
The anti-China minor state boldly supported "Taiwan independence" and made substantive moves, and last night, our Foreign Ministry angrily criticized it

author:Liu Ying International Law Court

According to a report by the Observer Network on 19 November, on the night of the 18th, the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry pointed out on the approval of Lithuania to establish a "Representative Office in Taiwan" in Lithuania: The Lithuanian Government has approved the establishment of a so-called "representative office" in the name of "Taiwan" in disregard of China's strong opposition and dissuasion. It is also specifically stated that the cube is responsible for all consequences arising therefrom.

The anti-China minor state boldly supported "Taiwan independence" and made substantive moves, and last night, our Foreign Ministry angrily criticized it

The Lithuanian Government's move is undoubtedly a substantial step on the road of supporting "Taiwan independence." As early as a few months ago, Lithuania claimed to set up a "Taiwan office" in its country, which was strongly condemned by the Chinese side, and the Chinese side recalled the ambassador to the country. As a result, the relationship between neutral countries has regressed significantly and gradually dropped to a freezing point. Since then, Lithuania has also sought dialogue with China, but has never given up its serious provocations on Taiwan-related issues. Today, Taiwan's "office" has been approved, which means that Lithuania has become a country that completely supports China's separatist forces.

There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, which is the cornerstone for any country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Lithuania's initiative to pry open this cornerstone now shows that the country has no respect for the neutral relationship between the two countries. Then the Chinese Foreign Ministry said this time that "the consequences are at your own risk", the first serious consequence of which is that it will usher in the severance of diplomatic relations between neutral countries. With the severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the two sides will gradually and completely complete the decoupling in all fields such as economy, trade, and investment.

The anti-China minor state boldly supported "Taiwan independence" and made substantive moves, and last night, our Foreign Ministry angrily criticized it

Lithuania is only a small state with a population of more than 2.7 million, and its economy is only about the same as a slightly larger prefecture-level city in China, so if the neutral two countries break off diplomatic relations, it will certainly have a little impact on China, but it is basically negligible. In contrast, however, the impact on Lithuania's economy was too great. A little earlier, according to data from relevant Lithuanian departments, in the first eight months of this year, Lithuania exported 550 tons of beef, 3,900 tons of dairy products and dozens of tons of fruit to China. In terms of volume, this thing is simply a dime a dozen in the Chinese market, but for Lithuania, it is even an unbearable weight.

Beginning in August, after the cooling of neutral relations, Lithuania's exports to China became increasingly difficult. Later that month, a mainstream Lithuanian media published an article entitled "China No Longer Buys Lithuanian Products", which pointed out that Lithuanian products such as grain, meat, cheese, wood and other products were almost completely rejected by Chinese merchants, causing heavy losses to related industries. Even some Lithuanian media are worried that with the bad relations of neutrality, the "China-Europe Express", which plays a major role in European economic and trade exchanges, may no longer set up stations around Lithuania, which will be a disaster for the Lithuanian economy.

The anti-China minor state boldly supported "Taiwan independence" and made substantive moves, and last night, our Foreign Ministry angrily criticized it

In fact, due to the influence of relations with China, the plight in Lithuania has become apparent. Earlier this month, the economist Dubernik vas, vice chairman of the Lithuanian National Federation of Industrialists, warned the Government of Nauseda that China has not yet launched sanctions against Lithuania, but that Chinese products on the shelves of supermarkets in Lithuanian towns are disappearing, and if Lithuania continues to carry out diplomatic provocations against China, "our country will have a hard time living in the case of empty supermarket shelves."

People of insight such as Dubernikvas clearly have a precautionary vision, and Lithuania's domestic industrial sector is also desperate to achieve a turnaround in neutral relations, but the Nauseda government is bent on going its own way and going further and further down the wrong road of anti-China. Not long ago, Lithuanian politics also exposed a very different argument - Lithuania has won the support of the United States and other countries because of its provocation of China, coupled with the strengthening of economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan, Lithuania's economic and trade losses can be "compensated" back. So even if it is sanctioned by China, Lithuania will benefit from it.

This argument is undoubtedly extremely absurd. How much support can the United States provide to anti-China countries? First, the United States is now "mud bodhisattva across the river, it is difficult to protect itself", its domestic epidemic, supply chain, debt, inflation rate and other crises have been intertwined, and are still actively engaged in dialogue with China for help; second, the example of Australia is in front of us. The Morrison administration has been countered by the Chinese side countless times for harming China's interests, and a large number of Australian products such as red wine, grain, and coal have withdrawn from the Chinese market, but with it, similar American products have actively seized the market share of Australian products. See, this is the face of America's selfishness and cunning.

The anti-China minor state boldly supported "Taiwan independence" and made substantive moves, and last night, our Foreign Ministry angrily criticized it

Let's talk about whether Taiwan can "make up for Lithuania's economic and trade losses." A few days ago, the authorities at the front office flaunted a statistic: In the first 10 months of this year, Taiwan's exports hit a new high in previous years, reaching $364.2 billion. But immediately the Taiwan People's Party flipped through another figure, pointing out that $154.6 billion in exports were given by Chinese mainland, accounting for 42.5 percent of the total exports. Obviously, nearly half of Taiwan's economic and trade data is supported by Chinese mainland. If we look at it in the long run, it is inevitable that China will complete national reunification, it is only a matter of time, and once the Taiwan Strait is reunified, will it be possible for Taiwan to "find compensation" for Lithuania's economic and trade affairs?

For Lithuania, its anti-China road has now reached the edge of the cliff and is in a desperate situation. If the Nauseda government does not turn back, it will only lead Lithuania into the abyss of eternal doom.