
Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

As long as we talk about officials who have never been corrupt in history, we will naturally think of Bao Zheng as a person. Bao Zheng was born in Emperor Zhenzong of Song and was admitted to the Jinshi in 1027 and achieved many achievements. Later, because his parents were old, he could only start working near his parents' residence, but his parents did not want him to work every day, so he quit his job, and it was not until a few years later that his parents died and he was sent to Beijing to listen to the election and continue to serve as an official.

Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

In his lifetime, he has done a lot of things beneficial to the country, and he has never embezzled a penny, which can be said to be a very upright and clean official. On the one hand, because Bao Zheng was clean and self-righteous, on the other hand, because the Song Dynasty officials' Feng Lu was really high, Bao Zheng really could not commit corruption.

Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

But there is still such a person, who is even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng, and even Qianlong said to him that you are at least greedy. So who is this person? He is Xiang Luzhen, born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. The family was originally quite rich, but something happened that caused the family to decay, and his father died of illness at an early age, leaving only his mother to take care of him. So he is very hard at studying.

Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

Later, after Li Shi ascended the throne, he sent people to select talents and met Xiang Luzhen. Later, the Jingyuan Army rebelled, and he was promoted to kao gong shilangzhong. As long as Li Shi's edicts will be drafted by his hands, from then on in the complicated things will be handled by him, so there is no incomplete consideration of the policy, Li Shi is more and more dependent on him, and even in the process of fleeing once he lost, Li Shi began to offer a reward of 1,000 gold to find someone.

Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

Later, after returning to the Forbidden City, many people came to him, but he was very upright and never accepted a penny or a gift from anyone else. After his mother's death, he returned home for a funeral and later lived in Songshan Fengle Temple. At this time, many officials would come to visit him, but he refused to see any of them. It was not until later that Nanxichuan Jiedu made Wei Gao confess to Emperor Dezong that Lu Yan accepted the gift of this tribulation.

Officials who were even more incorruptible than Bao Zheng refused to send him anything, and even the emperor could not look down

When Li Shi saw that he was such a tricky talent, and now he was in such a situation, he passed on the purpose to the eunuch and persuaded him, although you don't accept some money and other things, but some food, clothing, housing, and other daily necessities you have received, there is nothing wrong with you, otherwise you let officials of the same level look at you? After many persuasions, he still sank, even if he was given something in need or valuable, he still refused to do it all as before, because he did not listen to Li Shi's persuasion, so he offended Li Shi. Eventually Lee Shi relegated him to Chungju until his death.

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