
The Cantonese film "My Pedigal Teacher" won another award, winning two awards at the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Li Li

From November 17th to 18th, the 3rd Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival closed in Macau, with nearly 200 filmmakers from all over the world participating in the event. Co-produced by Guangdong Qunxing Film Media Group, Guangzhou Radio and Television Station, Wota Holding Group, Guangdong Himalaya Film Co., Ltd. and other units, the film "My Physical Education Teacher" directed by Huabiao Award director Zhou Yong won two awards: the Best Children's Film Award in the Children's Film Unit and the Best Director Award at this Asian Chinese Film Festival.

The Cantonese film "My Pedigal Teacher" won another award, winning two awards at the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival

"My Physical Education Teacher" is based on Guangzhou, spent two years of careful construction, and was 100% filmed in Guangzhou. The film is directed by Zhou Yong, starring the new generation of actors Sun Jialin and Wei Lu, and more than 20 old dramas are willing to be green leaves, leading 40 ordinary students to perform together. The film tells the story of Liu Haochen, a new physical education teacher at Nanwu Middle School in Guangzhou, who resolutely defended the right of high school students to take physical education classes under the condition that other teachers frequently "overbeared", and finally prepared for the college entrance examination with teachers of various subjects. The film is youthful and inspirational, with no lack of comedic elements, and criticizes the phenomenon of "heavy scores and light sports".

Previously, "My Physical Education Teacher" has conducted more than 30 roadshows across the country and won the unanimous affirmation and praise of more than 20,000 viewers. The audience believes that the film "exceeds expectations", "is very grounded", "has laughter, tears, and thinking, conveying positive power to teenagers".

The Cantonese film "My Pedigal Teacher" won another award, winning two awards at the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival

Industry insiders commented that "My Physical Education Teacher" did not follow some old routines in the past to "please" the audience. In the past, most of the campus works that reflected realistic themes, such as early love and loss of foot, were popular themes, but this campus movie "My Physical Education Teacher" was unique, focusing on the relationship between the college entrance examination sprint of high school students and physical education class, and made a realistic film with a fresh style, completely different from the previous genre themes. Under the current double reduction policy, the film is quite forward-looking and realistic educational, which is conducive to promoting the quality education and sound personality cultivation of young people.

Zhao Jun, a well-known filmmaker in Guangdong, said: "This is the best campus sports movie I have ever seen. Gao Xiaoli, director of the art criticism department of the Literary and Art Daily, said: "The film gets rid of the campus narrative methods such as early love and family shadow in the theme of middle school students' education, and returns to the real life on campus." Zhang Sitao, honorary president of the China Taiwan-Hong Kong Film Research Association, said: "The film is similar to "I Am Not a Medicine God" and boldly reflects the contradictions in life. Zhao Weifang, deputy director of the Film and Television Institute of the China Academy of Arts, said: "'My Physical Education Teacher' is the correct way to open youth films. ”

The Cantonese film "My Pedigal Teacher" won another award, winning two awards at the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival

"My Physical Education Teacher" has also won awards at many domestic and foreign film festivals: after successfully being nominated for the international feature film unit of the 2021 Nice International Film Festival in France, winning five nominations for "Best Foreign Language Film", "Best Feature Film", "Best Scene Design", "Best Original Screenplay for Foreign Language Film" and "Best Director of Foreign Language Film", the film was nominated for the "Golden Maple Leaf" Single Award in the theater category of the 6th Golden Maple Leaf International Film Festival, and was nominated for the feature film competition unit of the 18th San Diego International Children's Film Festival Competed for the "Golden Angel Award" at the 17th Sino-US Film Festival; not long ago, "My Physical Education Teacher" won the 6th "Golden Boy Elephant" Outstanding Feature Film Award.

According to Yi Cheng, the founder of the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival, the film festival is based in Hong Kong, relying on the mainland and facing the world, with the main purpose of "empowering young people and lighting up the future", and is committed to providing a platform for international film and television exchanges, learning, cooperation and display for young filmmakers around the world, and providing display and creation opportunities for young filmmakers and young film works. This year's Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival collected more than 1,200 films from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries and regions. After layers of screening by the judges and experts, more than 100 films were finally shortlisted. In addition, this year's film festival also held relevant activities such as "Film Changes and Opportunities after the Epidemic" and "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Film Integration Development Forum". (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Image | Provided by the tablet

Editor-in-charge | Shao Ziheng

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