
My PE Teacher, a physical education class defending high school juniors, won two film awards

author:Beiqing hot spot

From November 17th to 18th, the 3rd Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival and the 2nd Asian Chinese Film Festival were held in Macao. Huabiao Awards director Zhou Yong's film "My Physical Education Teacher" won the Best Children's Film Award in the Children's Film Section of the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival and the Best Director Award at the Asian Chinese Film Festival.

This year's film festival collected more than 1,200 films from China, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Russia and other countries and regions, and finally more than 40 films competed for major awards.

My PE Teacher, a physical education class defending high school juniors, won two film awards

"My Physical Education Teacher" is based on Guangzhou, built in two years, 100% filmed in Guangzhou, directed by the famous director Zhou Yong, known as the "children's film professional household", starring the new generation of actors Sun Jialin and Wei Lu, Hou Tianlai, Sun Hongtao, Wang Yisheng, Guo Fengzhou, Shen Danping, Zhu Hanfang, Miao Miao and other more than 20 old drama bones as green leaves, and 40 ordinary students performed together. The film tells the story of Liu Haochen, a new physical education teacher at Nanwu Middle School in Guangzhou, who resolutely insisted on defending the physical education class of high school students in the case of other teachers frequently "dominating classes", and finally worked hard with teachers of various subjects to prepare for the college entrance examination for their classmates. The film is youthful and inspirational, with no lack of comedy elements, directly attacking the current disease of ignoring physical exercise, and criticizing the phenomenon of "heavy scores and light sports".

"My Physical Education Teacher" is not only full of positive energy, very close to life, but also full of youthful atmosphere. Industry insiders believe that the director did not follow some old routines in the past to "please" the audience. In recent years, most of the domestic films reflecting the reality of the theme of the campus, most of them like to involve the college entrance examination, teacher-student parent relationship, family shadows, early love, loss of foot and other the hottest themes, but this campus movie "My Physical Education Teacher" is a unique way, around the relationship between the college entrance examination sprint of high school students and physical education class, made a fresh style, completely different from the previous genre of realistic film. And under the current double reduction policy, the film is very forward-looking and realistic educational significance, which is more conducive to promoting the quality education and sound personality cultivation of young people.

According to reports, "My Physical Education Teacher" has conducted more than 30 roadshows across the country and has received affirmation and praise.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

Editor/Bow Lifang