
Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

author:History of Xiao Dong

Was Ming Chengzu Zhu Di really empress Ma's biological son? I believe that there is such a question in the hearts of many people, although in the zhengshi gave a positive answer to this, but some people say that the zhengshi was actually tampered with by Zhu Di, it is said that Zhu Di's biological mother is actually someone else, and this person is the concubine who was secretly executed by Zhu Yuanzhang. So why did Zhu Yuanzhang have to execute Concubine Zhu Yuan? Whether Zhu Di's tampering with the correct history is related to this matter, today we will break the story in it.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Most people do not know the real Zhu Yuanzhang in history, we only know that he is an authentic grassroots emperor, only know that he and Empress Ma have a love affair, but no one knows that Zhu Yuanzhang is also a hero and a beautiful person. Not only that, but his possessiveness toward women was also extremely strong, and even in order to punish women who were unfaithful to men, he also specially formulated harsh punishments to torture those women. It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang suspected that Zhu Di's mother Concubine Qi was unchaste to himself, so he and Empress Ma secretly executed Concubine Qi with the punishment of an iron skirt. Let's start all over again.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Time back to May 2, 1360 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son Zhu Di was born in Yingtian, it is reasonable to say that Zhu Yuanzhang at this time should be very happy, but Zhu Yuanzhang could not be happy, because this child was born in less than seven months, and It was only seven months since Concubine Zhu Yuanzhang became Zhu Yuanzhang's little wife, according to the saying that she was pregnant in October, this child should not have been born at this time. And this child is well developed, the body is great, how to look like the premature baby born at seven months ah, so Zhu Yuanzhang guessed whether this child is not his own, because this matter is very important, Zhu Yuanzhang did not speak out, but silently held this matter in the mind.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

On the surface, I love this newborn child, but deep down I am full of rejection of this child, and even began to suspect that Concubine Qi was pregnant before marrying herself, maybe everyone does not know who this concubine is, so I will briefly introduce her next. In fact, there is no excessive record of Concubine Qi in the historical data, only a small number of historical materials mention that Concubine Qi is a Goryeo person, and even her name is not clearly recorded, and posterity speculates that she may be surnamed 碽, so it is called Concubine In later generations. Probably in order to escape the chaos of war, Concubine Qi was exiled to the Central Plains, and it was at this time that she met Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still the King of Wu at the time, and Princess Zhu Yuanzhang was born with a bit of posture, Chuchu was moving, and her body exuded exotic styles, attracting Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was a hero in the chaotic world, he also failed to escape the beauty pass, so he included this exotic woman in his palace, and seven months later gave birth to the aforementioned baby boy. Friends who are familiar with Zhu Yuanzhang may know that Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicious heart disease is not generally serious, he has suspected Liu Bowen, who is arrogant and arrogant, li Shanchang, who has been wooed by Guo Zixing, and even suspected his brother who lived and died with him, it seems that there is no one around Zhu Yuanzhang who makes him very convinced. The more Zhu Yuanzhang thought in his heart, the more he wondered, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his speculation was correct, the child born to Concubine Qi might not be his own at all, he was just helping others to raise wives and children, he was the commander of the rebel army, he was the king of Wu, how could Zhu Yuanzhang, who had power and status, stand this.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

So he secretly made a decision in his mind that he would never let the mother and son destroy his reputation, so he decided to execute the mother and son secretly. In order to relieve the hatred in his heart, Zhu Yuanzhang did everything he could, he ordered the soldiers to make thin pieces of iron, and then woven it into a skirt-like shape, and then ordered people to rip off all the clothes of concubines, and wear the woven iron skirts on concubines. You think it's over, the horror is still to come, and it is strongly recommended that timid friends continue to watch in the company of others.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Then came the highlight, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered someone to hang a rope from the beam of the room, and used the rope to fix the concubine's hands, and then he ordered the person to place the burning charcoal fire around the concubine. As the flames grew louder and hotter, the original silver-black iron skirt began to be roasted red by the charcoal fire, and the concubine also began to shake violently, and the mouth constantly issued a heart-rending wail, and as the temperature increased, the iron skirt became more and more red, and the concubine had no strength to continue to resist and fainted. But this cruelty of exterminating humanity did not end because of this, at this time, the concubine had already been roasted to the point of scales, the flesh and blood were blurred, and under the torture of this torture, the concubine gradually swallowed her last breath.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

When Zhu Yuanzhang was about to cut the grass and remove the roots of the child born to Concubine Zhu Yuanzhang, Empress Ma rushed to hear the news, and was surprised to see this scene, saying that it was late and fast, and Empress Ma hurriedly stopped Zhu Yuanzhang, and then scolded Zhu Yuanzhang: "Are you killing people and killing red eyes?" Not even children? Looking at the concubine who had already died tragically under the iron skirt, Empress Ma was furious: "You are really mad, you actually treat your wife in this way, I was really blind, and I would have looked at such a demon as you!" In the eyes of outsiders, Zhu Yuanzhangtian was not afraid, but he was only obedient to Empress Ma, after all, he was a suffering couple who had come together with happiness and hardship, and their feelings were naturally not comparable to those of others.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

In the face of Empress Ma's angry scolding, Zhu Yuanzhang slightly restrained, but still could not tolerate the child staying in the world, so he prepared to take a sword to stab, but Empress Ma protected her. "You go away, he's not my son, he's a sinner." Zhu Yuanzhang still had difficulty calming the anger in his heart. "Who was greedy for women and included concubines in the harem, and now they are chaotic and abandoned, what kind of man are you?" I don't care if he's your child or not, but from now on, he's my child, and if you want to kill him, you'll kill me first!" After saying this, Empress Ma took Princess Zhu's son away despite Zhu Yuanzhang's objections, and Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to give up.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang also carefully thought about it, and it seemed that it was a little hasty to judge that this child was not his own in less than a month. So he gradually accepted this child, and in the third year of Hongwu, that is, in 1371 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang crowned his sons as kings, and Zhu Yuanzhang still had a lingering feeling about whether Zhu Di was his own child, so he divided Zhu Di into Beijing at that time as the King of Yan, holding the attitude of not seeing and not being upset, and let him stay away from the capital. When Zhu Biao died, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, was undoubtedly the best successor to the throne, but Zhu Yuanzhang chose Zhu Yunjiao, who was not dry, as the emperor's grandson, which was enough to show that there was always a hurdle in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

However, it was really Providential, and Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan, and eventually became the new monarch of the Ming Dynasty. After becoming emperor, Zhu Di did a big thing, that is, to rewrite the history books and write himself as the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang, born to Empress Ma. Seeing this, you may want to say that he is in order to create an identity for himself, and it is not right for the officials to say that his throne has come to be named. But do you know that after Zhu Di ascended the throne, most of the Hongwu and Jianwen old ministers in the imperial court were known to be deposed, that is to say, when he ascended the throne, most of the officials in the imperial court shot at the new friends and old departments that he knew, and most of them followed him to launch the Battle of Jingnan.

Zhu Di was not empress Ma's son? Maybe not even Zhu Yuanzhang's own birth? What the truth is

Therefore, I personally think that the reason why Zhu Di rewrote the history books is because he does not want others to know his unbearable past, he is afraid that others know that he may not be Zhu Yuanzhang's biological son, and if Zhu Di really has other identities, then even Zhu Di's old subjects will be difficult to recognize his status as emperor. And this also just explains why there is no specific record of Concubine Ci in the historical data, because Zhu Di himself did not dare to admit it, or even dare to believe that he had such a mother.

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