, and water soaked into the room. When he was removing water at home, he happened to see Ouyang Xiaoping, who had just finished his inspection in the rice field. After Ouyang Xiaoping noticed him, he took the initiative to enter the door to understand the situation, saying that he would organize people to dredge the previous canal again and solve the problem of easy water ingress in Ouyang Niuya and others' homes.

"After he said this to me, he walked forward, his house was in front, I thought he was going home, if I knew that he went to the mountain pond alone, I would definitely persuade him not to go." Ouyang Niuya sighed, he didn't say hello to each other when he parted, he usually lowered his head and didn't look up to see him, thinking that he would see him again tomorrow.

Now, looking at Ouyang Xiaoping's hurried figure in the public video again, Ouyang Pingsheng still can't help but want to shout: "Go home quickly!" However, what we know is that no matter how urgent the call is, it will never be able to reach the past through the screen, and the few seconds of passing by in the video will eventually become the last photo left by Ouyang Xiaoping to people.

Source: New Rule of Law Daily

Duty Editor: Yu Yan

  Duty review: Zhou Yanhua

  Duty Editor: Chen Minghua