
Video exposure! A homeless man in Manhattan was set on fire while sleeping

Source: Ring Video

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Comprehensive "New York Post" and "New York Daily News" reported on the 21st that recently, a homeless man in the United States was lit up when sleeping in the stairwell of an apartment in Manhattan. The video shows flames starting to burn from the tramp's legs, engulfing the tramp within seconds. According to the report, the tramp subsequently died of his injuries.

According to reports, the New York Police Department reported on the 20th that a homeless addict was set on fire in a building on The East Side of New York on the afternoon of November 5. This terrible scene was recorded by surveillance video. The video shows the attacker fleeing the scene after igniting the man's right leg with a lighter in hand. Soon after, another man walked past the victim. Then the fire engulfed the tramp's body, and smoke enveloped the entire stairwell. The tramp reportedly died of his injuries later in the day.

"He was wearing clothes, but those clothes were like melting in his skin," Christopher Watson, 37, said after witnessing the horrific event. I smelled it. He didn't even cry. He didn't even make any sound. ”

Local police said 75 percent of the victim's body was burned when panicked building residents put out the fire. Police arrested Terry, a 27-year-old man, after watching the video. Terry, 27, lives in this building. He claimed he was trying to "scare away" the victim. Terry, charged with attempted murder, assault and arson, is expected to appear in court on December 9.

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