
The Busan International Film Festival selected the top 100 Asian films. This list, I serve

author:Fly Xiao Zhang's own land
The Busan International Film Festival selected the top 100 Asian films. This list, I serve

City of Sorrows × Hou Xiaoxian × 1989

Tokyo Monogatari × Yasujiro Ozu × 1953

Juvenile Homicide on Muling Street × Yang Dechang × 1991

Rashomon × Akira Kurosawa × 1950

Fantasia × Wong Kar-wai × 2000

Song of the Earth × Satyajit Rey × 1955

Next female × Kim Ki-yong × 1960

Small Town Spring × Fermou × 1948

Feature × Abbas Chiarostami × 1990

11 × Yang Dechang × 2000

Parasite × Bong Joon-ho × 2019

Seven Samurai × Akira Kurosawa × 1954

Fumi × Naruse Yukio × 1955

Rain and moon × Kenji × 1953

The big red lantern hangs high × Zhang Yimou × 1991

× Yasujiro Ozu × 1949

Taste of Cherries × Abbas Chiarostami × 1997

Tropical Diseases × Apichatpong Welashaku × 2004

Heroine × Hu Jinquan × 1970

Song of the Trees × Satyajit Rey × 1959

Spring Breaks × Wong Kar Wai × 1997

Miyang × Li Cangdong × 2007

Song of the Great River × Satyajit Rey × 1956

Where is my friend's home × Abbas Chiarostami × 1987

The Busan International Film Festival selected the top 100 Asian films. This list, I serve

Platform × Jia Zhangke × 2000

Old Boy × Park Chan-wook × 2003

King Bieji × Chen Kaige × 1992

Spirited Away × Miyazaki × 2001

Music Room × Satyagit × Rey × 1958

When a woman walks up the stairs, × Naruse Mikio × 1960

Chongqing Forest × Wong Kar-wai × 1994

A parting × Asha Farhati × 2011

Manila: Under the clutches of neon lights × Lino Broca × 1975

Mother × Bong Joon-ho × 2009

Xi Ben System × Lin Quan Taek × 1993

Memories of The Killing × Bong Joon-ho × 2003

The Women's Trilogy × Mazyan Makmalbaf × 2000

Yingxiang × Lino Broca × 1976

Flowers of the Sea × Hou Xiaoxian × 1998

Totoro × Hayao Miyazaki × 1988

CloudShade × Lyvik Gatak × 1960

Revenge on Me × Imamura Shohei × 1979

Grave of the Fireflies × Takahata × 1988

Long live love × Cai Liangming × 1994

The Tale of the Remnant Juju × Kenji Mizoguchi × 1939

Can recall the previous uncle Ofi × Apichatpong Welashaku × 2010

Alive × Zhang Yimou × 1994

Chaoyun × Naruse Mikio × 1967

Chaos × Akira Kurosawa × 1985

Kingdom of Heaven and Hell × Akira Kurosawa × 1963

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon × Ang Lee × 2000

Fei Zheng biography × Wong Kar Wai × 1990

Burning × Lee Cangdong × 2018

Mints × Lee Cangdong × 1999

Tiexi District × Wang Bing × 2003

Non-Stop × was Hirokazu Kore-eda × 2008

Three Gorges Good Man × Jia Zhangke × 2006

Mandala × Lim Kwon Taek × 1981

Lover Under the Olive Tree × Abbas Chiarostami × 1994

World × Jia Zhangke × 2004

The man from the wind cabinet × Hou Xiaoxian × 1983

Daughter of Sand × Envoy Hiroshi Kawahara × 1964

Yamatake Doctor × Kenji Mizoguchi × 1954

Poet Lament × Guru Duterte × 1957

I was born, but... × Yasujiro Ozu × 1932

Desire to Be Born × Akira Kurosawa × 1952

Small Shoes × Majid Majidi × 1997

Uking grass × Yasujiro Ozu × 1959

Manila at night × Ismail Bernal × 1980

Nguyen Ling-ng × Kwan Kam Phu × 1991

Moments of Innocence × Mawson Makhmalbaf × 1996

No one knows that × is Kore-eda × 2004

Go ahead, God Army! × Hara Ichigo × 1987

Mistakenly Fired × Yu Hyun-mu × 1961

The Thief Family × is Kore-eda × 2018

Yamano no Nin × Naruse Yoshio × 1954

Red Line Zone × Kenji Mizoguchi × 1956

Confused × Naruse Mikio × 1964

Lonely Wife × Satyagit Rey × 1964

Double Consciousness × Marnie Kaul × 1973

Kajiyama Festival Examination × Keisuke Kinoshita × 1958

Swing × Aktan Abudkarekov × 1993

Goddess × Wu Yonggang × 1934

Thank you Sir × Hiroshi Shimizu × 1936

Dream Life × Hou Xiaoxian × 1993

Fireworks × Takeshi Kitano × 1997

River × Cai Mingliang × 1997

Yellow Land × Chen Kaige × 1984

Tent, Tent × Bakdia Kudonazarov × 1993

Yiyu Island × Kim Chi Yong × 1977

Jupiter's First Love × Jasmin amo × 2006

Qingmei Bamboo Horse × Yang Dechang × 1985

Chalkboard × Samira Makhmalbaf × 2000

Kandahar × Mawson Makmalbaf × 2001

Blessings × Apichatpong Welashaku × 2002

Drunken Painting Fairy × Lin Quan-taek × 2002

Chun Heung Biography × Lin Quan Taek × 2000

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring × Kim Ki-duk × 2003

Freedom Trail × Serif Gergen/Yumaz Guni × 1982

The Busan International Film Festival selected the top 100 Asian films. This list, I serve