
Small slices of life | laid-back | coffee


Hello ~ I am a whisker candy.

This article does not know what to record without creative inspiration, do not know what way to record, think about whether to record small ideas in daily life and encounter interesting things, this will be a combination of many, many discontinuous small fragments of the article, I hope you have fun.

Get up early to open Weibo, see if the people you follow have not updated the message, and then check in the super words you follow. Go to the hot search to see if there is a topic of interest, huh? "China's newborn birth rate fell below 1%"? After reading a circle of articles posted by everyone, it is true that now the standard of living is rising, the price of goods is rising with the water, too many young people can not even guarantee their basic life, what energy and spare energy to raise children? In addition to the economic pressure not to want any children, there are also some people who do not have children simply because they want to dink and for various reasons, resulting in a lower and lower birth rate in China, and the birth rate in South Korea next door has also become lower and lower in recent years.

As usual, I have a cup of ear-hanging coffee every day, and I drink coffee not as refreshing as others, but simply as a tasteful drink. Coffee does not play a refreshing effect on me, drinking or still sleepy, check Baidu said above is because the human body is immune to caffeine caused by no stimulation of nerves. Maybe ~ but I am a pack of ear hanging amount is not a lot of ah, reduce the number of coffee in the future to see if it will have an effect.

Talk with the sisters in the group, talk about life, mutual Amway programs, mutual intimidation, planting grass and skin care products, and occasionally "nerves" to change the name of the group of sand sculptures. This feeling is really good, although it has always been the state of netizens, but I always feel that it is a friend who has known for a long time and has met.

When it's cold, tidy up your winter clothes and take the quilt out to the sun to kill bacteria. Take out the cushion, open the footboard, a cup of hot cocoa, a computer is enough for me to spend the day in the corner of the study, the warm foot cushion is really a winter must, otherwise the feet will not be warm all day.

Finally went out, with the family to climb the mountain, so tired for five hours, when going down the mountain, the legs are shaking, the next day the limbs began to be a little sore, walking up is a bit like "early human taming feet precious video", trembling ~

Went to Taobao for a walk, found that good colorful makeup brands are out of the new products, want to buy but think that they have enough to give up. Selected some daily necessities to put in the shopping cart and wait for double twelve to buy uniformly.

Dumplings, steamed buns, tangyuan, and oat boxes were also made, and the cool taste was particularly delicious, and the oats and cocoa powder at the bottom already had some smoothie flavor. The oat box is prepared the day before and put in the refrigerator the next day to open it and eat it, and the production steps are particularly simple, with cocoa powder, yogurt, nut grains, soy milk powder, raisins and fruits on top of the cereal mixed milk.

Had a dream: Miyazaki (a good friend of Tomohiro Yamashita) finally passed my WeChat super happy. Go through his circle of friends to see what he has done recently disappeared. Then he sent me a video he played in the children's playground, I clicked on it and found that I interacted with him in the same playground, and then I went back to the page where I was chatting with him, at this time I found that all the people on the page chat dialog were the video he sent me, the top WeChat was also gone, I subconsciously wanted to change the password, how can not find the password to modify the option, has been looking for it is not found, are desperate, and then I have been watching slowly brushing the screen. I went to Miyazaki's WeChat again, and he changed his name to a number similar to a micro-business. (I know the dream is anti-, and my subconscious tells me that there's almost no chance he'll pass me?) Hahahahahahahahaha

Take the courier, are my favorite pasta and bread, I must have been a carb king in my last life, so like to eat pasta. Looking at the right price, I bought it, chutney, european bun, seaweed roll, dough, snail powder.

Let's share the songs I like to listen to (forced sharing), I listen to the songs without any rules, what is good to listen to. Shanghai Zoo (Old Tomato, A Certain Illusion, Chinese Boy, Hua Shaobei) – Boast squad: they attract everyone to where they come from, what they mainly do, and what their obvious characteristics are, and integrate them into a song. Tibetan wind beautiful teenager - the heart of a bold teenager: the mood is very relaxed and calm during the listening process. A certain illusion - electronic sheep, Back to dream. Zhou Shen - riding a white horse, the wind rises. Silver Pro - Streamer: An ancient song recommended by a friend, very good to listen to. Luo Yiheng (New Zealander) - Cover various Chinese songs and turn Chinese songs into English, like him because of his good voice. There are also a lot of favorite songs, and I am afraid that I am afraid that I will be a little wordy.

Do hygiene at home on Saturdays, mop floors, wash clothes, tidy up the dresser, and spend the rest of the time scrubbing variety shows, and make a salted fish without dreams.

Organize your inspiration, list the title and outline of the article you want to write, and when you want to write, you will not be clueless. For example, empty bottles, my favorite fitness blogger, favorite lipstick brand, brush acid cotton pads that I have fallen in love with once (brush acid pads this may not necessarily be written, after all, the use cycle is relatively long)

Learn, enrich your skills, learn more things that interest you, like piano, early teachers, painting, in case you use it one day, right? Even if you really can't use it in the future, it is very good to have this skill yourself.

When doing the headline Q&A, I saw a question like this: I am 30 years old, will I be embarrassed if I go to college? At this point, two thoughts popped into my head.

It is an embarrassing experience, because at the age of 30, you decided to return to the campus to continue studying, with more experience in the world, your classmates and roommates are much younger than you, the age gap is relatively large, the surrounding classmates are only 18-19 years old, your perspective on the problem will also be different, there will be a gap, your idea is like this, he is another idea. This will leave you alone at school.

Another situation: I am glad that you have a sense of lifelong learning, and you still want to give up your work and sacrifice part of your time to take care of your family after work, and spend 3-4 years to improve yourself. Although this age is very large on campus, to a large extent, it is higher than the level of ordinary undergraduates, but as long as you enter the campus through your own efforts and struggles, it is a particularly proud thing, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

It's time for the weekly Hulai drink series, the Hulai series is inspired by the video of the blogger Ai Prosi, maybe the two things collide to produce different sparks? Made a hot cocoa + soy milk powder drink unexpectedly delicious, is holding cappuccino taste. Baidu said that hot cocoa + soy milk powder can lose weight 3-4 times a week, I do not agree with this statement, hot cocoa powder calories are also a lot of ah, this is at most to assist in weight loss.

Suddenly remembering that my WeChat public account has not been used for a long time, I feel that I have to recover it and synchronize the articles written in the headlines. When I first opened the public account, I also wanted to write something, record my life, and gave up after writing a few articles.

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye it's exam time again. Hurry to watch more online lessons, more operations, more memories of the content of the teacher in the class, and strive to pass at one time, although the content of the exam is very simple, but there are still some panics, come on ~ come on ~ come on ~ come on

I started drawing, of course, simple and cute stick figures, and sometimes I also drew characters in cartoons. After finishing the painting, I cleaned up a bit, and I actually drew 18 pictures a month. After drawing, dispose of some empty markers.

Record every moment in your life, and when you recall it later, it is a good memory.

I have written so much content, and I am tired of writing, so let's see you in the next article ~ bye-bye

Small slices of life | laid-back | coffee