
Cai Lan is our "confidant"

author:Shadow View Catwoman
Cai Lan is our "confidant"

The unprecedented lineup of guests is "No Defense Tonight"

Talents love to flow, so the emotional life of these four people believes that everyone does not know the details but can already imagine.

Today I want to talk about Cai Lan.

Why do you say about him? Because I saw in a comment that some people think that Cai Lan is the least "material" among the four, in fact, I want to say that Cai Lan's literary skills may not have Huang Xia, Ni Kuang and Jin Yong in the public mind, but in fact, Cai Lan's small articles can make people laugh and cry every time, he knows too well the delicate relationship between men and women, especially combined with real life, and not like Ni Kuang's science fiction angle and Jin Yong's martial arts style.

Cai Lan's works are closer to our reality, just like the "confidants" of a group of middle-aged people who are confused in reality.

For example, his short essay "Nightmare"

"Fasten your seat belt!" As soon as she got into the car, the woman had already ordered. After driving a car for so many years, how come men don't do it? But still politely: "Ah, almost forgot." ” Out of the doorway, the man turned to the left. "Turn right!" The woman commanded again. "That road got stuck at this time yesterday." The man explained, "It is better to go a different way today." ” The wife was obviously dissatisfied with this self-assertive subordinate, but did not make a sound, thinking to herself: "Hey hey, if the other road is also congested, I want you to look good!" ” It was so coincidental that others cleverly turned around and became a long dragon. "Turn your head! Yesterday's traffic jam does not mean that today is also a traffic jam! The woman said, "If you listen to me and do it, won't you be all right?" ” "Yes, my wife." The man obediently walked in the direction specified by the woman. Of course, it is a long queue, busy time, where is the reason for not getting stuck in traffic? But the woman said, "This dragon is much shorter than the one just now!" ” "It's amazing that you can see which dragon is long and which dragon is short." The man wanted to talk, but put up with it. Idle, no dialogue between the two, the man turned on the radio to listen to the news. "Every day is war in Bosnia, Ugandan refugees, what's so good?" The woman reached out and pressed it, and the tape broadcast Teresa Teresa's old song. A taxi in the back has been honking its horn. The woman turned her head, glared at the taxi driver fiercely, and shouted, "What's the sound?" Rushing to the funeral? ” "Those young people are flesh and blood, and they have heard that everything has been done." The man whispered. "What are you afraid of?" The woman was straight and strong, and when she finished, she was going to press the glass window and reach out and curse. "Don't... Don't..." The man hurried to stop. Fortunately, the taxi driver was impatient, crossed the double white line, and drove forward. "Follow him!" Follow him! The woman ordered again, "The old man is waiting here, when will he arrive?" ” "That's against the law!" The police caught the card copying! The man protested. "Why aren't people afraid?" The woman looked at the man with contempt, "If you want to catch him, you... You..." Before the woman could say the word "no seed," the man trembled and drove the car out of the double white line, overtaking someone else's car. Suddenly, several cars came in front of them, the horn sounded loudly, and the man immediately flashed the car to the side, narrowly shaved his head to avoid, and pinched a cold sweat. They asked the drivers in the long queue to let them go before they could drive the car in, but they didn't buy it, and the car was tightly attached to the car, and it definitely didn't make room. "Rush!" The woman gave a categorical order. The man did so immediately. This time, it was greeted by a large truck carrying containers, with a loud bang, hitting one squarely, and the front of the Mercedes-Benz was flattened and smoke was emitted. The woman's first reaction was not to see if her husband was injured, she screamed: "If you listen to me and do it, isn't it all right?" ” Two big men jumped out of the truck and walked straight to the car, and the man cried bitterly in his heart: "It's over, this time it's over!" ” There was a loud buzz, and the traffic police riding a large white motorcycle arrived in time, and the man seemed to have been saved, jumped out of the car, and hugged him tightly. The traffic police vigorously pushed the man and shouted: "Sue you for one more crime of same-sex assault!" ” "Help!" The man pleaded. The traffic policeman was compassionate and comforting: "Don't be afraid, with me, those two men will not hit you." ” "I'm not afraid of those two big men!" The man was already hysterical, "I'm afraid of the woman sitting in the car!" ” "What do you say?" The wife got out of the car and roared forward. The man fled. "Hey!" The traffic cop shouted behind him, "Don't you want your Mercedes?" ” "Car! Wife! The man shouted as he fled, "All for you!" ” Traffic police want to jump on the motorcycle and chase after it, but other vehicles are blocked. The man ran a few streets and looked up to see where his girlfriend lived before they got married. The man ran straight into his girlfriend's arms: "Hurry up and pack my bags, I'm free, let's take Cathay Pacific to Travel to Europe right away!" ” The woman was overjoyed, hugged him and kissed and kissed. Just when the man felt that his life was happy and that this began, the woman said, "Why don't you sit on Virgin Atlantic." ” "Why? I've always been a Cathay Pacific. The man said. The woman replied, "Listen to me and do it, it's all right." ” Hey? Where have you heard this phrase? The man felt goosebumps and shouted, "No, no! ” Rushing out the door, the man ran a few more streets, ran back to his mother's house, and went straight to his mother's arms: "I can't stand all the women anymore." ” Only mothers are good in the world. The mother hugged her crying son and touched his head: "I said that that woman was not suitable for you." If you listen to me and do it, won't you be all right? ”

The male protagonist in the text may make people feel particularly unsophisticated, listening to his mother when he was a child, listening to his wife when he grew up, even his ex-girlfriend thought that he was a gentle township, and the result was still a control freak, just like Zhou Xingchi's version of "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance" At the end, Tang Bohu nibbled off the entire 2-hour movie time in order to pursue the white moonlight in his mind, and as a result, Qiu Xiang said "What cards will you play" Everything ran back to the original point.

Cai Lan is our "confidant"

"Live in the moment"

You know, I know, everybody understands

Life is not easy, why not let go of yourself, let go of others, who does not have a thousand pounds on them?

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