
Listen to the song / Zhou Sihan - lost and regained

author:Always positive and optimistic Xiao Wan
Listen to the song / Zhou Sihan - lost and regained

"When you go ashore, don't think about things in the sea." "I try."

It is easy to lose and get back, and it is as difficult to reconcile as it was in the first place

Learning is much more fun than the mundane

Two-way rushing makes sense, this is what I said to you, and later you also posted it in the talk, but I don't want to go around and around is you anymore, I think I should have my own new life, thank you, appear in my life, let me feel love, but never come back, tired.

Listen to the song / Zhou Sihan - lost and regained

Three great blessings in life: lost and recovered, a false shock, a long goodbye reunion.

Change your note to your first name, with the original name.

Youth is to be crazy, such as memorizing thousands of English words, brushing it with thousands of math problems, and taking the first grade to chase the second

"Yeah, it's me who broke up, but it's not me who wants to break up."

You're not going to like her all the time, you're going to get annoyed with her, you're going to think she's not understanding things, you're going to think she's making a fuss about it, and then you're going to lose all patience

Even if she doesn't wash her hair and doesn't clean up, I'm still impressed, in other words, she's standing there and winning, and no one can beat me

I hope that Yunbei, who lost today, can win back tomorrow to give me a punch

"Please be forever crazy forever romantic and always clear existence."

What is lost and regained is not what it was in its original form, just as a mirror is broken and can no longer be pieced together in its former integrity. The past is no longer coming back, and the coming back is no longer perfect!

Listen to the song / Zhou Sihan - lost and regained

Can't give you a lot of touch, but I will stay with you for a long time.

"Actually, we didn't go the same way in the beginning, but I always wanted to follow you."

I have seen a question: which is more sad, the loss of love or the inability to love?

I didn't delete the pictures, I just encrypted them; I didn't lose the things, I put them in that little box; and you and I didn't forget, I put you in the love songs. Perhaps the most regrettable thing is that I said I could only accompany you at night, and you said that the last thing you liked was to come out at night. Well, I'm gone, and I'm not pestering you anymore. You have to wipe the bright spots of your eyes, you know, you can't guard you, I'm afraid you've been deceived by people with bad intentions