
Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

author:Uncle Cat says history

In March 784, Emperor Dezong of Tang fled to Liangzhou in a panic, intending to spend a few days in Liangzhou, but what he did not expect was that today's Liangzhou was too bitter.

At this time, Liangzhou is actually a microcosm of Datang. In the fifteen prefectures of Shannan, after the destruction of the Anshi Rebellion, the hukou was sharply reduced by more than half, and the tax was even lower than that of several counties in the Central Plains.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

General image

Staying here, not to mention the taste of mountains and seas, even coarse tea and light rice have become so luxurious.

Seeing this situation in Liangzhou, Li Shi actually wanted to continue to flee south, and since they had all arrived in Liangzhou, it was better to go further south and run to the Shu land of the "Kingdom of Heavenly Palace", at least to have a few days of leisure.

Just when everyone was arguing over whether or not to go to Shudi, Li Sheng's performance was neglected: "Please your majesty stay in Liangzhou and maintain the hearts of the people in the world, so that the people will have the confidence to break the thief." If His Majesty goes to Shudi, I am afraid that the people of the world will be disappointed in the imperial court, and no matter how many good ministers and fierce generals will be of no avail. ”

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

Glory is a thing of the past

At this time of Datang, who else can Li Shi count on? Now, Li Sheng's army is in full swing, if he doesn't even heed his advice, I'm afraid he will really become a lonely man, not run away, and live a hard time here, waiting for Chang'an to recover!

In the blink of an eye, it's May. After a long period of preparation, Li Sheng finally accumulated a lot of strength and officially sounded the clarion call of the counter-offensive.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

The difficulty of Fengtian

During this time, Zhu Zhu, who was entrenched in Chang'an, was very scared, and he knew that Chang'an had no danger to defend. Nervous, he constantly sent spies to inquire about Li Sheng's military intelligence. But not even a single spy came back. Yes, these spies were all "left" by Li Sheng.

Surprisingly, Li Sheng did not attack these spies, but supplied them with good food and drink, which made everyone confused and did not know what medicine Li Sheng sold in the gourd.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

The Tang army in the mural

On May 20, Li Sheng gathered his troops and held a grand military parade. And these spies naturally became the number one guests of honor at the military parade. After the military parade, Li Sheng personally received the spies and told them: "Go back and tell your companions, defend the city well, and don't live up to your commander!" ”

That's right, this is the psychological warfare that Li Sheng plays!

Inside the camp, Li Sheng gathered his generals and prepared to discuss the direction of the main attack. Many people believe that they should start from the outer city, occupy the street market, and finally attack the royal palace.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

Grand military parade

Li Sheng paced back and forth, shook his head, and said, "If this is the case, the rebels will inevitably stick to the street market and fight with us in the streets and alleys, which will disturb the people and easily cause chaos." It is better to start the attack directly from the royal garden where the rebels are heavily armed, and come to a center to blossom, once the rebels are seriously damaged, morale will inevitably be affected, many people will flee, and it will not destroy the palace. ”

After the agreement, Li Sheng sent someone to inform Hun Yu and asked him to lead his army to meet the division.

On May 25, Li Sheng led a large army to the village of Micang outside the Guangtai Gate, where the great battle to retake Chang'an was officially launched.

The next day, just as Li Sheng's army was building a fortification, the rebel generals Zhang Tingzhi and Li Xiqian suddenly led the army to kill. The imperial army was caught off guard and immediately caused panic. Li Sheng shouted, "I'm still worried that the rebels won't be able to hold out, and now they're here to die, and this is Heaven helping me, and the whole army will attack!" ”

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

Attack Chang'an

A dark fight ensued, and the two sides fought fiercely until dusk, both of which suffered heavy losses.

Early the next morning, Li Sheng sent out his troops again, ready to do a big job, but some of the generals had different views. They believed that the rebels were just a lone army, and it was better to wait for the arrival of reinforcements and attack together to defeat the enemy.

Li Sheng was full of vigor and pointed at Chang'an City, saying: "The Zhu Zhu rebels have been repeatedly defeated by me, and now they are all frightened and scared, and if they do not take advantage of the victory to pursue, they will certainly be able to breathe, which is not a good strategy." ”

Sure enough, as Li Sheng expected, the two sides engaged again, and the rebels fled in defeat.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

Cavalry attacks

On May 28, Li Sheng led the main force to the Guangtai Gate and prepared for a final decisive battle with Zhu Zhu.

The night before, Li Sheng had secretly sent someone to open a two-hundred-step opening in the wall of the royal garden, ready for the cavalry to break through here.

Who knows, when Li Yan led the cavalry to this mouth, he was dumbfounded. Because the rebels had already blocked the mouth with branches and fences, and there were soldiers with long guns, they were waiting in a tight position, so that the cavalry did not dare to move forward.

When Li Sheng heard the report, he was furious and scolded: "I made the enemy so crazy, I beheaded you first!" ”

After Li Yan listened, his mind was confused, he understood Li Sheng, this fierce general did what he said, if he really did not hurry to find a way to break through the enemy's defense line, I was afraid that his head would fall to the ground.

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

The two sides fought

Just as he was worried, General Shi Wanqing arrived with infantry and engaged in a spear battle with the rebels across the fence.

The rebels eventually lost morale and soon collapsed due to heavy casualties.

The infantry removed the fence and pulled away the branches, and the opening was finally opened. Li Yan took the lead and led the cavalry to rush in.

Li Sheng saw that the front was progressing smoothly and immediately commanded the main force to advance. After fierce fighting, the rebels were finally defeated, lost all the way, and retreated to Baihuamen.

When Zhu Zhu saw such a situation, he was greatly disappointed, and quickly led his troops to break through to the west, followed by more than 10,000 people led by Yao Lingyan.

Where are their destinations? Tibetan! However, the mountains are high and the road is far away, where there is so easy.

When he left Chang'an, Zhu Zhu still had more than 10,000 people, but when he arrived in Jingzhou, he found that only more than a hundred people were left.

However, the soldiers in Jingzhou ignored him. Helpless, Zhu Zhu said to Tian Xijian, the chief general of jingzhou, "General Tian's official position is still appointed by me, so why should he fail me?" ”

Why did Tang Dezong Li Shi flee to Liang Prefecture to stop? The famous general Li Sheng fought Against Chang'an Ding Qiankun

Fierce fighting

Tian Xijian smiled and said, "Then return the rune to you." ”

Zhu Zhu saw that there was no hope of entering the city, so he had to leave in sorrow. However, a leader with no future is doomed to have no cohesion. Before they could go far, the Jingyuan soldiers had already taken up their swords and dropped them, beheaded Yao Lingyan under their horses, and then took the head of the old leader to Jingzhou and surrendered.

Zhu Zhu inhaled a cool breath, these chaotic soldiers, will not they also kill themselves? Before the panic had dissipated, they arrived at Pengyuan Xichengtun, where his fears finally happened, a cold arrow from behind shot him off his horse, and before he could react, the old subordinate Han Min had already rushed over with Ming's dangling knife, and Zhu Zhu understood that everything was over.

Half a year later, Zhu Tao, who was far away in Youzhou, Zhu Zhu's younger brother, was also depressed in horror, and the rebellion that almost forced Emperor Li Shi into a dead end finally came to an end.

Life is like this, not the higher you fly, the more successful you are, the key is to fly up, can you land safely, otherwise, everything is an empty!

In July, Li Shi, who had been away from Chang'an for more than half a year, finally returned to Chang'an, and the Jingyuan Mutiny, which lasted for more than nine months, was finally completely over. This is like a gorgeous movie, when the end of the play, some people cry, some people laugh, some people lose, some people are old, it is really a world of flowers and flowers that makes people lose!

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